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    • But wait this no full story about this Vip "Superstar" on Lion This "top" mg so strong that he need buff to fight with 318 lvl 97reset ( - 8500 less stats than him) . 
    • new server opening up end of this month i think. maybe u can try there. everyone starts fresh
    • A short story  about server Apollo "star", for fun... Why is he lying like this, is he so comfortable?   One day KungLong said that he would delete his account if he lost a duel. He lost. But he didn't delete his account.... Account continues to play and continues to lose the duel. This is what the life of an ordinary liar looks like. (this screenshots from today)
    • Yes, they replied, the conclusion is that it is already a closed community and I should look for a "fresh" server. and maybe it's actually worth a try... When I found a mux with cool options on the website, high season and a built-in helper, I didn't look any further. maybe it was worth it :P my mistake I have to think about it because I've spent too much time here XD
    • LT non pvp? Who crazy, me or, u thinking that nonpvp map for noobs can give any benefits like "here you go w4"?  what else give nonpvp LT? maybe Lion or Dragon? Think about this - if i can farm pend and ring afk.... why i need to go Medusa and fight? I will setup 5 acc in LT and 5 in Atlans and go afk.  Medusa only for fun now. no1 need, bc  i can find rings from: box +5 lt atlans tarkan nix nix like medusa. WE need to delete from drop ring and pend. Only Boss drop. So we will have more pvp on Medusa and NIX boss. And more valuable lotery.
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