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  1. Today
  2. iNNOVwiz | Prime 1) B1 - D2 2) A2 - C3 3) B3 - C4
  3. iNNOVwiz | Prime E1 - F1 - G1 - D4 - D5 - D6 - F7 - F8 - G3 - H3 - A8 - A9
  4. Yesterday
  5. bucho | Prime B2 - B3 - B4 - C5 - D5 - E5 - E9 - F9 - G9 - I5 - I6 - I7
  6. bucho | Prime 1) C2 - B4 2) A1 - D3 3) A2 - B2
  7. -HypnoZz- | Prime 1) B1 - D2 2) A2 - C3 3) B3 - C4
  8. -HypnoZz- | Prime E1 - F1 - G1 - D4 - D5 - D6 - F7 - F8 - G3 - H3 - A8 - A9
  9. AdrianDY / Prime A3 - B3 - C3 - F4 - G4 - H4 - F3 - F5 - F6 - F8 - G8 - H8
  10. AdrianDY / Prime 1) A1-C2 2) B1- C1 3) A3 - C1
  11. SATURDAY(27/07/2024) at 18:00 Server Time in-game events will be hosted on APOLLO x200 There will be three events taking place: 1. Map cost 2. Where I'm From? 3. Hide and seek WARNING: Players are forbidden to PK participant during the event duration, violators will be kicked from game and all winnings(if any) will be revoked. Cheating will also be disqualified from all winnings. All participants are to follow GM instruction to ensure smooth & pleasant event. There will be a total of 15 wins (5 wins each event), each win gets you 20 bonuses MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!
  12. SATURDAY(27/07/2024) at 18:45 Server Time in-game events will be hosted on PRIME x5000 There will be three events taking place: 1. Map cost 2. Where I'm From? 3. Hide and seek WARNING: Players are forbidden to PK participant during the event duration, violators will be kicked from game and all winnings(if any) will be revoked. Cheating will also be disqualified from all winnings. All participants are to follow GM instruction to ensure smooth & pleasant event. There will be a total of 15 wins (5 wins each event), each win gets you 20 bonuses MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!
  13. 1. my nickname: KhungLong (PAPICH)2. game server: Apollo3. which rule clause was violated: 4.2 4.7 4.124. nickname of offenders: Orange , HienYeu091 , Lancer This whole guild keeps insulting me and guild players. also tells that @Arturs is my owner or I'm his, cant understand them beacuse of bad language. Actually one-two players spamming from all chars from 1v100 guild. Also they have alt SckMaDik which shouldn't be allowed nickname. They ask for report - so i do. I think if people try to sell castle and all characters they dont want to play. https://imgur.com/nmFMep9 https://imgur.com/ZHhsxvh https://imgur.com/bQGz2Pr
  14. Petunija | Prime H10 - D3 - H2 - C1 - A8 - I7 - F8 - J4 - H4 - J6 - I10 - H3
  15. Petunija | Prime 1) A3 - B2 2) A4 - C4 3) C1 - D1
  16. buy your wing4 2k web
  17. Tonneba | Apollo A3 - A4 - A7 - C2 - C5 - D8 - E1 - E2 - G5 - G6 - H3 - H4
  18. Tonneba | Apollo 1) A2 - C4 2) B2 - B4 3) A1 - C2
  19. Sziasztok! Van a szeron Magyar klán? Üdv: DieSel
  20. Afrodite | Apollo 1) A3 - D4 2) B3 B4 3) C1 D4
  21. Afrodite / Apollo A1, C3, E5, G7, B2, D4, F6, H8, J10, I9, A6, D2
  22. Amadeys / Prime 1) C2 - B4 2) A1 - D1 3) A3 - B2
  23. Amadeys / Prime B2 - B6 - C9 - D3 - D5 - E3 - E5 - F5 - G7 - H2 - I5 - J8
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