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kenttran1 last won the day on August 19

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75 Good

About kenttran1

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    Honorable MUX citizen

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  1. they should add luck via web and pay some bons on it, but they remove it and make hard game for players that mean you rich you go buy jewl of luck :)), jewol of luck about your luck and rate is 50% 🤣🤣
  2. i have open topic before and eveyone laugh on me they just say one thing you rich you go buy jewl of luck, and Artus say jewl of luck is about your luck that all
  3. SatThuMu/Apollo 1L - 2R - 3R - 4L - 5R - 6R - 7L - 8L - 9R - 10L
  4. SatThuMu/Apollo T - T - H - T - H
  5. As the title above I have also stated, if your guild does not register to participate in the event but you harass the event, then here I will consider it a violation of the rules, this is your server, you decide that, I would like to suggest so, thank you.
  6. Helo Admin team, have a good day, Last night in CS event I was harassed and killed by a member of the 1 vs 100 guild he kill all my Guil aswell (POLICE) however his guild was not registered for CS and his goal was quite clear which was to try to help Wods defend the castle, it was clearly proven that he had participated and killed my guild from the beginning until the end of the Event, causing my guild to complain about it, but after I repoted, my repot was rejected, now I have a request specifically for the CS event that guilds or members who are not registered for CS are not allowed to harass during the Event, I hope you consider it because I know this case has happened several times on the Mux server now I suggest you consider it and create a rule for what I said above Thank you….
  7. Rule is Rule that all i can say, Not registering for CS, intentionally destroying or changing the results of the match. Any of the above actions are against the rules. @Devil @cerebrum wait your decision
  8. 1. my nickname: SatThuMu 2. game server: Apollo 3. which rule clause was violated: 4.22 4. nickname of offender: https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Avis&serv=server2 5. i warned him that if his guild doesn't register cs, he will be banned but he replied that he doesn't care and continued to hit me and kill my buff over 100 times
  9. I also talked and created a topic about jewel of luck but I received almost all bad comments about my request to increase the success rate.
  10. I have the clearest evidence here, I didn't say anything. When HienYeu was online, the first thing he did is swear and insult my wife. I tried to stay calm because I didn't want to say anything to him, so I turned off my compututer and went to sleep. but i sure he will continue say bad thing to me,thank you for speaking the truth what you saw on the server even though i don't know who you are
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