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About bendes

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    Giant from Lorencia
  1. Im sure that dude has more accounts online. I dont know if all of them are his or some of them are being shared. Im interested what kinda proof admins need to get these player banned.
  2. 1. my nickname: VenomWizz 2. game server: Dragon x500 3. which rule clause was violated: 4.25 Forbidden to run bot farms for enrichment purposes. 4. nickname of offender: fatih38https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=fatih38&serv=server3 DarkSlayerhttps://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=DarkSlayer&serv=server3 fatih3https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=fatih3&serv=server3 Darkinhttps://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Darkin&serv=server3 RoseMaryhttps://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=RoseMary&serv=server3 After killing Darkin, fatih38, DarkSlayer and also RoseMary, fatih38 admits all of these characters are his. They are obviously online at the same time to farm from spots. By server regulations people can have only 3 accounts online and 3 offline. Also i killed his DW in Legends Arena to see if he responds, and he immediatly does which proves he plays with that too. So atleast 5 accounts online at the same time and who knows, maby more (probably most of SultanS characters are his). Below i attached all screenshots i had from conversation with him. Not sure if its enough proof, but the situation is ridiculous. I have also heard its a serious problem with multiple bot acount in PRIME server to which DRAGON will be merged. Not sure where the fun is playing this game when whole server is corrupted by these kinda players.
  3. After update i dont pick up zen when offlevel. Also lost like 70 or 80 Varka tickets because they only stack to 10 now (one of my guild members lost over 200 because of that).
  4. what about smelted items? will they be transferred too or do i need to craft them before merge?
  5. VenomWizz | Dragon 1L - 2R - 3R - 4L - 5R - 6L - 7R - 8R - 9L - 10L
  6. VenomWizz | Dragon A5 - B4 - C3 - D2 - E2
  7. VenomWizz | Dragon A1 - A2 - A3 - B3 - B4 - B5 - C5 - D5 - D6 - E6 - F6 Monsters: C3 - E4
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