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Arturs last won the day on October 16

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About Arturs

  • Rank
    I will nerf your class ❄
  • Birthday 02/05/1992

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  1. You do not need to place this font file anywhere. You need just to double-click on it and choose the "Install" button. After that restart the game (or even maybe a PC in some cases)
  2. The ban was removed because this skill behavior is just a part of the game. We can't change it, it works how it works. You can consider it like a perk of the class. In the end, these skills aren't the most powerful ones. The second one - you've taken a photo from some topic in 2022 where I said that "we WILL" add a note about it. But as you can see in the rules - there is no any line about it. So please no need to say things like "We're changing rules for someone's advantage". During these 2 years, rules often change, and we work only with actual rules which you can see on the website. I know, that everyone loves drama here, but I don't see anything that we can still discuss here. Closed.
  3. I don't see this orb on your vault. But yes, this is a bug. Sent to the web developer, should fix soon.
  4. Arturs

    wings +9

    Yes, if your wings are without luck, it will be harder to level up. Jewel of Soul have 50% chance of success. To make +9, you will need to "Win" in 50/50 contest 3 times in a row though.
  5. Arturs

    Ashly lottery

    It should work as should, otherwise problems will be for all players. Last week that character made 75k?
  6. In part 2 DL's dark horse aren't give an extra absorb, so DL will be able to use a guardian pet once again.
  7. Socket sets rework will be only after we finish the main things. And we need to finally catch the last release of the IGCN files. And this is part 2 and Season 20, which will be in 2-3 months already. And only after that, we can return to this topic.
  8. Arturs

    Rud shop SUM

    Hello. This is a visual bug. It added to the to-do list.
  9. Hello players. As you might notice, i haven't been here for 2 last weeks. It is associated with the health issues that I have right now. Currently, it's hard to predict, when I will be back. But not this week for sure. I wanted to write about it by myself, so that you can know, that I'm not disappearing. Take care!
  10. I logs i see a reason for the ban is "Scam". @Ivan Nebraska or @Drakonis could answer about that, because it's not a ban from me.
  11. Ну, папичу бан выдал лично я. Думаю, тут все понятно. Как вы можете видеть по сайту, у нас поддерживается несколько языков, хоть основная коммуникация на форуме английская (в скором времени планируем добавить отдельный русский раздел форума). По поводу поста - эта тема поднимается постоянно. К сожалению, к какому-то решению не пришли.
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