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About keepimba

  • Rank
    Gorgon from Dungeon

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  1. hahahaha cry noob beasty but yeah arthur is ur bestshitfriend he will approve that xD what kind of noob play pvp game but dont want get pvp just go play candy crush
  2. and im glad to hear that this server really dying rn hahaha
  3. u just noob dog dont have brain that only love top donator player xD Caytien 1 hit everyone 1month ald and still dint got ban Loren deep even in the middle of cs funny
  4. cheap acc slayer for sale have full set
  5. araaraa/ Medea 01 - 13 20 - 25 6 - 10
  6. yeah kindly agree with that
  7. ouh so there will be cap for dd just now know
  8. if u want nerf then nerf but atleast let us change our class so we wont play weak character with thousand spending money on it
  9. bro u want hear joke??? I NEED 4 hit at ferea monster with 30kstr HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA im speechless
  10. chill mate lets see what admin can do maybe they gonna fix its and change it to normal again just see what arthur gonna reply. i already ask in discord
  11. this update is shit ^^ bring back last patch u nerf what u shouldnt and let sm op af. for camera view in this 30 fps? emm? or give my money back thank you
  12. hahahahaha im done with this sever bye2
  13. maybe next update slayer cant equip 2 weapon who knows
  14. just remove slayer character bro and let us change with another char XD and let that sm be op so hard
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