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About rua96

  • Rank
    Giant from Lorencia

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  1. rua96


    =)) like a joker. She rp wukong because of gpost a long story and cant full write on 1post. gpost = zen Now, i think muxlegend need have new rules: gpost belongs sathumu =))))
  2. we are men and some people over 30-40 year olds. So that we don't have freetime to talk with them if they dont provocate our
  3. =))). Every old Senates know about kentran. He provocate another players then report =)) About new senate thiennam . He tried to cheat our bons by buy our bons= vnđ. ThienNam and satthumu, they are friends from x100 Sega maybe we knew. Admin confirm all story from players dont listen 1side
  4. @kenttranlike joker cry blabla . Thứ xuk zat =)) D1t c 0n b4` za` m4`y luôn ý chứ. Mở mõm ra để ng khác chỉ ấn con Q vào mõm c 0n b4` za` ma`y thế à. Vu lan báo hiếu thật
  5. rua96

    x200>>>Sell all

    x200 Sell all char Guild 1vs100 and Land of Trial= web bons. PM ingame: Orange Reason: ADM nerf IK 30-35% damg but no reason, no notify on discord balance. We're very bored with ADM's working and dont want play that MU anymore. P/S all other Guilds: if you're afraid of IK. Let's build your IK. Dont cry like 15 years old boy. Bug MG range skill, why ADM dont rework. That's joke =))
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