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About shmatka

  • Rank
    Giant from Lorencia

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  1. No one wants to spend 4-5 months playing a game to collect certain items and reach a certain level, and when you do have no one to duel with. Still, there should be a bit of a bit of a thrill. Stop making certain classes stronger and weaker. There's such a wide selection of characters, wonder why half of them aren't playable on your server.
  2. I agree. Owners and admins are not making any improvement, even though they see every day some player stop playing. There are many things to develop and improve, and there are many other ways to make people pay more money and keep everyone happy. If I want to play a boring server where everyone is afk and you come home wondering what exactly to do in the game, I'll log into Webzen. Last chance given to the admins and owners to take the initiative and try to improve something in this server, there is much to achieve. AND IF THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, LET THEM ASK THEIR PLAYERS, WHO GIVE IDEAS CONSTANTLY, and don't pretend to be experts. The stupid thing is that when someone is defeated by another hero class, they start grumbling and the respective Hero(winner) is nerfed. For this, you can react quickly, and for the important things, you appear to be a great understander. If you were experts and didn't have to listen to the players in your server, you wouldn't be losing 10 players every day! Think carefully about what you will do, because soon people like me will not give another 250eur.
  3. Hello, can i ask if we can change server bons to web bons?

    1. shmatka


      After donate. i didnt know that i can buy vip only with web bons and changed every Web Bon for Server Bon.. Thank you 

  4. shmatka

    Good bye

    The server is definitely pay to win. There are too few spots for Ruud's farm that are taken up by paying players. The server has potential, but I wonder why new players are not joining, and even old ones are giving up. It takes too much time to do small things. In general, this is how it is done, to make it convenient for the donors, to have the benefit of everything. There needs to be a fair bit of balance for the characters, there also needs to be more ways for new players to be able to compete with the old without paying crazy money. Hopefully by making more reset we'll be able to go to more places and collect more resources, but I can't see how that's going to happen in the next 5 monts. You can't fight in cry wolf to collect resources, the spots are always occupied by paying players. In the end, it's good for you, it's just that players like us, who aren't paid crazy money to have everything ready, but try to achieve it themselves with a game, won't play here. P.S. : The server is AFK, reminds me of Webzen, little bit boring.
  5. LuTT / Apollo 1) 1D - 2C 2) 3A - 2A 3) B1-B4
  6. LuTT / Apollo J2 - J3 - J4 - E6 - E6 - E8 - B4 - C4 - D5 - F8 - G7 - H8
  7. LuTT Apollo A2 - B3 - C1 - C2 - C3 - D5 - D1 - E3 - E1 - F4 - F3
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