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Positive last won the day on May 27

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229 Good

About Positive

  • Rank
    Honorable MUX citizen
  • Birthday 11/13/1995

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  1. skip DK, DL and RF. Others are playeble.
  2. Best lifehack is to buy old Pentium CPU, overclock it to 5GHz and can run 5 windows with 25 fps each :D But seriously, as mentioned Arturs , there is only CPU single core performace most important. And idk why, after we upgraded to S19 on AMD cpu increased lags a bit more comparing to Intel CPUs.
  3. to make things clear that is not my char
  4. About URL: create guild in game , let your team join. Then copy guild link from website to your application and/or create forum topic in Guilds & referrals section with information about your guild, link from website. Application you leave in this topic.
  5. Positive

    Lottery coins

    check here first
  6. all Nix rings will be 225 grade, magic rings should be all 92 grade but im not 100% sure. same with pendants, must be all 106 grade
  7. Grade you can see from website in your inveentory. EDR can be added on pendants and weapons. DD can be added to shields and rings.
  8. Did POLICE get into the crown room to capture and 1vs100 interrupt them ? As far as I know no. And 1vs100 can’t capture because they are not main in alliance, Endgame guild main.
  9. Pimpausis | Apollo A10 - B9 - C8 - D7 - E6 - F5 - G4 - H3 - I2 - J1 - B2 - I9
  10. Pimpausis | Apollo Q - 4 - J - 5 - K - A
  11. Ye, this event must be reworked a bit. For now you go for it only when you want craft gemstones.
  12. Какая разница с какой я гильдии ? Я высказал своё личное мнение, не более. Не стоит принижать, оскорблять других игроков по их национальной принадлежности. Здесь вам не блесс, где 90% игроков русскоязычные и где привыкли вести себя по хамски. У нас тут дружное комьюнити и такое не приветствуется.
  13. Сгорели и сгорели. Зачем мусолить эту тему ? Жадность это плохо. а насчет «дайте 40% альянсу» это уже из добросовестных соображений вам нужно делиться с ними :)
  14. Cucumber | Apollo 1) A1 - C2 2) B2 - D4 3) D3 - A3
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