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    • yes should be pernament block cheat, why cry unban 😆😆😆
    • some one CRY before that 😆, but im sure they will accpet this topick and wensday got ban symple these is rule only Apply for VN, and if you ban 1police all Ready to leave Easy, Fk Pathetic peace of shit man ^^ get a life man
    • So ... u need report ranni too :D Respesct :D
    • Using automove or botting is totally unfair and ruins the game for everyone who follows the rules. It's funny how this guy is always crying about others cheating, yet he's doing it himself. Perma-blocking cheaters is the only real solution. If we don’t, they'll just keep breaking the rules. I’m with you on this one—let’s make sure the game stays fair for everyone. Cheers.
    • 1. my nickname: -Hannya- 2. game server: Apollo 3. which rule clause was violated: 2.1 4. nickname Offender: Wednesday Do i say anything ? Hmm.. again VN breaking the Rules as always.. what would kenny say ? " Racist " blah blah blah.. sadly those are the facts. Ehm ye, as you can see, i wrote him he saw the text, i did everything possible to get his attention.. sadly.. he was botting.. in Ashy Aida.. i guess for personal gain.. since there Exists something called.. Ashy Aida Lottery.. so he farmed Points.. Make a statement here man.. perma block him and done. We had 100 other Topics.. their best Friend JEAN on Prime  If you never perma block someone they will simply continue to spit on your rules and break them all the fkin time.. but ye Nothing else to say tho Peace. P.S.. i recommend watching in 2x speed..  
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