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noywk1991 last won the day on March 10 2023

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About noywk1991

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    Hell Maine from Aida

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  1. thanks for replay ! i wish him well and health ofc its the most important thing ! this topic tho and his replay is from while back.. . and it feels like only energy classes are good at the moment? i might be wrong but this is the impression and the feelings.. . classes that are strength based are far behind.. since the change that make them all scale from only 1 stat .. GL used to scale from both Agi and Str and now its only Str and it might be ok on low stat but it definitely feel like huge nerf at higher stats. im assuming same apply to BK losing energy scaling and RF losing his vit scaling but energy classes seem to really be the winner wwho always scaled from 1 stat (energy) and they seem to be massively over performing in regard to GL i think it doesnt make sense that GL main buff is not even a buff anymore its more of a self inflicted debuff "use Wrath buff to be weaker" and its kinda GL identity making GL big and shiny .. so idk why it require half a year to fix something like that ty
  2. first of all ... Hello Devil been long time <3! when you say socket set will be reworked completely (which obv i think its a good thing) are we talking like in the actual near future that we gonna see soon or theoretical like.. Arturs saying it will be reworked as he been saying for years now but no actual plan on doing it in any of the upcoming patches and a thing that will take another few years? thank you!
  3. can we please get socket set changes? some improvements either to seeds or bonuses on + 11/13/15? right now socket set is behind and need improvements also socket set doesnt benefit from going above + 9 you should consider adding bonuses on + 11/13/15 to make it worth to +15 lastly there still lots of visual bugs or actually missinformation the guide here says 10% DD on seed lvl 6 and in game it says 10% but its actually 9% when you wear the item you can see its 9% on char detail
  4. @Arturs any update on this subject? its quite silly that Wrath main GL buff isnt worth using at all.. and is a negative effect bigger than possitive. ?
  5. so when are we expected to see some changes and improvements? we acknowledge that GL have nice AOE now .. but many other classes are way tankier doing same or more dmg per line hitting 3 times faster at range (GL still need to use shining peak 3range for actually doing pvp dmg) and with no drawback of having 0 def from Wrath some of them also have TP .
  6. 100% yes GL have nice AOE skill now which is admittedly good for CS, but the new long range skills have very low DMG about 20-30% less DPS than the close Range Shining peak.. and even Shining peak DMG is considerably lower than many other classes such as SM / Kundun/summoner/ and more.. whom are longer range faster and do not have the drawback of -50% defense from Wrath which is extremely punishing and isnt even worth using outside of PVE because with -50% def you are just getting nuked and die instantly in PVP.. so using shining peak 2-3 range is unrealistic. additionally the total DMG from Wrath including lvl 10 ML is only somewhere between 10-15% total dmg which can never justify the -50% defense even in group and CS because even your energy elf defense buff gets halved.. the class is nice and shiny now with big aoe but dmg is just not there.. . and its more squishy than other classes! admin should decide his direction with GL.. and chose where he want to go... is it a good all around class that doesnt have op dmg nor op def but is good at both meaning being decent defense and decent dmg nothing crazy.. ? or do admin wants to go into the high risk high reward style? with low def (50% less def from wrath) and big mind blowing dmg? right now it has no defensive and the dmg is also not there.. ... here are my suggestions . 1: undo speed nerf on GL cause its slow animation no need to nerf speed.. so increase speed back up for comfort and dmg 2: either remove the -50% def on Wrath skill to reach an all around class.. or greatly increase the DMG gained from Wrath skill to outweight the drawback.. by removing the - def % admin make GL a medium at everything well rounded class with decent defense and mid dmg . by greatly increasing the DMG gained from Wrath while keeping the drawback of -50% def admin not only make Wrath more attractive to use and useable.. so players will actually use it.. but he also give GL the direction of high risk high reward with very low def but with very good dmg when using Wrath ! thank you and i hope it will be done and improved @Arturs
  7. for weapon mux weapon is always the goal ๐Ÿ™‚ for set ... either grade 120 amor +15 or with the recent changes ruud set should be attractive enough offering alot of dmg while still looking like decent DD
  8. noywk1991

    Magic MG Weak

    it means that.. in order to keep the attack speed in check admin will have to reduce the limit of attack speed set for MG (attack speed cap) and while doing this might in theory fix the problem for havok spear skill its self it will be a direct unintended nerf to any other MG build/skill imagine now MG speed will be reduced down to 100 speed at max to counter the high attack speed of this speed.. what will be the effect on str MG? if he could (and im not saying he can i dont know if its even possible) but if he could set different attack speed limit for each skill (unlikely) then it would be easier
  9. noywk1991

    Grow Lancer

    as GL my self ๐Ÿ™‚ i dont think GL is weak at all.. but it is clunky, AG drain is major complain about GL but its only useable when building full tank.. maybe admin can consider nerf ag drain for people to stop complain and in return buff other sides of GL.. for example make wrath duration longer and remove CD, and do same for Burst buff in ML aswell as increasing range because the 2-3 range is very buggy ... but GL isnt weak but the main problem is you need to max agi+str to max your dmg potential but this leaves you with like 6k vit only? (if you max quest and buy 2k stats from web)
  10. energy MG is sadly weak right now. in sega no one play it.. everyone playing str MG becuse its way stronger. maybe that will change in future
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