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    • ACCEPTED! Ban for 24 hours and + 3 days chat ban   4.3. It is forbidden to mention relatives and family in verbal altercations, in any context, and interpretation. Penalty: Chat ban on characters on the account for a period of 3 days * number of violations. + 4.2. Humiliation of players and the use of obscene language or flood (posting the same message more than 3 times in a short period). Penalty: Chat ban on characters on the account, or block of Character + account for a period of 24 hours * number of violations.
    • asking second and last time gently. Let's talk to each other respectfully.  1. it is not that simple to ban someone just for someone's word. U have to prove ur report in real money cases.  2. it is not that simple to realize that ur friend violate rules and it is not such simple to report him. 3. ThienNam just asked why to ban his main? this is not about the covering. He is just asking.  4. again, rule 8 doesn't providing by senates, it provides by administration which are enough smart guys, which can handle with banning the IP or the all other accounts of the "offender". If they didn't it means no need. 5. "I say that Thiennam cover him. That's bad. True or Fail?" - it doesn't makes someone "guilty" if u say it. U say it and it is ur subjective opinion. No one will judge u for what u think. But doesn't make it "right" for everyone. If u have something report. Just report by rules. I think the conversation gets longer than it has to be. Suggesting to close topic if u don't have any valuable information about the case
    • 1 - select the item from the list on the right 2 - click "use"
    • Flatteriers =]]  In feudal times, you should be eunuchs
    • Hi, i buy 1 creation from the xshop and i want to know how to claim it, i try to find it in the personal storage and i cant find it. so sorry for my english and thx for the help
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