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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
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  4. 1 point
    New 10 quests are opened.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    IGN: PozytywnyServer: Medea x100
  7. 1 point
    Nick: LordXT ,Server Medea x 100 p/s. Happy New Year everyone!!
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Greetings, most of the update seems understandable, however, I would like to point out an important thing that - according to my experience and according to my conversation with other players - can influence the server in the long term. First of all I would like to emphasize that I know it is a PvP server and what's its main point. Despite this, how is it possible when I try to participate an event, or find a boss/golden monster I always get killed by Vietnamese players? They seem to know the exact time and location when and where the bosses respawn in Dungeon, and in other maps. Other/new players don't stand too much chance. When I leave my character for AFK - I think it's normal, nobody has the time to sit in front of the computer for hours - I always get killed, in 99.9% by Vietnamese (I know, I can purchase VIP membership and stay in vip-Arena, but probably that's not an option for all of the players). And those are not because they want revenge, or because they want that spot, - that thing I would understand, and that happens also with me - they kill us just because of fun, or most probably to prevent other players to get better items/set or to reach the max level? Many of my friends left the server because they get annoyed by them...I know they probably donate a lot of money, but You should consider its long-term effects and consequences. In my opinion you should give a chance to other players/newbies too. Some days ago I found a level-3 wing on the website-market which I found affordable, and wanted to buy. I got my bank card to donate some money and get bonuses to purchase it, but by the time I was done I realized a password has been set and I cannot buy it. I wrote a private message in the game to its seller and told him that I intend to buy that wing, perhaps I would pay a bit more for that. He replied that he would sell it, but one of his (as it turned out Vietnamese) guild-mates needs that, so he's going to give it to him. Well, if it were me probably I would also prefer my guild-mates, IF they would pay a decent price, BUT my point is: is it good for the server if all the valuable items are received and traded between X players, solely from 1-2 guild? Yesterday I went into Blood Castle two times, because I wanted to get some experience there...for the first time a (Vietnamese) player declined party...well I accepted if he/she wants to go by his own, even though other players normally don't look where are you from, and accept party in BC... BUT then he/she got the archangel weapon, and closed the event within 1 minute, without giving us the chance to get some level. The second time another (Vietnamese) player declined party again, but this time we got the archangel weapon, and he/she started following us and KS-ing us in the Castle. These are just two small examples of their behaviour. I think we could continue and mention other examples but the point is not to complain, all I wanted to say: You should consider how to give other players a chance to get better items and enjoy events/leveling/etc. (ultimately the game itself) without getting annoyed and leave the server. Thank you for your efforts!
  10. 1 point
    Best decision ever : )) now there will be more active game nice job !
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    SummerQQ / x100 Medea New Year with MUxLEGEND 2021 video-1609552493.mp4
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Для создание седов (сокетов). Анциент шмоток и так очень много, их продают по 100 штук а то и больше и при чём за копейки.
  15. 1 point
    Nick: SLENDERMAN Server: Primex5000
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    BK is strongest now. I think not only him hard to farm lvl, but with master lvl death tab skill very high dmg and no delay, when max rr 1 hit can get 10-20k dmg to me( GL full dd) and he got over 200k hp with 40-45% ref==> u need over 70k hp to kill him ( just stand drink hp) so u need over 90k hp to pk with him( just a live after 1 combo ). ==> I think BK if high dmg = low life or tank = low dmg Dw is the second with very high Dps. u can die in sec before enough range attack him( if he not die because ref and only BK can do it) now with master he can got ~20k hp. if don't ref him is the best. And reason for this is Staff ruud very high % dmg. with low rr and low gear sm is ok but max is OP. 3rd maybe GL. i dont sure but i think so :) ( I'm GL) But shinning skill is main skill but it not strongest. Magic spin same with very high delay. And all buff just in sec and not reset after death( duel and normal map same with RW skill) . And element dmg and def is not work ( or just a little) and GL is class highest element. But i think GL is ok now DL is OK. But him in CC is not good because cant use mount :) MG very ok in here :) Slayer i think this class ok just problem with BK and SM ( high dps and range) RF just some1 strong (i dont no because maybe ML) and ez die maybe buff a little for increase hp skill. SUM have a lot skill de buff but dont enough time use it. Maybe no1 enough strong . Maybe buff a little def or change to 1 vit = 4 HP for she enough time use debuff skill. Elf i'm very hate ice arrow :) but she have problem with ruud skill( dmg lower weapon skill lol... ruud skill have delay, u can test after shot she w8 a little and shot next times (maybe 0.1s but it's delay). RW dmg is good, highest speed but ruud skill very stupid and low def. But pk with ice storm and magic ball is ok ( but just a little people love this char maybe buff some def for she)
  18. 1 point
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  20. 1 point
    Sv:Medeax100 Nick: DacLotZ
  21. 1 point
    Elegant /Medeax100 Merry christmas and happy new year!
  22. 1 point
    Warm welcome 2021 ! Happy New Year Earthlings ! PRIMEx5000/HorusMG
  23. 1 point
    SVictorS/Medeax100 Merry christmas and happy new year!🤗😊😊
  24. 1 point
    CBAP/ madea x100 New year with MUX Legend 2021
  25. 1 point
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    SummerQQ / x100 Medea The Love Story between a Human Warrior and Elf Princess with 3 Angels as Observers and Witnesses
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    I am hear to summon you where ever you are. (except in boss zone 😄 ) Merry Christmas! Verse Medea x100
  34. 1 point
    Woody got a puppy for Christmas and loves it. 🙂 They are BFF from now on. StronkDW / Prime
  35. 1 point
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  37. 1 point
    Drinking a little bit of alcohol to stay warm. Sn4k3/Prime
  38. 1 point
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  40. 0 points
    LMAO my ene elf does more damage than you, wtf AHAHHAAH
  41. 0 points
    За кулаяного бойца играть просто больно мало того что в пве он 0 максимально достижимый дпс 1500000 так в карьере Так ему ещё урон в пве залезает. буду периодически снимать на видео игру Просто того же рф в сете +13 убить получается за 3секунды Для кулачного бойца который наносит урон в ближнем бою дойти до противника несоставляется возможным даже если противник меньше на ресов 40 Что и как нужно раскачать рфу что бы он небыл таким гавном? 20210105_082710.mp4
  42. 0 points
    Spent my new years eve working since I need to cover for my teammates who covered for me during Christmas
  43. 0 points
    PsYcRoNiX / Medea. Snovam Godam from Mr.Putin p.s music for the holiday spirit
  44. 0 points
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