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[28.03.2024] - Season 19 and new balance

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We've migrated to Season 19. To enter the game, you will need to download a new game client. You can download it here.
We suggest uninstalling the old game client completely (including the launcher on the desktop) and installing a new one.

This time the new Season doesn't bring much new itself, but at the same moment, this is the largest and most important update patch in our history. And it's all about PvE/PvP balance.
Has been edited sets, weapons, options, pets, buffs, and almost all other stuff which affects on the balance.
The detailed description and change log are too big, so you can read them in the next comment of this news on our forum.

Update 29.04
Please run your launcher to receive auto-update and see all in-game changes.
If you have a problem with the launcher, please use Patcher to upgrade the client manually.


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Table of additional damage between classes.

Class Extra 2,5% DMG Extra 5% DMG Extra 7.5% DMG
Dark Wizard SUM LW LM
Dark Knight GL DL GC
Fairy Elf RW SUM IK
Magic Gladiator LM RW SL
Dark Lord IK LM RW
Summoner SL MG GL
Rage Fighter DK GL DL
Grow Lancer RF SL SUM
Rune Wizard ELF DK LW
Slayer LW GC DW
Gun Crusher MG RF ELF
Light Wizard DL DW RF
Lemuria Mage DW IK DK
Illusion Knight GC ELF MG

More detailed information on changes between classes

Dark Wizard

DWMaxAttackSpeed = 255 -> 325
Dark Wizard did not undergo any major changes in mechanics. Increased attack speed

Dark Knight

DKMaxAttackSpeed = 225. Attack speed has not changed.
Damage from two different weapons has been slightly increased. But still an important priority for a warrior is to have two identical weapons to receive a damage bonus.
Along with the changed weapon values, the formula for increasing damage from the STR stat was changed. Now it will grow gradually as its quantity increases.
The Swell life formula has been slightly changed. The buff now gives more % of the base value. Previously, the ratio for the buff was vit/10 & ene/2, now it is vit/6 & ene/3

Fairy Elf

ELFMaxAttackSpeed = 525 -> 425
Attack speed has been reduced. Reason - Focus shot with 4 hits. In return, the damage itself increased.
Along with the changed weapon values, the formula for increasing damage from stats has been changed. The elf is now the only character in the game who receives a damage increase from two stats at once - AGI & STR. For the first half of the game, the increase from STR gives 40% damage, and from AGI 60% damage. Closer to maximum stats, the STR value will increase and the proportion will change. 60% STR / 40% AGI. Firstly, this slightly reduces the dominance of elves in the early stages, and secondly, it gives a variety of builds at the high end.

Important changes to the buff system for elves. To achieve balance and reduce too much effect in PvP from buffs, the formulas have been reworked.
Greater defense & Greater attack - values have been increased so that buffs are useful at the early stage of the game. Previously they were too weak
Master skill tree Greater defense & Greater attack - % growth in master skill tree has been reduced.
Majestic Greater defense & Greater attack - values changed. Now they give a static increase. Previously, the Majestic version had a greater increase in Energy.
Mastery set buffs - parameters on sets have been changed, taking into account all of the above.

In general, elf buffs now provide a more gradual increase, and remain useful, but do not change the PvP landscape as much as they did before.

Magic Gladiator

MGMaxAttackSpeed = 425 -> 325
The attack speed has been reduced to take into account the additional explosion of the Chaos Blade skill. Also, the damage of this skill is now static; previously, each of the three hits could produce different values. More static damage with reduced speed allows you to slightly increase the damage and make it more predictable.
Damage from two different weapons has been slightly increased. But it is still an important priority for a gladiator to have two identical weapons to receive a damage bonus.
Along with the changed weapon values, the formula for increasing damage from the STR stat was changed. Now it will grow gradually as its quantity increases.

Dark Lord

DLMaxAttackSpeed = 225 -> 195
Our long-suffering DarkLord.
Attack speed has been reduced. The Wind soul skill has a very fast animation and after a value of 200 attack speed it becomes one of the fastest in the game. Because of this, the class had a pretty severe damage reduction. With two different attack stats, players were faced with either the class not being able to deal damage, or dealing too much damage. To balance this class, more radical measures had to be taken.
Now the increase in damage comes only from the STR stat. The horse's Absorb was cut a little. Overall, we can say that Dark Lord remains the owner of the highest absorption in the game. All these changes should bring the class to a calmer situation.


SUMaxAttackSpeed = 425 -> 475
No big changes. Increased attack speed and slightly increased damage gain from Berserker buff.

Rage Fighter

RFMaxAttackSpeed = 425
Like almost all other classes, Rage Fighter's damage will now only come from STR. Of course, now STR will do much more damage than before.
Taking into account the damage bonus for certain classes, and one of the highest damage in the game, Rage Fighter can become a very important character on Castle Siege, because he deals the most damage to classic tanks - DK, DL, GL

Grow Lancer

GLMaxAttackSpeed = 525 -> 400
Like almost all other classes, Grow Lancers's damage will now only come from STR. Of course, now STR will do much more damage than before.
Attack speed reduced.
Positive change to the Wrath skill. Now it has an infinite operating time, but at the same time significantly reduces defense. In other words, GL can now take quite a lot of damage, but at the same time lose significantly in defense. This allows it to be better balanced in its "standard" form, making it more competitive.
Players who dreamed of a 7-cell skill - your dreams have come true. But we wouldn’t be us if we hadn’t cut this skill. If you want maximum damage, come close and use Shining peak. But if you are at a long distance, you can try Oversting. Its damage is about 25% lower, but can still be useful.

Rune Wizard

RWMaxAttackSpeed = 675 -> 875
No big changes. Increased attack speed allows you to compare with others in speed.


SLAMaxAttackSpeed = 325 -> 275
Attack speed has been reduced. Reason - Pierce skill with 4 hits. In return, the damage itself increased.
Damage from two different weapons has been slightly increased. But still an important priority for a warrior is to have two identical weapons to receive a damage bonus.
Along with the changed weapon values, the formula for increasing damage from the STR stat was changed. Now it will grow gradually as its quantity increases.

Changing the Bat Flock skill. If previously the duration of the debuff was 7 seconds, now:
Bat flock & Bat flock mastery: 8 seconds
Bat flock majestic: 15 seconds

Now Slayera can be called a full-fledged Dark Wizard killer, because he has the largest damage bonus for this class. And who can do a better job of catching him in a teleport than Slayer, whose Bat Flock now lasts 15 seconds and can attack from a distance?

Gun Crusher

GCMaxAttackSpeed = 275
No changes in mechanics.

Lemuria mage

LMMaxAttackSpeed = 325 -> 375
One of our suffering characters. One of the reasons it was difficult to balance was its ability to provide a ++ buff.
The result is a character that doesn’t seem to do much damage, and doesn’t give out much of a buff either. Therefore, a rather radical solution was invented.
We are changing buffs for attack and defense to "Companion buffs". Now this is a full-fledged character with his own damage and the ability to distribute full-fledged buffs on the elf’s damage and even a little better. Only an elf with an energy mastery set will give a better buff, but not everyone has one at hand.
The peculiarity is that Lemuria no longer gives buffs to itself. There will be a buff, but it doesn't change anything. But she doesn’t need the buff, because without him the attack power has increased significantly.
Attack speed has also been increased.

White mage

LWMaxAttackSpeed = 325 -> 475
Attack speed has increased significantly to compensate for only 2 hits in the Dragon Violent skill.
This class is very demanding on having two good weapons, the book gives a serious increase in damage.

Illusion Knight

IKMaxAttackSpeed = 325 -> 475
Similar to LightWizard, attack speed has been significantly increased.

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2 minutes ago, serios said:

It is up now, but only Prime with old client.

Where is new client ?

We're migrating to Season 19. To enter the game, you will need to download a new game client. You can download it here.
We suggest uninstalling the old game client completely (including the launcher on the desktop) and installing a new one.



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6 minutes ago, Arturs said:

We're migrating to Season 19. To enter the game, you will need to download a new game client. You can download it here.
We suggest uninstalling the old game client completely (including the launcher on the desktop) and installing a new one.


Description it is for season 18 (MUX Legend Season 18 Full Client)

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Would be like to hear reviews about PVE part. Isn't monster too fat now? Or okay? 


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@Arturs I see no logs regarding the quest system for the Prime server, was it changed?
Quest 251 is prompting me to kill 1k budge dragons, while the quest sheet mentions only 1.

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1 minute ago, algray said:

@Arturs I see no logs regarding the quest system for the Prime server, was it changed?
Quest 251 is prompting me to kill 1k budge dragons, while the quest sheet mentions only 1.

Please check it now

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1 minute ago, zpepiroth said:

SOD bugged? cant enter


SOD, wrong TOCA count, and few other minor issues will be fixed with patch tomorrow. Sorry for some invonvinience. 


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Just now, Arturs said:

SOD, wrong TOCA count, and few other minor issues will be fixed with patch tomorrow. Sorry for some invonvinience. 

and bosses are killed or disabled 


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"This class is very demanding on having two good weapons, the book gives a serious increase in damage." LOL have you really tested the damage of LW vs another class? The book doesn't help at all, even the SM with shield is better than the LW with book and staff. I don't understand anything, there is almost no LW in the server, doesn't that tell you something?

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My game is freezing in this point. For some reason there's a golden budge dragon in dungeon, and I can't do anything. My game freezes as soon as I load in.

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7 minutes ago, carfavre said:

"This class is very demanding on having two good weapons, the book gives a serious increase in damage." LOL have you really tested the damage of LW vs another class? The book doesn't help at all, even the SM with shield is better than the LW with book and staff. I don't understand anything, there is almost no LW in the server, doesn't that tell you something?

You have DA+9 staff with half an excellent set, 31 achievement points, and 413 master levels. Against whom do you compare damage?

4 minutes ago, algray said:


My game is freezing in this point. For some reason there's a golden budge dragon in dungeon, and I can't do anything. My game freezes as soon as I load in.

Okay, will check it too.


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1 hour ago, serios said:

how to increse to lvl 800 ?

@Arturs  i ask because i can go to Swamp of Drakness to kill boss, need level 800. It was first time when i was first and can go to kill but need lvl 800 now. P.S. I have quest

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