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  1. 3 points
    Some momos just dont understand here what people are ''crying'' about... Whole server system it is indeed realy good the features are awesome, but whole thing wasnt tought out and left some holes in this system, so some monkey boys did use this opportunity to abuse those holes on system, by playing each 5acc at same time or what ever the amount was there for. They did it from very begin and made things faster then others + did some donations that gave them even more advantage. By the time monkey boys has geared to the teeth noone realy could catch up. Don''t talk about grouping up and killing that works only when there is one douchebag in server but when you have a group of them, you just cant do it anymore. There isnt even left that many players who can stand against their max out items. But in addiiton to that monkeys start killing everyone nonstop untill players start leaving, its cool happens to all servers but in here when population is so low, and they distract players to even level up. So here is those smart asses, dont talk ur bullshit okay? Look at the numbers of online, and dont listen what happens here, shits has already hit the van and there is nothing to change, it would be unfair to ban certain players for spending time 24/7 and money to get stronger, but there was nothing done to prevent things. All you can do now is wipe the server reopen new and hope things like this doesnt happen anymore. For me personally i dont care about vietnamies monkeys, they are annoying but this game is built around things like that, what i dont like when i see players leaving server and it happens very fast everyday all i care about was that there is lot of players things going on and server grows. Cant say it too soon but from what i seen now i have wasted 2months in server, never seen server going down or people leaving that much becouse of reasons like this its just sad.
  2. 2 points
    After some thought, there may be a couple of solutions: 1-Making a new server where vietnamese can't join (ip blocked or whatever, and ban VPNS) 2-Nerfing the crap out of the end game game items to the point where late game items can compete. 3-Wait the storm out and hopefully VN's interest will die before the server does. Let's hope so, Mux legend felt special and i really don't want to see it die. I already stopped playing, but i'll check the forums from time to time hoping to see if the issue has been adressed. There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn't want to see.
  3. 2 points
    its not a gm and he cant edit chars
  4. 1 point
    I've had a vacation and wrote about that before. I will check the next week this issues. I've not found any information about this in the changelogs from the developers.
  5. 1 point
    Crying baby says the edgy admin lol. So you agree, stats don't do shit but gear does, and if they're 24/7 gatekeeping items.... that my friend, it's a problem. I can only suggest Arturus that he finds better admins, because my god you are behaving like an annoying edgelord who doesn't do anything but try to defend the indefensible. Grow up and learn to make valid counter-arguments instead of calling names when someone makes a statement that you can't even think an answer to.
  6. 1 point
    We won't provide %. Because for example, if jackpot have 1% for example, players after 100 spins (if won't win) will say, that our lottery is broken. From one side, if lottery will have a big % of win, everyone who spend bonuses on the lottery will be geared very fast. From other side, someone can spend a lot of bonuses and receives nothing. Sadly. I think, that in lottery should be some kind of "warrant". I have some thought about it, but it's not a topic for discussion right now.
  7. 1 point
    The thing is system had holes they abused and holding ground that noone can rly get to them but by doing so, people leave game and noone rly stands that long to gear up and group up. I personaly can keep doing my thing here, but i believe if i get the gear to match them noone rly gonna be left on this server and there is gonna be server wipe and all my time + effort is blown in to wind. Its realy up to server stuff thinking out solution from this point, but it will be hard.
  8. 1 point
    Let me explain you something - quest master is NOT game master (he has no access to give or take items from characters). In-game he's just a regular player and for any rules he breaks he can get punished just the same as other players. I mean yes it's sad that not everyone has professional attitude towards players but he's not an admin. Next time make a topic in prison and this person will be banned for the stuff he said. P.S. I don't know who is who in-game I'm just writing in general.
  9. 1 point
    3.1. It is forbidden to use errors of the server (bugs). By error means any actions, that not provided by game-play and aimed to personal benefits. It is forbidden to use any programs for the game hacking and changing the game files for personal benefits. Explanation: It is allowed to modify the game client files in order to increase your computers performance by completely or partially removing certain animations, objects, effects or items. However it is forbidden to change the visual appearance of these things in order to gain advantage in fights. It is also forbidden to visually change any elements of the interface which might give you an advantage in fight situations. Increasing the performance of your computer does not count as an advantage. Penalty: block of Character + Account for 7 days * number of violations. Note: By bugs also means using for personal benefits ALT+F4 combination and "switch character" (mainly used for that you could not be killed or if after you have killed, not to run from far away) and walk through the characters with help of Horn of Uniria or warp to inadmissible locations.
  10. 1 point
    As I said, 2 months life for a mu server is extremely short. Especially when almost 1000 people played at the beginning, and now we have 150. 3 bots each are turned on. So a total of 50 people on the server. Even if everyone had 5 bots at the beginning, that's still 400% more players. From the first days it was said that the Vietnamese are raping the server. This already discouraged new players from playing. On the way to Lost Tower, every spot is still besieged by bots. If someone thinks that everything on the server is ok, it's just ... maybe blind?
  11. 1 point
    Si, dijo que yo no tengo Internet por que soy veneco, cual es el peo??🤣🤣🤣🤣
  12. 1 point
    This is funnies post i ready today ^^ Ok, so if i with FO - FULL OPTION BLUE EYE STAFF can't even deal damage to vn and then i will find 50 another players who ALSO DEAL 0 DAMAGE TO THEM, will we kill him ? 20 miss per secon x 50 players is still ZERO. Maybe I was taught a different math 🙂
  13. 1 point
    My brother in christ how in the fuck are we gonna stand up against them? i'm maxed out on energy and i tried to kill one of them for over a fucking minute straight, the dude was afk and i literally almost died from the reflect damage kek. what's your great idea? that the entire server joins forces against them every time there's a golden invasion or a boss spawns? that's not gonna happen, ever. Items matter and they're gatekeeping em all. They're killing this server which in my opinion has been the BEST i've seen so far, so much work and love put into it. And you're just watching As far as what to do as a solution? i don't know, but inaction is not a good choice
  14. 1 point
    Because nobody wants to stand against them lmao. When I was playing they didn't do anything, I don't know why it's such a big problem for people to gather in one big group and fight them back, it's only a gameplay situation. What do you expect admin to do, ban all VN players? For being good at this game? You are correct indeed about people leaving, most of them are "crying babies", didn't get their candy that easy as they expected and straight away left. At this point it's just ridiculous, people on new seasons want super easy stuff x9999 servers with mostly pve content and honestly I started to understand them just recently. It's just how the new seasons are built, 90% of servers are just easy start easy everything and within 2 months it's deleted like it didn't even exist. And that's why people can't accept that this server is built different, it's nowhere close to "easy mode", obviously it's easier to cry than to gather up a team and fight back. And that's why the only thing I can suggest you is to go play servers like that, you will have max gear in few weeks, you will rarely get killed and you will be able to farm on pve sub servers and when you realize that there is no other server like this we will be here waiting for you when you come back 🙂 About blocking VN ip I won't even comment because it's the most bullshit I have ever heard.
  15. 1 point
    This topic's language only English. Use google translate
  16. 1 point
    at 7:00 srvr time ? do u really have most players online at this time?
  17. 1 point
    I don't think it's a bug, here spear storm is not ruud skill.
  18. 1 point
    that is exactly what I meant. There will be tons of alt chars with maxed quest. One top player will use his alts to max the quests. Why it is so important? what will be increased: 1. Trade of max quested chars in white or black market. 2. as Beasty said, Quest system gives many useful prizes at higher quests. How u see a char with 10 res could make max quest which the last quest is killing Asteroth? )) 3. We already have an absurd party sharing with profession quests. It is not logic to do same mistake with Quest system. 4. If someone will make for u quests, then what is the meaning of these quests? Quests gives opportunity a newbie to travel over maps and learn the location, learn which mob on what map located, what items drops the mobs, which mobs gives mor exp and many other things. At least Quest system an individual system and from the beginning I liked the way it is. It is my subjective opinion. May be someone will disagree with me, specially those who need to max there alts for market. But I still think like that.
  19. 1 point
    to fight against farmers make boss spawn random. For example instead of 12 hours spawn, make it random respawn between 9-12 h. And remove global announcments Removing off-level is not good idea.
  20. 0 points
    Los que saben español, lean esto y saquen sus propias conclusiones de quien es este pobre niño frustrado
  21. 0 points
    omg man - go sleep and play tetris.
  22. 0 points
    wtf? man go sleep please. its random char.
  23. 0 points
    Guys , Admins , are you serius ? This update kill server . Its Update too late , no more new players . All going other server (( I give you ideas for next Update : Register only after 1 donate , can take drop only vip , can attack other player only after donate 1000$ , chaos machine can craft your items after vip only too/ Admins you are very greedy
  24. -1 points
    I agree with @mkoi I had a few conversations with him and started harassing me and trying to give him personal information such as my phone number or my instagram, he's also xenophobic because I'm from Argentina and he started laughing and making jokes about my country in a really bad way. He made me wanna quit playing in this server, thank you so much! Also editing his other characters to abuse kill some new players and making that a huge bad game experience.
  25. -1 points
    +1 (Edit post in wrong topic) But it must be admitted that this man is not entirely fit for his position. I've already experienced many strange situations with him.
  26. -1 points
    This player is GM in this mu, and organizes events, make your own conclusions: no tiene internet porque es veneco -"He does not have internet because he is veneco (from venezuela)"- toy toda la noche con tu hermana on -"I'm all night with your sister online (in a sexual way)"- no es tan fea -"She is not so ugly (talking about my sister)"- me voy a hacer una paja -"I'm going to masturbate"- You think that if a server called itself "a good server" could have a GM like this? These are screenshots taken from a random global chat, several people where online and I want to preserve their names because they have nothing to do with this. I hope the staff takes this abusive verbal behavior seriously as a GM and removes him from the staff.
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