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Demolus last won the day on February 11

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About Demolus

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  1. If you kill someone on spot - you get PK. In the middle, whole line is PK-Free. There where kunduns and boses spawns. So in the middle you can fight without PK. If you kill someone on spot, you will have PK
  2. I thought I used the simplest language possible and explained my plan in every detail. But I see that if someone wants to, they will always find a problem I don't see the connection. You can't tell without a test. In fact, I think that implementing all the changes described (and those I didn't describe ) would increase the number of donations a bit. First, inflation works in such a way that everything related to currency increases. That means also the number of bons for donation. I thought it was so obvious that I didn't explain it If you read again, you will notice that I listed crafting as one of the problems. This is definitely not the place for economics lectures Third, I don't know if you know that for all transactions below 10 bonuses you pay 1 bonus tax. So analogously, an item for 1 bonus = price of 2 bonuses including 1 tax. I don't understand your idea with Voting farms. You can do that now too. What difference would it make after introducing one of my points??? I don't understand, so I can not explain. Second, there are no farms of automated bots managed by some magical program. It's just Mu Helper. When you press "Z" a window with settings appears. You can set it there. You don't have to put a book on the mouse anymore. About Luck - yes you can add it. But you have 50% and it costs 200 bonuses. The old system calculated the price of Luck in relation to the item grade and options. The same as all services. For exmaple, you dropped: "Anubis Armor without Luck", adding Luck to it cost then, I guess 30-50 bonuses. Now 200 and only 50% chance. Therefore, collecting ACC sets made some sense before. Not much, but at least a little. Even as a collector's set. Now ancients are worthless from the point of view of PvP or PvE If you don't know me, I guess I don't see the point in introducing myself to you New player collecting Voting-Bons xDD
  3. Exactly. According to what I wrote, the problem of new players is the way of earning money. Most who are not TOP or do not have a bank from the previous season, have only one way to earn money, which is to sell Jewels and TOCA, or possibly zen. This is very little room to maneuver. As you wrote, the price of slots is too high. Before you even earn money for them, the market will already be dying. So you have no chance of earning it again. A while ago, on probably two servers, I had 20 slots bought from the first day of the server. Most of them were filled with garbage. Nevertheless, a few items were sold every day. Precisely because of the variety of items. Everyone found something for themselves. A new player, a player who is looking for trasgh for crafting and someone who dresses alts.
  4. Great that the only thing you commented on was half a sentence about the heroes strategy being "stolen" by other players. I'm glad you found it important enough to create this spam. In that case, for your satisfaction, I'll edit that one sentence. Edit. Done, i hope ur happy now.
  5. I said it two years ago. The market needs inflation. There are too few bonuses, slots and ways to get bonuses in the game Because my post will be extremely long and elaborate, I will start with a summary, solution and effect. And I will leave the description of the problems for the end. Those who want to read, will read The market problem, in short: 1a. Keeping items in the guild, to not strengthen opponents (The effect of strong PVP and a bit of a legacy from ETERNALS) 1b. Extremly high prices because of top players (guilds) who have a monopoly on bosses. (This is related to the fix time of bosses respawn, unfortunately my proposal for changes here was also rejected a long time ago, so we have the effect ) 2. The ability to use almost any item, even in the later game (especially the more valuable and difficult to obtain ones) 3. Too few bons and too few ways to obtain them. 4. Excess items for classes that are practically non-existent, and a shortage of items for basic classes 5. Transferring bons from previous servers to new ones In my opinion, the first solution should be an extremly increase the number of bonuses on the server. Of course, with an adequate increase in prices. Removing the minimum price on the market and adding more slots. That is: 1. Multiply all bons on the server x2. 2. Multiply all service PRICES x2 (voting too) 3. Increase the number of slots on the market to 10 or even 20. 4. Removing the minimum price - it is completely pointless Effect: I can put good items with high price and a few trash items, because I have space. Garbage at the price of literally 1-3 bonuses instead of selling them to NPCs or burning them in crafting (with 20 slots and an active market, even 2 bonuses per item makes sense) New players can buy 2-3 items per day just from voting (It will make it easier for new players to catch up with older players) -> This increases the liquidity of bonuses for average players -> And this allows them to buy more expensive items from top players. Additionally, the possibility to earn bonuses in the game should be added. For example, adding "Daily Quests" with bons as a reward or adding them as a prize in the lottery. Possibly as a random drop somewhere for something (I will not develop the idea for now, no point ) And as in point 4, the problem with the ratio of items for classes to the number of players of these classes (here I will not produce ideas either ;) ) Additionally, adding various events in the game where you can earn bons. Even automated ones, which would not involve senate and would be more regular. Of course, the problem of the Web Market on MUX is unfortunately much more complicated and the only way to fix it is to completely rebuild the bons and market system. Now long story :D 1. 1a. As someone who has been playing here for a long time and has always had my own guild, I can say that smarter and stronger guilds do not sell valuable items. Most items stay in the guild: Rings, necklaces, earrings, and entire sets. A top items, even if unnecessary, will not be sold, because as I always said: "The weapon you sell today will kill you tomorrow" So in order not to strengthen the opponents, nothing can leave the guild. 1b. Even if the guild puts up any item, it is 3-4 times more expensive than it is worth. Especially if the server is dominated by 1-2 guilds. Usually, these are trash items that are good for hitting bonuses on weak and naive players (mainly donators or bot farms). 2. Most items in mux can be used always. Almost everything can be used: crafting, wings, ahs, earrings, rings. Most top items require the use of a huge amount of lower items. In addition, some of them are extremely hard to obtain: for example ancients or rings. This is one of the reasons why acc sets are not used as armor at all. To create AHS and red stones, so many of them are needed that basically everything is taken by top players, to be burned. If I remember correctly, 2 years ago the option to add Luck on the website was removed. Before that, you could still see a few people in acc. Currently, these are items typically for mixing. You can as well remove them from the drop and just add AHS and Red Stones instead. 3. I think this is the most important thing. There are too few bonuses on the server, too few items in the market and too few opportunities to obtain bonuses. For a typical player who starts the game, the only chance to get bonuses is Voting. Unfortunately, let's not kid ourselves, the reward for Voting is at least average. In my opinion, it's ridiculous and pathetic, considering the prices on the market. Additionally, not everyone can use it and not every vote works or gives bonuses. This is a very flawed system. The reward in the form of bonuses for resets doesn't change much. The same as the reward for achievement and events on the forum (if they are at all). Here comes an additional problem, which is the small number of slots on the market. With 5 slots, most players only put up the most expensive items, at a high price, which then sit for weeks. It's hard to find something for beginners. So if someone gets 3-5 bonuses per day, and trash costs 8-10, then it's obvious that such a player won't buy it, because it takes too long. They will collect more bonuses to buy something better. At the end of the end, most of them will stop playing before they get anything (And this is not my imagination and a fairy tale, just experience from previous seasons I played on) 4. Unfortunately, on the server we have a dominance of a few main classes, and the rest almost do not exist. Some people don't know about it and stuff their markets with things that no one can buy. You can see how extremely low are prices for unpopular classes, which for other classes would be worth a fortune. Additionally, these items drop just as often as items for popular classes (as far as I know, the drop is random and the ratio is not changed depending on the class). On the one hand, this is good for less popular characters, but on the other hand, we have the same drop for classes, which can be almost 10 times more than the less popular ones. This amount alone can make us realize what a problem and imbalance there is in the ratio of characters to items. Additionally, I know very well that if someone drops an item for RF or LW, they don't even put it on the market because there is simply no one who can buy it. And for 10 players, it's a no point to take up a slot in the market. A system should definitely be introduced that allows you to exchange items for something for another class. And here we enter a closed carousel. A small number of bonuses on the server and the problem of obtaining them reduces the number of buyers. A small number of slots causes a small number of items. A high minimum price combined with a small number of bonuses and slots makes it impossible to sell junk (sometimes valuable to new players). And all this causes a small flow of bonuses. And we return to the beginning of the carousel. 5. The last problem that strongly affects not only the market but the entire server is the possibility of transferring bonuses from previous servers. Unfortunately, most inexperienced players do not have the slightest chance of earning as many bonuses as most old players bring with them from previous servers. This also causes the market to empty, raise prices and basically promotes top players. Trading takes place mainly between players from old servers and donators, for huge prices, and the only thing inexperienced players can do is possibly sell TOCA.
  6. I see some very interesting changes happening recently. Looks like it might be time to get back to the game
  7. EgoTop / Dragon Cards: K - K - Q - K - Q Suits: S - H - S - H - H
  8. EgoTop / Dragon B2-C3 A2-B3 A1-C2
  9. Demolus

    Castle Siege

    They celebrated on Sundays. Today they cry because of defeat ;( You were just lucky and got one second. Because we were bored and we were playing outside. There are always 7 of you, the rest are cannon fodder. So I don't see any difference. I think it's time for you to sell your items and leave the server. The source of bonuses has ended <3 Unfortunately, you probably won't earn too many bonuses on this server >.< So I guess you have to start collecting money to donate to have any chance at the next one :*
  10. EgoTop - Dragon x500 R1 - L2 - L3 - R4 - L5 - R6 - L7 - L8 - R9 - L10
  11. EgoTop / Dragon x500 B2 - C4 A1 - D1 C1 - D2
  12. Demolus

    Castle Siege

    Thank you to everyone who participated in today's CS. Unfortunately, with this number of players, the Heroes level turned out to be embarrassing. Was way too easy ;( Either way, I hope it stays that way until Heroes leaves Dragon :) Best regards and I wish you more victories. I think this topic has already been exhausted and can be closed :)
  13. 1. my nickname: EgoTop 2. game server: Dragon x5003. which rule clause was violated: 3.1 It is forbidden to use errors of the server (bugs). By error means any actions, that not provided by game-play and aimed to personal benefits.4. nickname of offender: https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=1stVN&serv=server3 I would like to know how it is possible that DL is able to kill every class in one hit. As you can see in the video, it dealt about 300-400 thousand damage with one hit, to a character that has almost final items: T8+13/15 +pvp max vit/agi dd+ref+life rings E.t.c. From what I noticed, even a full tank can die after one hit. It's definitely not triple damage because: First, you can't hit Tripple Damage that often Secondly, since a normal hit deals about 50k damage, 400k is not triple, but sixth. So in my opinion this looks like using a bug Regards Demolus https://files.fm/u/njtek3d6ag
  14. Demolus

    Castle Siege

    That is my point, they will just walki in loren deep and kill people. Not registered guild will not ba able to join crown room, so switches stay in our job.
  15. Demolus

    Castle Siege

    These rules do not prohibit other guilds from participating in CS. So I understand that there will be no problem if a few more people/guilds come with us. We will not block Heroes: Registered Attackers + Ally Registered Heroes + Ally And some aditional friends of us, who are not in our guild/alliance. Just like Heroes did.
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