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Everything posted by TonyMattoni

  1. 3rd DL Cape on +15 gives 54% Absorb Conq wings on +15 give 69% absorb Why some class benefit because of cheater wings? if so then make when other class equip it they get also 15% more absorb.or Just disable conq wings and compensate it with Cape/Wings for corresponding class wearing it 15% absorb is a huge number. and told you already my name is Davud, with capital letter.
  2. I kiledl ur DL x99999 times past 3 days) I am just saying that Conq wings should be removed And as to personalities part of conversation, u are the most 2faced person i ever met, so dont even start debating about personality ))
  3. Cay, consider that on Sega DL gets extra 15% absorb because of the wings, DL with just adamantine set +13,with trashy pend earring, is fully capable of withstanding my attacks for 1 min and not always die from para when he got bk swell )) we don't have DL that Do not use conqueror wings, all DLs uses them for 15% absorb 15% extra absorb is very huge, maybe I am wrong in terms of balance but that CS wings screw everything up , I am pretty sure that the tests were done without CS wings and just with DL Cape In other words: On Sega DL can go DMG Build and still have good Survivability because of cheater wings. )
  4. @Arturs @Ivan Nebraska Please I beg you make the investigation , give that guys an answer, because our brains are already fried with such conversations and abusements of usage something
  5. I already explained why they lost, read above
  6. Kent u were without swell and got insta paralysed . Anyways lets Admins check it please, because i think u wont believe any1 even god but will believe admin answer))
  7. VIn my friend. Megavolt only had dmg to kill him.megavolt set +9, he don't have def, u see finix 1st killed him then aimed you, because Cursy is TANKY but not super dmg And when kent came he was without swell, and got insta paralyzed, Finix got lucky with this To kill finix u will need para +high dmg dealer my friend. SM with exe set never will be able to kill bk or any other tank after March update, our atk speed nerfed, our absorb nerfed, our dmg nerfed) Of course u wont believe me or any1 and will blame me in some things i never done but it is just a small tip for you
  8. I think its better to do == first time, can be unbaned , but 2nd no,permanent ban- everyone deserves second chance)
  9. if u do that ,squishy classes will die in a sec, while DL still will be tankier)))
  10. @Arturs if people from x50 tell that DL op, Then what about people from x100 where DL wears CS wings and get 15% more absorb)))? At full buff nearly impossbile to kill DL,i manage to do it but not fast takes like 1-2 minutes Considering my para +10 and maxedout gear) DL is broken class at the moment thas its the fact)))
  11. Thanks a lot Arthur! I am sure that improving penta will also motivate people to upgrade errtels))) right now no one concentrates on that, just make radiance, errtels rank 3 and thats it 😄
  12. what does qwe qwe has to do with this conversation? If u want exibition , i can duel finix and show me how SM need to play to kill him
  13. Bro finix does not use any kind of hack in order to kill Full bk u need at least paralyse to proke I have Brilliant set +15,gold fenrir ,demon ,all maxed, and i cant kill Finix without paralyse) he has 380 set +15+pvp, 27-28% set bonus, w4+15+reflect+xxx If I stay and face tank him just like you I am getting killed : ))
  14. Good day admin team, I wanted to raise a topic of elemental system, actually absence of elemental system, I made all errtels rank 5, Dmg ertel all +10 lvl and Ele dmg i make to a person who has Empty penta is 4k , with erttels just lvl 3 is 2.5-3k . These are just laughy numbers difference between rank 5 +10 ,and rank 3 (now consider the dmg I will make to a person who has at least lvl 3 errtels with ele def) Also why Ele dmg only goes to SD? why it dont affect the HP? Honestly at the moment everyone use penta with rank 3 just to activate passives and for radiance only This is kind of weird because making rank 5 errtels, +10 levels nowadays without drop of ele rune is very problematic, and when you finally made it , you get 0 payback))? Most of pentagram features are for non reset server,since they dont give % ,just raw value Maybe apply more % to it?
  15. u wont be able to kill DL DL is super strong class atm, super def, super dmg, after march update meta classes DL,SM,BK SM will need super items to shine BK will be good only at late game when all maxed out (all quests, stats) and DL is Op from beginning ))
  16. Streaming =marketing of server to attract more donations : D I do agree with you that this idea is great and offers flexibility, that when server dies u easily can transfer to new one. But again, i think admin wont do that because it is = less profit less mani mani ,no vacation at Hawaaii : ))))
  17. From player point of view great, but from business point of view.... =Less people will donate, less donations in total, Admins still need to go to vacation on Hawaii so no one will implement it i think 😄
  18. You want me to jump and bite your neck like pantera??))))))what close sega )))))???
  19. Our guild using macro?omg that is unacceptable ,i will do in depth investigation and take counter measures to prevent this from happening again!!!!))))))))))))))))))))))
  20. Our guild using macro?omg that is unacceptable ,i will do in depth investigation and take counter measures to prevent this from happening again!!!!))))))))))))))))))))))
  21. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, and hit the ring bell)) I don't think she used hack here, elf attack speed is really Hight after update ,so punish work super effective on her + u were hitting together and at the beginning she killed tantalos for 9 secs, I kill it same for 9-12 secs if that tantalos not running away from me ,and my atk speed is 255, elfs is 525. and still Hotliena cant over ks me on any boss, so i think she is innocent : D
  22. А так могу добавить от себя на x100 Ганнер реально шляпа)))) Рядом с БК или Смом даже не стоит))))
  23. Никакие тесты так быстро не делаюся ) Советую набраться терпения и ждать))
  24. Allow him to take out his items please, server already kinda dead, he was one of the strongest from rival guild We wont have enemies ; (
  25. Just change the class, in order to rebalance here u will waste a lot of your time and your nervous system )) After Sugardaddys Kundun it got nerfed
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