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Everything posted by Demolus

  1. 1. my nickname: VnFear2. game server: Sega x1003. which rule clause was violated: It is forbidden to use any macros or any kind of programs for automation processes, which gives you bonuses, achievement points, and any other personal gain. It is forbidden to use Speedhack, Hithack and other serious cheat programs.4. nickname of offender: Promise https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Promise&serv=server2 I upload a video recorded on Twitch (I found it the easiest). In addition, the recording shows the date from the game and I add a screenshot from the recording time. I hope you will consider this as eligible. Player Promise (Actually, the second character of BlackWidow or Curse - https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=BlackWidow&serv=server2 / https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Curse&serv=server2)He has been using the program on the basis of AutoMove for several days.The character runs around LA almost 24/7 and collects CH.You can see that the character's movements are automated, he moves from checkpoint to checkpoint. Due to the high TOCA value that the player has already won a large amount, please consider this as a violation of rule 2.2 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1801346068 https://files.fm/u/m7shvrm8e
  2. It's true, there's a lot of old information on the forum. I've pointed out a few myself. I know how big a problem it is to organize the forum. Maybe a section for players where you can point out bugs in the forum? The second thing, the "search" option is probably the biggest mourning of Mux. Really, finding something is a pain in the ... sometimes. A change would definitely be needed here. As an old player myself, sometimes it takes a while to even find a "guide" that I know is somewhere.
  3. If u dont want waste time for hard playing just create 2 Alts, like all players on server. Check where drop the most Chaos Souls: And put alt there. 1 alt can collect about 100 in 1 night. Next 100 in a day. So 3 afk chars = 600 if u lucky. For example LA in the middle, and second in Lorencia on gold Rabbits. Be active when gold invasion comming. U can have from every invasion about 30-40 if u lucky.
  4. If u know how to play, u can make 3 Chaos Souls Lottery daily. With luck it is possiblity of 3 TOCA a day. I feel like it is enough. And on Angel TOCA was worth 90 bons. You should think ahead and buy before Naturally, now that everyone is starting to upgrade their final sets to +15, all TOCAs have disappeared from the market and are expensive. This is the natural order of things. Now is the time to sell TOCA, not buy. It has absolutely nothing to do with donate. Because in the Coin Lottery there is such a small chance of winning that there is simply nothing to count on. Making TOCA easy to access would destroy the server and make server very short time. The theme has already been redone hundreds of times and the current setup is the golden mean.
  5. Demolus

    Noob question

    U win it in Lottery Must collect 200 Chaos Souls, and go to Elbeland -> NPC Moss But Talisman of Chaos Assembly protect from burning only your item, when u upgrade it +9 -> +15
  6. Demolus

    Noob question

    Hi, U probably talk about: Lower, Medium and Higher Spirit Stones. These stones allow you to increase the % chance of success when making wings. You can buy the lower ones from Potion Girl in Devias, they are for lvl 1 wings. For 3lvl wings you need Medium and High stones. You do them at the goblin's using probably the third (? I don't remember) option - stones. One is required to make Condor Feathers, the other to make the wings. One you make with ancient items. Second with excellent. I will immediately point out that the ancients are the best ones from Axl Hero and not gloves. A exelents from the Golden Iron Knight in Raklion. Two-handed weapons give the most stones, gloves give the least. The JOL option makes the biggest difference.
  7. I've had this discussion before, and I'll do it again: Is it an event organized privately by @Goku or supported by Administration/Mux. If supported, why is it a requirement to subscribe to the @Goku channel and not the Mux Legends channel? I don't want to be mean or rude. I just don't think it's fair.
  8. @Arturs Varka is not in the list at all. Or i dont see
  9. Also, I think the reward for Varka should be higher. This event is definitely underrated. @laidback Gardua is not there anymore, but ypu can still win Condor Flame
  10. @Arturs @Drakonis @Devil As the conversation has developed in a strange way, as the creator of this post, please: 1. Just say that there is no plan to merge Angel and Sega for now. 2. Second, close the post. Because there's some unnecessary spam going on here. I got the answer to the topic question, so I see no point in continuing this.
  11. The guy is probably some kind of noob and venting his frustration on the forum, thinking he will shine. Thank you for your understanding. @luciferace Exactly, I don't know how people processed this conversation that everyone thinks that there will be a merge in 5 minutes But let's face it, I'm not there so heroes have an easy game on the server Also, my friend, you don't read with comprehension. All talk is loose speculation and you're attacking me for no reason Also, if you saying I'm a noob on low exp servers, you don't seem to know who you're talking to Low exp depends on your feelings, for you low is something else, for me low is something else. And it's not about the difficulty of the game, because the MUX servers are constructed in such a way that each server, no matter how much exp there is, has the same settings, so also the difficulty level. The only difference is the time spent on reaching max rr. I think that x50 or x30 are simply boring, not difficult. So I don't see the point in playing there actively. See that on the 1800 online server you have less lives than on Prime where there are 500 players. Precisely because it's boring and most people just stand AFK, they don't even fight for bosses. But I understand that some people prefer this type of game and I have no problem with that, I don't know why you forcefully look for a problem in my approach - which is active gaming.
  12. Who even said I was active on Angel? I'm asking about a new server because we have a third low exp server in a row. And like many players, I prefer to play on servers with medium exp. I am an active player and playing x50 or x30 is an AFK game. Which is beyond my preferences. I don't know who you are or if you know me in any way to judge me. Mental shallows.
  13. First of all, I am not an admin or an informed person. It's just my thoughts. We'll find out as long as Arthur responds. Secondly, the merge will definitely not happen until the server expires, because it's always been like that, and when most players are already close to the maximum. And the third thing, on "sega" there are about 10-20 people who are dressed in top, but still not maximum sets. And believe me, most of these people are definitely friendly, so those who need help after the merge will definitely get it. @Arturs Please dispel some doubts as there seems to been some exaggeration.
  14. I noticed, and recently in conversations with friends, we found that trading on servers for Web Bons is growing more and more. Wouldn't it be a good idea to introduce Web bons as a market currency? And add the possibility of exchanging web-serv through the market between players? This would remove the risk of scam.
  15. I think it's about a quick merge of Angel to Sega. Due to the small number of players on Sega. And Prime keeps a constant number of 500 players, relatively active. In addition, AngeL, despite the large number of players, is quite a dead server. Plus the third thing, servers with low exp are more profitable ;)
  16. I play on max effects, but i use Shift+3. Set Legendary in this configuration looks OP. Regarding the changes in appearance, I would be in love with Ice Dragon flying instead of walking.
  17. Ok, thank you for your answer. Will it be this year? Or rather 2024?
  18. Agree 100% with what i understand >.< I think you are far far behind Matołoni
  19. ScreensShots Against the rules ?? Really? Ban for 1 word? Abuses like - dumb, noob e.t.c will not be reviewed.
  20. "About balance. These changes apply to x50 and x100 servers. x5000 server receive changes soon. x100 also receive PvE changes, which have been applied for the x50 before start. Due to the PvP tests, adjustments were made in the PvP damage between classes. Some changes for the excellent and mastery sets also have been done. Extra 1% dmg on the mastery +15 items have been replaced with the extra 1% of damage decrease. During the tests, these changes showed improvements in the balance between "Mastery vs Mastery" and "Mastery vs Excellent" sets. Last time we changed the grades and count of the "Set bonus", to increase the value of higher sets. This time we changed the amount of "resistance" on the levels +14 and +15. Now it depends on the grades. More about this you can read here We believe, that these changes will improve the gaming experience and will finally close the balance question. In case necessary we will be able to make double tests of specific class against other specific class, but we hope, that we won't need any big changes." It is from last news on website.
  21. Lol. I was TOP on Sega. And i dont play on Angel, because I dont like that kind of exp. And there is much more people who preffer x500 or x1000, than some low x30. And since 1 year we have only low exp servers, and next one will be again low. Thats why i want to know, if there are any plans for higher exp. @YourDaddy Not everyone plays like you, on every possible server. Some people have preferences and choose what they like. My nick or guild name burns someone's eyes >.<
  22. Man, Mattoni is max char. This character is complete. How are you going to kill him? By max, I mean: final set Final Jewelry(FO Earrings) Max stats VIt and Ene golden lion Premium Muun And Wings 4lvl +15+elemental And Pentagram, I don't know at what stage. You're targeting someone who's basically finished building their character. As for the balance itself. SM has already been nerfed. Because people cry. Attack Speed is now like a 15 res elf. Soul Barrier is weakened. Maybe we should remove SM from the game altogether. The principle is simple. Players always cry for the Balance of the character that the strongest player plays. It used to be SM - because CayTien. Then there was the cry about DL - because there were a few unkillable ones at the beginning of Sega. Later MG - because BusCu Lancer for a while - because Makima Now back to SM
  23. Im not sure is that a joke or not >.< I don't understand your attack at all. Totally off topic. Typical approach of one group of players on the server :) I'm still shocked that any of them speak English so well.
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