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Voting requirements

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In order to receive vote rewards, your character must have a certain amount of Quests completed. 

Amount of votes Low rate Medium rate High rate
1 5 5 5
2 10 10 10
3 15 15 15
4 20 20 20
5 25 25 25
6 30 30 30
7 35 35 35
8 40 40 40
9 45 45 45
10 50 50 50
11 51 52 53
12 52 54 56
13 53 56 59
14 54 58 61
15 55 60 64
16 56 62 67
17 57 64 70
18 58 66 73
19 59 68 76
20 60 70 80
21 61 72 83
22 62 74 86
23 63 76 89
24 64 78 92
25 65 80 95
26 66 82 98
27 67 84 101
28 68 86 104
29 69 88 107
30+ 70 90 110


  • Low Rate: x1 - x49
  • Medium Rate: x50 - x999
  • High Rate: x1000 and higher

This means if you have created a new character you need to complete at least 5 quests to receive your first vote reward, 10 quests for second, 15 for third and so on. If you don't have the required amount of quests completed you won't receive any vote rewards.

Your votes from different websites do not sum up. That means, that you can have 10 votes at xtremetop.com and you'll need 50 completed quests to do that, but at gtop100.com that will still count as zero and you will need only 5 quests to make your first vote.

Xtremetop100.com and Gtop100.com vote rewards are received instantly, others might take some time to process.

If you see this in your bonuses turnover, hover your pointer onto <i> symbol, it will show the reason why you didn't receive any bonuses. It might happen if you don't have enough quests or your IP address has already voted in a certain time interval.

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Excuse me @Arturs i have 87 completed quests 78 resets i am at 30x exp rate at the moment, but i can't vote i'm not getting my points for voting.
Can u tell me if i need to do more quets i don't understand the table above very well.

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9 minutes ago, ff_silen said:

Excuse me @Arturs i have 87 completed quests 78 resets i am at 30x exp rate at the moment, but i can't vote i'm not getting my points for voting.
Can u tell me if i need to do more quets i don't understand the table above very well.

For Medea (Medium rate) you need 90 completed quests to vote after 30 votes.

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14 minutes ago, Morphine said:

So after 90 quest you can vote normally again?

-medea server

Yes, you need 90 quests to vote after 30 votes.

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Please describe your problem


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Describe your problem in English please. 


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7 hours ago, maurisb said:

quest 90 😄

seems like all is fine. By checking the logs i see, that you've received bonuses per each voting.


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Sorry, wrong description, x50 works as mid rate.

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