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Everything posted by Arturs

  1. [OptionLimit] ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~ ;-- Defines maximum success rate to achieve Excellent Damage, percentage (1-100) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~ MaxExcellentDamageRate = 50 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~ ;-- Defines maximum success rate to achieve Critical Damage, percentage (1-100) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~ MaxCriticalDamageRate = 75 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~ ;-- Defines maximum success rate of Damage Decrease to achieve, percentage (1-100) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~ MaxDamageDecreaseRate = 60 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~ ;-- Defines maximum success rate of Damage Reflect to achieve, percentage (1-100) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~ MaxDamageReflectRate = 40
  2. Будет исправлено в следующем патче.
  3. We have stats about chaos goblin success rate. Don't see any issues there.
  4. Arturs


    VIP arena will be reworked, it's already in the process.
  5. Killing from afk - not so easy. I would say, that it can be harder than in PvP. 1) Auto HP using 2) Receiving SD&HP from master skill tree and options. A bit SD restore = he restores his HP 3) Character always moving, and appears pet, it's much more harder to focus. 4) Character doesn't attack you - not losing SD and HP from reflect
  6. Unfortunately - yes. There is no possible way to restore these moments. We've checked Prime (technically this is server1) and all was good there. But the problem was in server2 (Sega), something went wrong with the table in the database, so because of it, the website didn't go to the next step - Dragon server. Sometimes bad things happen... But now all fixed. Closed.
  7. Please check it now. All issues should be fixed
  8. Hello! Please move these boots to the in-game vault. Probably it's because there is an old option.
  9. Arturs


    One of my thoughts is "Battle Pass". Season 19 has a built-in battle pass system, but it's mostly hardcoded and has a lot of absolutely useless missions like "stay on helper for x time" or "fix your item x times". Via website we can configure it as we want. So some kind of Battle pass will be on the website, and VIP players will receive better rewards (or increased amount of rewards) In reality, players just will stop to enhance their items and will ask VIP players to do it.
  10. No. But you will be 99 reset, so you will be able to receive bonuses per 100th reset. You can login to the x100 account, but can't login to the x5000 account? Why? Have you changed the password for prime server?
  11. Arturs

    Lost +15 items

    Restored. In the virtual vault.
  12. You guys always have the same story - it's not me, it's my friend/other player. Yes, maybe it's true. But the ban receives accounts, not persons. When there is a small bot farm, i can explore it. But when i see a bot factory - everything went to block. I've checked transactions, and these accounts are used in daily trades. So for 3rd or 4th time - denied.
  13. Accounts used in bot farms, including items storage and trade, include big amounts of zen transactions between other "maruko" accounts. Denied. p.s: with this IP you've written on the forum at least from 10 different accounts
  14. God damn, pretty fast! I hope all of them are not rank 5 with +10 levels already.
  15. Just tested Ashy's points. It all works for me. On what character did you meet the problem?
  16. I've checked - character looted zen.
  17. Arturs

    Garuda Feather

    Перо будет скоро заменено на 4th relic. По Зайкану - убрал крест из Зайкана и квест системы. Но релик добавлять туда не буду. Я стараюсь не трогать геймплейные моменты где идет крафт. Да и после изменения % на вингах и общей их системы тем более. Да, сделать вторые винги теперь немного труднее, но и их разрыв сократился с третьими. Между вторыми вингами +15 и третьими +9 - разница в 9%. Как уже сказали, зен коин это прошлый век. ждем решения.
  18. It is 50%. I've checked the config - it's the same on test and live servers. I've tried on the test server - 3 with luck and 3 without luck. You can read also this topic: But after tests, i can't say anything except - unordinary unluck.
  19. It should work.
  20. The restored item is in the in-game vault (expanded page)
  21. When you create an artifact, there will be values from 1 to 5. For example artifact with agility stat. If you have value 1 - on level +10 it will be 200. If the value is 2 - 400. 3 - 600. 4 - 800. 5 - 1000. About the same with all others. In the original system, there are 10 values, a +15 level, a lower chance for an upgrade, and a lot of useless options, like +AG and stuff like this.
  22. The servers have been rebooted. The bad news about "Zen coin". There is a bug, so temporarily we will remove it from NPC and disable the allowance to sell it. I can't say anything about dates now but need to wait. Apologies. The good news: a few bugs have been fixed. Included bat flock, repair cost, and CS siege buff. From this week, all players who had more than 100 achievement points (CS buff) will be automatically disconnected after the event ends (after 15 minutes)
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