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Everything posted by Shade

  1. Arturs, I tried to do this but receive this error after replacing item file. For now I have returned old file as to keep playing. EDIT nvm, I just tried again after pc restart and it works πŸ™‚ thank you
  2. -Evil- / Prime 1. A2 - B3 2. B2 - D3 3. B1 - C4
  3. -Evil- / Prime Cards: Q - K -K - K - Q Suits: S - H - S - H- H
  4. -Evil- / Prime C2 - C3 A1 - B3 C1 - B2
  5. -Evil - / Prime B3 - C3 - E5 - E6 - G2 - G3 - F6 - G6 - H6 - H9 - G9 - I9
  6. Funny ^^ I don't really want to to be honest, don't have much time to do so. It was just suggestion. Maybe if you only need one letter per day for event you can lower percentage chance to get from lottery, as I already have almost 100 of them and will most likely NPC them now rather than hoard them.
  7. @Arturs would it be possible to make Elena's letter stack to 255 like Varka ticket? ATM it is only stacking to 10
  8. -Evil- / Prime 1R - 2R - 3L - 4R - 5L - 6R - 7L - 8R - 9L - 10R
  9. -Evil- / Prime H - T - H - T - T
  10. -Evil- | Prime A1 - B1 - C1 - C2 - D2 - D3 - D4 - E4 - E5 - E6 - F6 Monsters: A2, F5
  11. -Evil- | Prime A3 - B3 - C1 - D2 - E3
  12. -Evil- / Prime 1. A2 - C1 2. B3 - D3 3. A4 - D2
  13. -Evil- / Prime 4 - 8 - 12 - 16 - 21 - 34
  14. Shade

    New paid service

    Sounds like a terrible idea xD there is hidden mode for a reason. Probably to avoid players like yourself lol
  15. -Evil- / Prime Cards: Q - K - Q - K - Q Suits: S - H - S - S - H
  16. So 2 months for Exc set is beginning of game? MUX different and custom server - exc set is meant to have a place here also. I don't know what server you are playing on but even still on prime many people go DS/BC etc. Ruud is much more powerful for Slayer for example but defense is shit. That why people go for exc also. It's different playstyles. Maybe Ruud set needs adjusting for some classes but to completely make Exc set useless will make a lot of people angry. It's easy to say exc set can beat ruud set. But not so easy when you consider different classes, weapons etc. It's a fine line but cannot simply be said as exc set is better overall.
  17. -Evil- / Prime 1R - 2R - 3L - 4R - 5L - 6R - 7L - 8L - 9R - 10R
  18. -Evil- / Prime H - T - H - T - T
  19. -Evil- / Prime x5000 A2 - C1 A3 - C3 B2 - B3
  20. You can use "dissasemble" option on morning star, and create elemental powder - 50 powder turns into capsule which could mean talisman of elemental change, radiance fragment etc.
  21. Evil / Prime C3 - D3 - B6 - B7 - G9 - G10 - H4 - H5 - J6 - I6 - F7 - G7
  22. Are you sure mate? I have Conq on alt with Ignore opt:
  23. The 3rd wing will have same options, Arturs?
  24. -Evil- / Prime x5000 Cards: Q - Q - K - K - Q Suits: H - S - H - S - H
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