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Everything posted by NoSilence

  1. There is special item upgrade form at the end of combinations list
  2. I saw 2 month ago someone selling 3 BA guns L + EDR + 2% + 20. Now I got the first answer. The next question is how they got perfect options. But this one is more mystic.
  3. Seems like invalid loot filter... Coz it drops more then required (comparing to other crafting materials) "Beast" worked fine for me, there is no more items named like this
  4. 1) 2) Just ruud box and ranking. Spawn golden every 5 minutes will be good idea 3) I hope its possible to remove any requirence from this event and Gaion too. Dont want to open additional windows just to pass in. 4) 5) Lord of Kundun? Same as p. 6 6) Yep, useless bosses with annoying shield and huge respawn time
  5. 1k ruud is still very cheap reward for such rare option
  6. Just dont be melee, play DL or something else
  7. ARTI4 / Medea 2 - 7 3 - 13 4 - 16
  8. Is that mean "you will lose all items if online storage is full"? That sounds like unfunny joke. Cause we playing on lower rates and have already lower value under Prime server. But now we will lose else more. Just becase. What about monthly rewards (online, voting etc)? Can you make it available for all players? Arena points? What about stored crafting materials? Why not Prime to Medea? "Almost full stats" server and lower online 😖
  9. ARTI4 / Medea B1 C1 D1 E1 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 D5
  10. I guess it requires minimum stats
  11. Are you mean this area where ppl farm 24/7?
  12. I think this strange rule exists to solve unstopable killing. Coz you need to use pkclear which has CD. But no one prevent you from doing this every CD of pkclear. So problem solved partially. Killer has low penalties of doing his fun.
  13. 3rd profession 1-400 master levels (Master skill tree) - classical skill tree like in other games 4th profession 401-600 majestic levels (Skill Tree Enchantment) - allows you to improve skills (mostly one selected) But you need good stats to complete them.
  14. Lorencia > Dungeon > Atlans > Icarus / Tarkan > Kanturu > Karutan > SoC ? I was keeping the rule: 2 hits to kill. So max your damage. Get top attack speed gloves. Items with zen is most prior until forever. That was my road to 60rr on Medea. Aim on a ruud skill & enhancement version of it (401 mastery level). For mastery leveling you should join parties. Have a rest by doing quests - additional stats.
  15. Этот моб респится в лоре по всей территории левого верхнего угла
  16. ARTI4 / Medea A1 - B1 - B2 - B3 - C3 - D3 - D4 - D5 - E5 - F5 - F6 Monsters: D1 - E1
  17. After Nightmare is killed the Refinity Tower is able to enter it within 24 hours. When 24 hours is expired there is some time until you can enter and fight again. But it much less than 13h. Am I wrong in something?
  18. What time between it closes and opens again?
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