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Everything posted by korasx

  1. SM killing out of range map... Solution ? Nerf Slayer ! I was telling Dmg Pierce is sh.it.. solution? NERF INERTIA !!:D:D Fuck logic. And funny how people telling about gear and max rr ^^ just LOL ๐Ÿ˜„ "U dont want AOE on inertia? Give me my damage back to pierce. No u left me with.. i dont know even how to name my character. even this is dk even dmg dealer? maybe give me spell damage now ? what is this now? maybe u can tell me ?
  2. Im already offline. if they didnt rewind the patch im not going back - Slayer 91rr
  3. Why even u balancing PvP now not before creating server??! For what i invest my time and money then? For your one day "ah im gonna nerf Slayer now" ? What kind of move is that ? Shame on you.
  4. So you take advantage from range players and give all to BK RF ? ๐Ÿ˜„ Im out.
  5. Oh right i understand Arturs. Thanks for answer. Could someone be so kind and transfer my muun to other character please? If i would have that information before i would not play lottery on my main. I was playing on lottery only for that muun, collecting zen for a week I didnt rr much and now ive stayed with nothing.
  6. Hello, Second option muun are not activating. I dont know why my thread was deleted when bug is still exist. Proves in attached files.
  7. korasx


    Beasty so to Verse u saying watch your language and for Sulmy no? Sulmy is your friend ?
  8. korasx


    I dont need to grow up im not making fun from any other culture like you. So we get to the point when small racism is acceptable right ? If he will make fun of music he wil right only about disco polo. He writed it suck to be a polish. What that means to you ? What if I use your country in that sentence? "Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.[1][2][3][4] It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity." Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong.[1] People may be discriminated on the basis of race, gender, age or sexual orientation, as well as other categories
  9. korasx


    How come that subject goes to CS? And how come u think that your DL can do something on CS? It doesnt matter for me if u r here or not. Not make any difference. Why u said something about my country? U cant figure it out something good without being racist? What polish disco polo have familliar with KS and CS tell me. Why u making fun from Poland?
  10. korasx


    Can someone from Poland reply and say if he didnt felt it was racist ?
  11. korasx


    Why he said something about my country with no reason? For me it was racist and i felt bad. Let Admin decide.
  12. I dont understand why two zen muuns will not work? Sorry but i didnt found any information about that. Arturs said second muun options will be activated so it must be bug.
  13. "Sub slot - by putting the pet in this slot, the pet will not be visible, however it's options will be active." I have second muun in sub slot and options are not activated please help i spend on it about 20KKK ...
  14. Wow Verse u did really great job. Im amazed how much effort you put into it. Keep going ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. Slaymik / Medea 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
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