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Everything posted by duong37d

  1. W4 1000 web bon or I only buy characters? bon web
  2. W4 1000 web bon or you sell char ??
  3. In my opinion condor should only be in events where only 1 is needed a day. Cc . Dv . .. random
  4. only 1 week after level 4 I think it will be everywhere in the market
  5. this isn't much different from selling w4 at the store
  6. My best hope is to fight the cheat software to weaken the onizuka . he's too fast and too strong 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Will my item error be repaired today?
  8. I don't know what algorithm you guys use but I hit onizuka and lost 10 health and he just poked me 2 times and I fell face down on the ground🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  9. The feeling when killing BK is so refreshing
  10. balance is all equal. but can't let BK be the boss of the whole sv.
  11. my honor Earring (L) is faulty . hope admin fixes me account: duong37d Server: Prime charecters : -EagleOw-
  12. DL is like a sandbag for boxers to practice boxing. DL is not powerful enough to end anyone if all items and quests are the same
  13. After the update, what changes? dk slay sm is too strong . DL is too weak
  14. my character is missing 12 points missing master point account: duong37d Characters : -EagleOw- server Prime hope admin fix it for me .
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