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MUX Legend Community


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Everything posted by evilseph2

  1. Friendly What is this guild based on? Friendship: make friends, not enemies. Neutrality: make peace, not war Our Goal as a Guild: Our goal is simple, to be one of the best guilds in Mux Legends. We are not talking about PvP, but to be the best guild to just be a part of. We will never define ourselves as “hardcore”. We are an adult community with families and jobs. We expect any applicants to be able to speak English. What can I (Glad101) do for you? I am here to help. I am here to defend you in whatever ways that I can. If someone bothers you, I will be there. If you start trouble, you are on your own to defend yourself. What "rules" do I have for the guild? These are not rules that you must follow, but they will surely keep trouble away. Do not KS. You KS, you will invite trouble Do not PK noobs. It's impolite in my eyes. Also, you never know if that noob actually has a much higher RR character. What about our members? I hope you join "Friendly" to be part of a small, exclusive family. When I take in new members, I watch their actions for a period of time. What I don't like, I will kick out. If you have problems among the guild members, talk to me. Remember that if you start shit, I won't do shit. You being in this guild is your choice. It is also completely up to you to leave if you choose to do so. What we offer: Helpful/Friendly guild members Respect Humor What does this guild mean to me? It's a way for me to escape from real life. Real life is full of responsibility which I don't need in game I am here to help. I am not here to babysit. How to apply: If you are interested in applying and feel you have what it takes, You can PM me (Glad101) or just press N in-game > Guild > Friendly. Best Regards, Glad101 -GM
  2. Glad101 / Dune 2 - 8 6 - 9 4 - 20
  3. Glad101 / Dune1st round: 1, 8, 4, 3, 72nd round: 2, 43rd round: 2
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