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  1. 3 points
    yes, HRP will be slow rate exp of 3.5 i think . details about it can be read here and also no u need lv 400 to receive mastery exp. dont worry you can reach 400 in about 3-4 days
  2. 2 points
    Havoc spear will be added together with the part-2 update this autumn.
  3. 2 points
    I agree, that evomun scroll drop should be changed, with adding an alternative way. Added to the to-do list.
  4. 1 point
    1. my nickname: KhungLong (PAPICH)2. game server: Apollo3. which rule clause was violated: 4.2 4.7 4.124. nickname of offenders: Orange , HienYeu091 , Lancer This whole guild keeps insulting me and guild players. also tells that @Arturs is my owner or I'm his, cant understand them beacuse of bad language. Actually one-two players spamming from all chars from 1v100 guild. Also they have alt SckMaDik which shouldn't be allowed nickname. They ask for report - so i do. I think if people try to sell castle and all characters they dont want to play. https://imgur.com/nmFMep9 https://imgur.com/ZHhsxvh https://imgur.com/bQGz2Pr
  5. 1 point
    maybe you wont ban for sell castle ?we not cryaing its crying police but ik to much dmg its not normal when 1 ik can kil 5 paty on castle in solo :Dits not interesning playing make all guild Ik and kill all
  6. 1 point
    market post not for spamming. Note to ALL
  7. 1 point
    вы будете делать что то с бмг мг или он будет такой нищий ?)))) вы тестили его на ренж ?)как им вообще можно играть уже все делают только еmg и то ренжа ему не хватает у всех персов ренж нормальный бк даже 7 эльфа 8)у всех чаров есть примущиство у мг нету прыжка даже )
  8. 1 point
    Да, надо пофиксить МГшку, ренджа мала! Не комфортно играть, просьба пересмотреть.
  9. 1 point
    Posted July 2 Update: now all cases about items restore are going thought the website ticket system https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=support&block=ingame
  10. 1 point
    Thank you, i was loosing hope for a moment there
  11. 1 point
    bring back havok skill. you always say - you remove it bc it have huge aoe in cs - but look at ik - it have same aoe. so bring back havok and mg come popular again.
  12. 1 point
  13. 0 points
    sell SM char HienYeu091 all .w4+demon+Ering Fo+set rud
  14. 0 points
    buy your wing4 2k web
  15. 0 points
    x200 Sell all char Guild 1vs100 and Land of Trial= web bons. PM ingame: Orange Reason: ADM nerf IK 30-35% damg but no reason, no notify on discord balance. We're very bored with ADM's working and dont want play that MU anymore. P/S all other Guilds: if you're afraid of IK. Let's build your IK. Dont cry like 15 years old boy. Bug MG range skill, why ADM dont rework. That's joke =))
  16. 0 points
  17. 0 points
    Its not normal when 1 Ik kil 5 party in solo or this good ?:) no need cry all now ik to much dmg very to much for 2 castle sige IK make 3k kils its not normal
  18. 0 points
    1.My Character Name: MaSaDa 2.Severx200 Apollo 3. 17h20pm 25/07/2024 Sever time 4. Lost item - Blue Eye Gloves (B) 5.Forgot put toca on 9+10 6.Bons and toca on Account: loc1
  19. 0 points
    Seem like everybody still wanna hang on their swords. :) this meta is all about EMG i think.. for the past few years mg was str based. Now, it can be either way str or ene.. why not give chance to EMG?.. and buy 2 kanade bye bye stormbreaker
  20. 0 points
    BK is ok and combo hits good, BUT same af RF (which is also fine) no players with good gear, MUX weapons, 4th wing, ruud set etc.
  21. 0 points
    🥹 am I playing it wrong or I’m retarded?
  22. 0 points
    Oh that’s great! I think it took me around 10/15 evenings grinding in crywolf (on and off). It was worth it though! My heart went through the roof will combining it :P
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