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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2024 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Complete rebalancing of the game. Let's start with the fact that MU Online was created for a small number of stats, up to 2000. Therefore, all the parameters of items and options were made specifically for these values. Yes, you can work with them, but it is always a “synthetic” enhancement of the parameters so that they somehow work for maximum stats. In our history over these 4 years, we have made changes many times to find balance. Something was added, something was removed. Making changes worked, but every time we encountered the same problems. Consideration of each case required a large amount of time to research and negatively affected the speed of adding gameplay improvements. Therefore, the decision was made to completely focus on a complete rebalance and start all over from zero. First of all, all the mechanics of the game and their operating principles were researched. Every aspect of the game has been researched and translated into formulas that allow you to change values in real-time and see the result. Thus, we have the opportunity to configure the parameters for each class with maximum accuracy so that they are equal to each other. Previously, we did PvP balance by changing the % damage class versus class according to the principle DWToDK_PvPDamageRate = 178.0 DKToDW_PvPDamageRate = 127.0 Which could give results, but only under strictly identical conditions between each class. A few % changes - and everything changes radically. Now we have gone in the opposite direction - we are changing the values of things, buffs, and formulas to suit the balance. And the damage “class versus class” has additional values for more accurate adjustment. Let's look at the short list of changes. Further in the text, there will be a detailed description of why and why these values changed. Changes: Weapons have received new damage values. Weapons have received new stat requirements. Weapons for mages lost an additional % damage at levels +14\+15 Weapons for physical classes received an additional % damage from level +11 to +15 Weapons now have +1% EDR & 2% CDR at levels +14\+15 Mastery weapons now have the option "Increase damage +2%" instead of "Increase damage +xxx" Weapons that are purchased with RUUD now always give the Luck option. Sets have received new defense values The "damage decrease" option on sets +13 now is - 4% The "damage decrease" option on mastery sets now gives 5% at level +11. The option values have changed slightly when enchanting sets to +13 and higher. More HP. Excellent option "Increase maximum HP" now gives 3%. Resistance values are now the same for all grades. Mastery sets will lose the "triple damage" option. Instead, other values have been balanced. Mastery sets now have the same grade defense as excellent sets. Changed some master and majestic skill tree values. MUUN attackers now have the "Increase critical damage" option The MUUN option was replaced due to the impossibility of balancing it between physical and magic classes. Achievement buff now gives the same % Damage & Defense increase. Increased the amount of HP from Achievement buff. The amount of HP that can be obtained from the vitality stat has been reduced. Changed the amount of defense that can be obtained from the agility stat. The speed of using HP cans has been reduced. Now it is 0.5 seconds. The cooldown for SD cans is now 5 seconds. Changes in pets due to too strong impact on balance: Golden Fenrir +10% DMG & +5% Absorb Guardian Dragon - +10% Absorb Guardian Lion/Tails - +10% Absorb & +5% DMG Rare guardian pets, Demon, Angel - +250 stats. And now more about the changes. The damage between magic classes, whose damage is multiplied by weapons, and physical classes, whose damage is given by static indicators from weapons, has been balanced. In other words, previously magical classes received a very strong increase from % from weapons, while physical classes received an increase mostly from stats. Therefore, magic classes now receive more damage from stats and their weapons have a less aggressive %. In turn, physical classes now receive a much larger boost from the weapons themselves. Also, physical classes now have a dynamic, changeable system for receiving damage from stats. The new stat requirements for weapons have been taken into in this regard, and therefore throughout the entire stage of the game, classes will have more equal damage. The next problem was that with each level, magic weapons received a noticeable increase in damage, plus an additional % for levels +14 and +15. In turn, physical weapons essentially did not provide an increase until level +14 and +15. Therefore, to balance between +15 and lower levels, magical weapons no longer have additional options for a +14 and +15 damage increase, because for each level itself, magical weapons receive a good damage boost. That's why now physical weapons start to receive an additional damage option from level +11 and higher. This measure balances the differences between magical and physical weapons. Increased stat requirements for weapons, firstly, do not allow low resets characters to gain access to a noticeable gain, and secondly, it give relevance to lower-grade weapons. The next big problem was that magical and physical classes penetrated defenses differently. For physical classes to have damage at the level of magic ones, their skills received an artificial boost of 2-3 times. This was the reason why for physical classes the difference between T7 and T8 sets in penetration could be up to 30%, and for magic classes only a few%. Changes in defense, weapons and formulas also corrected this. The next problem with defense was that it had little effect on damage taken. The Agility stat has become irrelevant. Firstly, we lowered the % on the wings. In itself, the fact that one item can absorb 69% of damage (in the case of third wings +15) already seems too much. Therefore, now the third wings initially have 35% damage and absorption, and give 1% extra for each level. In general, this already equalizes the players a little. Other wings also received a modified %. Defense on sets and defense amount depending on the agility stat have also been changed. Defense on sets has been changed to consider new agility and buff parameters. The change in defense for mastery sets and the decrease of the excellent "damage decrease" option on excellent sets slightly reduces the gap between excellent & mastery sets. "Damage decrease +5%" on mastery sets is now given at level +11. This allows the player to always remain competitive while upgrading up their mastery set, rather than getting knocked down by a few hits from anyone until the player reaches the final grade and makes a +13 set. But taking into account the changed defense formulas, upgrading the set to +15 level still remains a relevant action, because with each level the overall defense increases (do not forget that the entire set must be part of one set, otherwise there will be no defense bonus) With the game's reduced overall defense and the change in HP, the agility stat has become more relevant and can be used in various builds. Experiment! The next stage was adjusting the speed cap for all classes. Now you can be sure that two different classes with the same items will have more equal DPS. For a more clear and equal game, all classes except the fairy elf now have only 1 stat to increase damage. Magic classes, as before, receive damage increases only from Energy, physical classes now receive damage only from Strength. You can read more about the changes to your class below. In the future, we will figure out, how to make 4th stat useful for all classes. We have come to the point where all classes have approximately the same damage, defense, and speed. Are they all the same now? No. At this stage, each class already receives its improvements in PvP & PvE. In addition, now each class has 3 “Convenient” and “not convenient” classes in PvP. For example, Rage Fighter will deal 2.5% more damage against DK, 5% more against GL, and 7.5% more against DL. You can see the table below in the next post. To summarize, we can say that now we have more non-reset variability in the game, where every next weapon, every next set, every % has an improvement. Where you can improve your character step by step, enjoying the progress. But all this is now on reset servers. Season 19 brought some changes to the mechanics of creating wings. The interface in Chaos Machine has been updated. Now players must create a Wing's relic, and wings are created from it. The mechanics of creating spirit stones have also changed. Now the item must be at least +9+16 and it gives a static number of stones. The changes are related to the fifth wings, which will be released with the Season 19 Part 2 update. We can confidently say that this is the biggest and most important update in our history. We hope that every player will be satisfied, and every class will finally be able to find its place under the sun. We, in turn, will finally be able to fully focus on gameplay improvements. We will gradually add mechanics for new seasons that we did not add because... this would make the balance problem even worse. Now the questions and answers section: Q: Why did it take so long? A: To create the MU calculator, it was necessary to research the mechanics of each class, each item, each option, and everything that changes any parameters. We all know that elf buffs enhance defense and attack. But how exactly? How much growth does "1 damage" on a sword and "1% wizardry increase" on a staff really give? Now we know the answers. Q: And why was it needed? What is this anyway? Can we use it? A: In general, this is a large "Google sheet" in which you can write down all the parameters for any class and see its real PvE/PvP damage, defense, etc. This allows you to change the values of weapons, sets, options, buffs in a couple of clicks and see in real-time how this will affect the final result. This made it possible to find the necessary values that lead to balance. In addition, in the future this will allow us to check possible balance problems much more quickly and find inconsistencies. Q: But it’s still the same "season 15", when will there be updates? A: The main goal of this update is balance. We will monitor the situation for some time and make operational changes if necessary. Once we see that everything is working well, we move on to adding new gameplay mechanics. Q: What will be added? A: Everything that already exists but is disabled. Artifact system, Boss battle together, Doppelganger, and everything else. We will introduce everything gradually. Q: Why couldn't this be added earlier? A: Let's imagine that we added this earlier. An Artifact system would only further exacerbate the balance problem, and PvP/PvE events would again be taken over by the same people. Q: Where is the new map? A: Why is it needed? Each map should have a sense and goal. If you have an idea for new cards, please create it in the "suggestions" section Q: When will s19part2 be available? Why wasn't it introduced now? A: Part2 was released quite recently and it still contains a fairly large number of bugs. In addition, new professions and skill trees have been added, which significantly affects the balance. We want to be 100% sure that the current balance is a good foundation. You shouldn't expect Part2 until winter. Q: Okay, when we can expect something new from new seasons? A: In April we will add a few new things. Q: Why did you cut the HP option? Why do staffs give less %? Why is the buff cut? Why? A: All in the name of balance. Any change you see in this patch is forced. We want to get balance, right? Q: You ruined everything! Now my class is impossible to play! A: Please use this topic. Detailed information will allow us to conduct a test. The problem will be solved or an answer will be given, perhaps the reason is in your character and not in the balance. Q: And yet you ruined everything! A: There are a lot of changes, some quite radical, let’s give it time and put aside emotions. Perhaps something was missed somewhere, we can quickly fix it. Next week we will monitor the situation and will come up with fast solutions. Afterwords Done tons of work, basically last 4 months we've been working only on this, but started already earlier. I hope that everything was described clearly, each change in this update has only 1 goal - to make a balance. We're satisfied with the results, and we hope that players will understand these changes and give time to used to it. Good luck and have a great time in game!
  2. 2 points
    1. Umbrella 2. Kate 3. Before update we tried duel and it was about draw. After SUM wins 10-0. We tried both Bri vs Bri and t7 vs t8 1. Umbrella 2. Jinz 3. Before update we tried duel and SL won like 10-3(4). After update the situation is an opposite. I didn't do any accurate investigation, but in general the picture is clear: same people, same gear, different result. I would be grateful for any explanation and ideas on what I'm doing wrong :)
  3. 2 points
    Table of additional damage between classes. Class Extra 2,5% DMG Extra 5% DMG Extra 7.5% DMG Dark Wizard SUM LW LM Dark Knight GL DL GC Fairy Elf RW SUM IK Magic Gladiator LM RW SL Dark Lord IK LM RW Summoner SL MG GL Rage Fighter DK GL DL Grow Lancer RF SL SUM Rune Wizard ELF DK LW Slayer LW GC DW Gun Crusher MG RF ELF Light Wizard DL DW RF Lemuria Mage DW IK DK Illusion Knight GC ELF MG More detailed information on changes between classes Dark Wizard DWMaxAttackSpeed = 255 -> 325 Dark Wizard did not undergo any major changes in mechanics. Increased attack speed Dark Knight DKMaxAttackSpeed = 225. Attack speed has not changed. Damage from two different weapons has been slightly increased. But still an important priority for a warrior is to have two identical weapons to receive a damage bonus. Along with the changed weapon values, the formula for increasing damage from the STR stat was changed. Now it will grow gradually as its quantity increases. The Swell life formula has been slightly changed. The buff now gives more % of the base value. Previously, the ratio for the buff was vit/10 & ene/2, now it is vit/6 & ene/3 Fairy Elf ELFMaxAttackSpeed = 525 -> 425 Attack speed has been reduced. Reason - Focus shot with 4 hits. In return, the damage itself increased. Along with the changed weapon values, the formula for increasing damage from stats has been changed. The elf is now the only character in the game who receives a damage increase from two stats at once - AGI & STR. For the first half of the game, the increase from STR gives 40% damage, and from AGI 60% damage. Closer to maximum stats, the STR value will increase and the proportion will change. 60% STR / 40% AGI. Firstly, this slightly reduces the dominance of elves in the early stages, and secondly, it gives a variety of builds at the high end. Important changes to the buff system for elves. To achieve balance and reduce too much effect in PvP from buffs, the formulas have been reworked. Greater defense & Greater attack - values have been increased so that buffs are useful at the early stage of the game. Previously they were too weak Master skill tree Greater defense & Greater attack - % growth in master skill tree has been reduced. Majestic Greater defense & Greater attack - values changed. Now they give a static increase. Previously, the Majestic version had a greater increase in Energy. Mastery set buffs - parameters on sets have been changed, taking into account all of the above. In general, elf buffs now provide a more gradual increase, and remain useful, but do not change the PvP landscape as much as they did before. Magic Gladiator MGMaxAttackSpeed = 425 -> 325 The attack speed has been reduced to take into account the additional explosion of the Chaos Blade skill. Also, the damage of this skill is now static; previously, each of the three hits could produce different values. More static damage with reduced speed allows you to slightly increase the damage and make it more predictable. Damage from two different weapons has been slightly increased. But it is still an important priority for a gladiator to have two identical weapons to receive a damage bonus. Along with the changed weapon values, the formula for increasing damage from the STR stat was changed. Now it will grow gradually as its quantity increases. Dark Lord DLMaxAttackSpeed = 225 -> 195 Our long-suffering DarkLord. Attack speed has been reduced. The Wind soul skill has a very fast animation and after a value of 200 attack speed it becomes one of the fastest in the game. Because of this, the class had a pretty severe damage reduction. With two different attack stats, players were faced with either the class not being able to deal damage, or dealing too much damage. To balance this class, more radical measures had to be taken. Now the increase in damage comes only from the STR stat. The horse's Absorb was cut a little. Overall, we can say that Dark Lord remains the owner of the highest absorption in the game. All these changes should bring the class to a calmer situation. Summoner SUMaxAttackSpeed = 425 -> 475 No big changes. Increased attack speed and slightly increased damage gain from Berserker buff. Rage Fighter RFMaxAttackSpeed = 425 Like almost all other classes, Rage Fighter's damage will now only come from STR. Of course, now STR will do much more damage than before. Taking into account the damage bonus for certain classes, and one of the highest damage in the game, Rage Fighter can become a very important character on Castle Siege, because he deals the most damage to classic tanks - DK, DL, GL Grow Lancer GLMaxAttackSpeed = 525 -> 400 Like almost all other classes, Grow Lancers's damage will now only come from STR. Of course, now STR will do much more damage than before. Attack speed reduced. Positive change to the Wrath skill. Now it has an infinite operating time, but at the same time significantly reduces defense. In other words, GL can now take quite a lot of damage, but at the same time lose significantly in defense. This allows it to be better balanced in its "standard" form, making it more competitive. Players who dreamed of a 7-cell skill - your dreams have come true. But we wouldn’t be us if we hadn’t cut this skill. If you want maximum damage, come close and use Shining peak. But if you are at a long distance, you can try Oversting. Its damage is about 25% lower, but can still be useful. Rune Wizard RWMaxAttackSpeed = 675 -> 875 No big changes. Increased attack speed allows you to compare with others in speed. Slayer SLAMaxAttackSpeed = 325 -> 275 Attack speed has been reduced. Reason - Pierce skill with 4 hits. In return, the damage itself increased. Damage from two different weapons has been slightly increased. But still an important priority for a warrior is to have two identical weapons to receive a damage bonus. Along with the changed weapon values, the formula for increasing damage from the STR stat was changed. Now it will grow gradually as its quantity increases. Changing the Bat Flock skill. If previously the duration of the debuff was 7 seconds, now: Bat flock & Bat flock mastery: 8 seconds Bat flock majestic: 15 seconds Now Slayera can be called a full-fledged Dark Wizard killer, because he has the largest damage bonus for this class. And who can do a better job of catching him in a teleport than Slayer, whose Bat Flock now lasts 15 seconds and can attack from a distance? Gun Crusher GCMaxAttackSpeed = 275 No changes in mechanics. Lemuria mage LMMaxAttackSpeed = 325 -> 375 One of our suffering characters. One of the reasons it was difficult to balance was its ability to provide a ++ buff. The result is a character that doesn’t seem to do much damage, and doesn’t give out much of a buff either. Therefore, a rather radical solution was invented. We are changing buffs for attack and defense to "Companion buffs". Now this is a full-fledged character with his own damage and the ability to distribute full-fledged buffs on the elf’s damage and even a little better. Only an elf with an energy mastery set will give a better buff, but not everyone has one at hand. The peculiarity is that Lemuria no longer gives buffs to itself. There will be a buff, but it doesn't change anything. But she doesn’t need the buff, because without him the attack power has increased significantly. Attack speed has also been increased. White mage LWMaxAttackSpeed = 325 -> 475 Attack speed has increased significantly to compensate for only 2 hits in the Dragon Violent skill. This class is very demanding on having two good weapons, the book gives a serious increase in damage. Illusion Knight IKMaxAttackSpeed = 325 -> 475 Similar to LightWizard, attack speed has been significantly increased.
  4. 1 point
    March 28th at 13:00 server maintenance will be conducted. Gaming worlds will be unavailable for ~2 hours. Our servers will migrate to the Season 19 version. Take in mid: Master&Majestic skill tree will be reseted. Detailed information about changes and the new game client will be uploaded during the maintenance.
  5. 1 point
    Way to kill a dying server. People are waiting for additional content to get even stronger. The gap from newbies and old players just got bigger. "Balance" is not achieved by making the weak even weaker and the strong even stronger. As it is, the server is not newbie friendly and 7 out 7 new people i knew/invited has already quit. Getting all the new contents will not make us stronger than what we were before the update because of the major nerf. All the years / months of effort was basically thrown away without consideration. Like a major setback...getting the new contents (God knows how long it will take to achieve) will only put us back to where we were before the update.
  6. 1 point
    Read information about Jewel of Luck. It gives a 50% chance of success (it's jewel of luck). And it's not an s19 change, it works like this before Okay, I will check it. This system didn't change as I know.
  7. 1 point
    elena ticket- cant store in vault TOCA- lost amount ertel burn on +1 cant enter SOD RSI mob hitting too pain i assume, saw many died there offlevel not working
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    There won't be something like "buffed" or "nerfed" classes. It's a completely new balance from zero, with different formulas, options e.t.c. There won't be as before when some classes have 100% damage against others, but the second class has 250% damage because of the lack of damage or "too tanky" class. All work on items/options/buffs and other staff gives us the opportunity to see the "100% damage" class vs "100% damage" class by default, and from my point of view, even just 100% for all classes are much better than what i saw before. Extra damage in PvP exists, to make PvP experience more "variable" The news will be updated in about 1-2 hours, so you can investigate changes before the server will be online.
  10. 0 points
    Mattoniky they bring your SM back,ahihi 325 speed,
  11. 0 points
    I am hoping for DLs rebalance.. I wish to see this through..
  12. 0 points
    you're not "newcomer" anymore
  13. 0 points
    how bout more nerf for u guys so we new comers can kill better ?
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