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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    1. my nickname: NuChienEF2. game server: Sega x1003. which rule clause was violated:It is forbidden to use any macros or any kind of programs for automation processes, which gives you bonuses, achievement points, and any other personal gain. It is forbidden to use Speedhack, Hithack and other serious cheat programs.4. nickname of offender: https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=GaoRanger&serv=server2:
  2. 0 points
    kentran1 u use teleport to run from PK 😄 What's difference teleport, switch char, ALT+F4 = result: escape from PK. BUT you now became protector of justice (first you should clean up your yard) and found that in rules you cannot use ALT+F4 and switch char, but YOU can use teleport, which imo is same in result. I think few things should be corrected: First: rules - there should be also information that you cannot change map imo. Why not 😉 Second: YOU, bcoz as I see on prison section, now there is a lot of reports from you and your friends. I see you found quite "fair" method to eliminate enemies (which you cannot defeat) by reporting them to get ban. Imo you're breaking 4.18 rule. To be clear I also dont like cheaters , someone who break the rules etc. , but you trying to "force" ban, If not that guy, we will try next one and so on. You're obssesed.
  3. 0 points
    No defend setting why cannot select char? shit report :)) if he attack you first and select char success or use alt + F4 is using bug bro :)) pls dont make a topic report like this again. it's make you look dump. so funny :)) you dont reading rules? :)) or dont understand this rule?
  4. 0 points
    3rd DL Cape on +15 gives 54% Absorb Conq wings on +15 give 69% absorb Why some class benefit because of cheater wings? if so then make when other class equip it they get also 15% more absorb.or Just disable conq wings and compensate it with Cape/Wings for corresponding class wearing it 15% absorb is a huge number. and told you already my name is Davud, with capital letter.
  5. 0 points
    some admins/senate/wannabes dont play the game and pretend they know everything😂
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