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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I would like to start from PvP prospective. We are playing on reset server afterall and in the end all cames to pvp.Indeed balance should be achieved somehow.Server lost alot of players bcoz at the start i wasnt here but i heared that Grow Lancer was a monster and could solo 3x Buffed parties by him self.Then it got nerfed and after that nobody plays that class atleast i havent manage to sell a single good grow lancer item which means noone play this class probably it got nerfed way too much. Admin have to be aware how he nerf of buff classes so this doesnt happen to any other class. in Website/market things i am totaly agree that upgrade option have to be removed so evryone will have equal chance of makeing items+15 and Talismans will be more worthy.But here is the catch there is alot of players who allready upgraded verry good gear to 15 and the reset allways can say Hey this is not fair i just gathered enough bonuses for this thing...... From ingame things we are missing alot of items . 1. Rings and necklaces added in season 10 : Ring of Ultimatum , Necklace of Agony ,Solyd Symbol , Protection Ring , Prot Protection Ring , Ring of Block( not needed that much besides stuns that come from mobs and bosses). 2. Elemental Talisman of Chaos Assembly also called ECAT: this can be added in elemental capsules(all kinds)as a reward from Arca War event like a weekly buff for respective succesfull tower/zone defence or attack , From zen lottery but lower chance then talisman of chaos assembly. 3. Talisman of Luck and Elemental Talisman of Luck : especialy ToL is needed right now bcoz alot of ppl are kinda pissed of watching how goblin burn their items or burn their talismans so 10% increase in rates is not a bad idea for evrything coz u can use it in same time with TCA during items plusing. 4.Lemurias Orb , Bloodstring Lyra and etc tier pentagrams are not in to the game. 5. I sow someone mention above for Fenrirs more then Blue and Black. I disagree personaly in official server for MU the only way to obtain Golden Fenrir is by spending ur real money to buy wcoins or once per Year verry low chance from Christmas event. I dont like the idea of Golden Fenrir or some custom version of it we allready have enoug pvp problems with some classes so no need of more boost in dmg department until perfect balance is achieved. 6. Gens Wars so the gens not only needed to enter a guild with respective gens choice and the rewards from gens rankings are not bad atall. 7. Adding a few more Golden mobs for bok+4 and bok+5 like in Kanturu Relics Golden TwinTails , and Kanturu 1 2 Golden Satyroses so that will open some space for new players for the lower tier sets and weapons so they can fit in to the server pvp somehow. Example right now is allmost a verry impossible task to collect a good Great Dragon or Black Dragon set only 1 or 2 players in the server have it and half of items are DD only, and this force alot of players to still farm the bok+2 and bok+1 besides that tier 1 and 2 sets right now are useless after set bonus future nobody buys them but u have to collect them bcoz the other options are super hard.
  2. 1 point
    We need to make the flow of bonuses better on market, i propose that we need to erase the option "Upgrade item" beacuse this options take all bons from server, if u erase tihs option, everonye (doners and no doners players) has a chance to obtain bonuses selling items on market, tocas (Now tocas will be the most bought item beacuse now u will need it to upgrade your most important sets weapson wings, not only for web, using only 1 spare,. Also, everyone will buy items "Spares" in case u lost some items trying to make it +15, so everyone will buy tocas from the diferent players, from this way everyone has a chance to get bonuses and use it to buy and sell other items, maybe wings, zen, jewels, etc.
  3. 1 point
    @Arturs Vesna It seems players are concerned. It might be a good idea to do a recalculation of what the zen price could be, taking everything said here into account. But, if it appears fair to you, then it is what it is. @stocker players can get get bonuses by doing many other things than just donating. Beasty is simply pointing out that zen is more inflated than ruud, and that in essence, may make the socket system a bit too easy. What's wrong with you? You can never stick to the topic that you post. If anyone disagrees, all you do is make it personal and attack the other person instead of remaining relevant. And then you wonder why people are so hostile to you.
  4. 0 points
    So why you even ask the players for "general" suggestions and ideas when they are denied after that ? :D
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