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Oscarccn last won the day on September 14 2020

Oscarccn had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

15 Neutral

About Oscarccn

  • Rank
    Lich from Lorencia

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  1. Y0ujizz 2-10 20-1 15-9 7-14 6-13 8-11 21-30 35-18 3-16 17-24
  2. Y0ujizz A1, A2, A3, B3, C3, C4, D4, E4, F4, F5, F6
  3. Hero reset, i dont have to much time to go to all events so my favorite way to makes ruuds is making hero reset and minigames
  4. We need to make the flow of bonuses better on market, i propose that we need to erase the option "Upgrade item" beacuse this options take all bons from server, if u erase tihs option, everonye (doners and no doners players) has a chance to obtain bonuses selling items on market, tocas (Now tocas will be the most bought item beacuse now u will need it to upgrade your most important sets weapson wings, not only for web, using only 1 spare,. Also, everyone will buy items "Spares" in case u lost some items trying to make it +15, so everyone will buy tocas from the diferent players, from this way everyone has a chance to get bonuses and use it to buy and sell other items, maybe wings, zen, jewels, etc.
  5. Y0ujizz 7-15 12-20 9-13 1-16 21-36 25-32 18-29 14-24 3-10 2-6
  6. Before u see this photo u need to listen "Pasión de Gavilanes - Quien es ese hombre" at minute 0:46, then u can comeback to see this photo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVGfQq_i49U Name: Y0ujizz Dressed: Naked 🤩 Friends: MYTHH and Min0s
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