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Everything posted by stocker

  1. stocker

    Quest System

    Idi nahui suka ebanaja
  2. stocker

    Mastery Sets

    shut ur gipsy mouth allready and sosat.Suggestion is for admin and u are not the one that have to open his mouth. I realize that when ppl find out what it have to be done for pvp balance u got mad bcoz u canot xploit the weaknesses of the server anymore when ppl findout for them. So face the fact that ppl who doesnt understand the game mechanics well allready left the server .So keep being angry bcoz im smart i have 1000000 time more experience then u do in this game and i can see what is wrong and present it for the audience here.The only thing that keeps u in the game is the Donations u motherfucking braindead noob.I am sick and tired of arrogant bastards donators like and u and im gonna bash them evrytime i have oportunity. And yes when something is wrong i fight for it to became right. If u are mad bcoz of this and canot play with ppl that have no idea about the game and u want to play with that type to pretend of being someone.Keep donating braindead retard seemslike u are mr nobody IRL and trying to achieve something in game. See i have the balls to speak if ppl are afraid from something i dont.So u can shut the fuk up and let Admin readh the suggestion section without trashtalking here and yes the community will make evrything possible to make ur donated guild life miserable when we can.Dont u get it. If the ppl decide to unite u guys gonna leave this server for sure and ur money will be in the rubish ๐Ÿ˜‰ Fucktarded noob l2p then talk. this is what u deserve to being bashed unsulted evryday even beaten for breakfast lunch and dinner so u dont forget how to go down got it? Now u can shut ur mouth and go to hell with ur donnor friends and tell to Aspect a.k.a. Chmo to turn off the speed hack if u dont want some allready recorded videos to leak in youtube.
  3. stocker

    Mastery Sets

    Beasty can u shut the fuk up allready. that u donted tons of money here doesnt giv u the right to terrorize the ppl and telling admin what to do bcoz u donate . Cant u fuking play fair u motherfucking piece of shit? What is OP have to be nerfed shut the fuk up and play retarded trash kidd.This why ppl hates u and gonna bash u non stop. U telling me that i talk too much? u never shut the fuk up.U have to face the fact that sometimes money wont giv u the advantage u desire and allways gonna be a ppl that will be oposition for overpowered things and not willing to spend their mothers sallery in good damm private server dont u get it? or just like to troll ppl u fucking braindead spoiled retard.Die by cancer and go to hell fucking moron.
  4. stocker

    Quest System

    Typical spoiled braindamaged kidd go donate more u fuker.Money wont buy u brain retarded trash.
  5. stocker

    Quest System

    Anyways the point was to remove the bosses from quest system and add something else that evryone can pass without of a need to mess arround with kidds that think they can rule after they use the mommy credit card into a game. ps: Arturs Vesna i wont reveal my source of information bcoz im not a snitch. And u was talking about balance and fair play on ur server see what just Beasty posted as a comment on this topic hahah he ask for 100b to let ppl pass the quest for some boss. Who the hell he think he is.That he donated u doesnt supose to allow him to act like this...................
  6. stocker

    Mastery Sets

    my point is that lets just say u are fighting a SM with SH set+DDi7%+fenrir if u are any melle class that needs to close the gap so u can acctualy can hit him u lose 90% of ur hp just to reach the sm and then in the moment u try to him u lose the other 10% if u dont use the god damm software for potions click. or the sm will just TP and here we go again.the mastery sets are desinged for non reset style of playing and canot be balanced on reset servers bcoz they scale way too much with more stats.and if u leave joh option on them this is even more overpowered. not evry class benefits that well from those sets this is my point.if we was non reset server i could agree for this yellow opt on ruud sets but not on rr server.so the solution without nerfing those sets or classes that benefit verry well from them is to remove the possibility of adding joh and remove the yellows allready added on those items.so they cant have good defence if they want to maintain oneshotting ppl.
  7. this is the issue with evry class. basicly u have to make swell life from bk affect only the basic hp of the classes not to multiply the other buffs that provides stats and hp. For example if u have an elf with 80k hp the swell life should increase those 80k hp only even if he is buffed from RF(hp inc) and his Bless buff for stats. This is how it supose to work for evry class.
  8. stocker

    Mastery Sets

    well admin have to find a way to adjust the things.For me personaly yellow option have to be removed from mastery sets coz it way too overpowered and when u combo vip buff, rising hero buff, demon and setbonus dmg inc the result is oneshot any player any class. Multiplication is the issue. In that case there is a plenty of choices how to solve the problem.
  9. There is an issue with BK swell life buff for other classes. I have tested the issue with a SM that had 50k hp basic from vitality and hp talents from MST. the party was RF BK SM DL ELF. The issue is that swell life multiplies the hp buff from RF which is wrong. Swell life affect only basic hp. Somehow this SM after all buffs became on 250k hp. The maximum increase that a party member can recive is 80% inc and this is in best case scenario when they perfectly calculated their stats to maximize the swell effect. Here is the swell formula : Fortitude % = 12+vit/100+ene/20 + 1% for each player in party. Basicly the benefits from swell life is just from the points u put in vitality stats= ur basic hp. Buffs for stats from Elf Bless buff RF hp inc and similar effect does not get benefits from swell life. For more detailed explanations videos and stuff we can negotiate the terms for testing team if u want it.
  10. Hello, MG need significant nerf into the dmg of Fire Slash. Its oneshotting ppl who ever is close to the mg. Right now ruud skills of mg are nonsence bcoz they dont do good dmg. Afterall fire slash have alot of talents that is boosting its ignore component and dmg aswell, and at my opinion need some nerfs in the dmg of this ability. sever times BK with full buffs vit+agi+ene (str just for the gear) and tank build on talents and items is getting oneshoted by MG with a Fire Slash and a half. I said it in the general topic created by javix how to make server better that only 3 or 4 classes are desired to play from players. this is SM DL MG and from time to time Summoner. Ppl that are playing other classes are verry few and there is a reason behind it ( the truth is that they suk bcoz scripts/fixes for then is not good). I even heared from players that had access to test server before u open the live one that there was no such a problems with most of the classes. I assume there is something wrong with applying the patches from test to live or some classes are just busted on purpose here.
  11. Hello , for now BK GL and RF are suffering the most of the limited stats on this server.Last 2 weeks im observing only which class is doing good and which doesnt. Allmost all BK`s quit the server bcoz its unplayable at the moment for this class , not a single grow lancer playing seriosly and only 2 or 3 RF`s trying to play and allmost getting oneshoted from other classes with similar gear. Find a way to boost those classes coz nobody will play them atall and server without all classes is basicly nothing. Nobody will play support BK GL or RF its reset server and evryone supose to have their defence and offence in the same time this is the main reason ppl are playing on RR server.
  12. stocker

    Quest System

    From the last month the donated guild Eternity are camping 2 bosses that ppl extremly need for progressing into the quest system and obtain their stats.I am not offeding donateing atall bcoz its keeping server alive but in the same time what they are doing is forceing ppl to quit.If there is some agreement between admin and this donators to terrorize ppl like this without letting them do their quests better have the balls to say it louder.We all know that a member of Eternity is personal friend IRL to u ArtursVesna is not secret anymore. What i am suggesting is to remove the bosses which are 24h respwn time like Core Magnify with something else like 10k mobs on some map or difrent thing that wont force normal players to mess arround with greedy donors that are trying to prove nonsence n1 in private server that is meaningless. I would understand that aim if it was on original webzen server but not here.If u think that normal players will last long on the server if this maintain like this u are verry wrong ppl will try 1 week or 2 weeks then they gonna quit. I assume u dont want server numbers to go down and quiting players to spread how bad is the server situation at the moment. to avoid this fix the things alil bit.
  13. stocker

    VIP Aura

    Hello , Redisign vip aura with removeing dmg/absorb components with something for pve strictly. Right now vip combined with rising hero buff demon 500 attack power or wizardy scroll from wcoins and Ruud sets on some classes is makeing them oneshoters.This is totaly unfair and alot of ppl quit bcoz there is no pvp balance is only Pay2Win here as evry other server and u pretend that u dont sell FO items in shop but this is absolutly the same alowing players to buy buffs that can be comboed togheter and make the like full option items. Same for Rising Hero change the buff with something for pve like more jewels drop or increase rate in chaos goblin for example but not dmg and dmg absorb.
  14. stocker

    Mastery Sets

    Hello , since the the update for Set Bonus Custom was implemented alot of players left the server bcoz on limited stats server 3 respective classes are too overpowered with Silver Heart Set if it has yellow options. Pure example are SM , DL , RF. I know what u gonna say that those items are useless without DD from joh for pvp. After all we are playing on reset server and evry ancient items supose to be useless beside if u want strictly to be a fast boss killer and nothing more. I strongly suggest to remove yellow options for ancient/ruud items completly ppl are getting oneshoted all the times and this continue more ppl will leave 80% of the server that are still here are against this shitstorm. Even set bonus itself is garbage that is blackmailing ppl to play more then 12 hours per day to complete a decent high tier set and u basicly discretly saying that donators will win bcoz they can buy bonuses buy all the ruud from selling players and then destroy others until they quit the server. If u dont remove Yellow options from Mastery sets atleast nerf alot in dmg department DL,SM,MG and RF(not that much) coz their DMG is skyrocketing with Ruud sets. It is imbalanced at the moment
  15. Low tier sets supose to have less move speed and attack speed then higher. I also noticed that for example bronze boots have 8 movement speed but black dragon which way higher tier have 2. those things need adjustment and fix
  16. how do i remove the pick from inventory when loses entire durability? bcoz it canot be sold
  17. administration of the server have to face the fact that MUX Legend is not that popular game anymore and more of the ppl are playing dota2 legue of legend fortnite valorant and things like that that doesnt eat ur entire free time to sit on the pc.so if u have verry expensive prices on donations/services and make server way too grindy nobody will play here. cmon get on the ground this is 2020 not 1998~2004 when half of the gamers still played MUX Legend and diablo mainly. and pls spare us the crap talking. we allready said multiple times that players are leaving bcoz set bonus is complete bullshit that force ppl to donate or play 24/7 to be humans here. then u boost some classes that only donators play which is not well accepted from the rest( 80%) of the server. if u maintain this narrow minded focus to make only donators feel good and confy on the server u will left with them only. accept this as constructive criticism and yes i know server is yours and u do what ever u want with it but if u maintain this u will lose the biggest part of the players and u have to close the domain at the end coz noone will play here and will be unneeded expenses for u to pay for hosting and stuff.we get that server have bills and have to sustain him self from donations but excuse me this prices at donation page. i better invest those money in a game that is official server if i want to pay for my hobby or whatever. think about that.
  18. I think the best possible remakeing of VIP buff aura should be like this : experience rate stays the same , access to arena ofc , but replacing the dmg and absorb component with increase jewels drop rate by 3% for example. balance will never be achieved with custom auras its only makeing things worst. Even Set Bonus custom is not good at my opinion bcoz on reset server options matters not the acctual tier set and how much armor does it provides( example 500 ~1000 armor difrence is nothing on reset server).
  19. For once i will agree with molten ๐Ÿ˜‰ I embrace the idea of removeing dmg and absorb component from the vip status purchase and replace it with something like 2~3% increase drop of jewels all kind something relying on pve. Example why is imbalanced now: if some changes are applyed and server acctualy recieve a 2nd shot of life and some new players came they wont have bonuses to purchase anything from market if they dont donate. Market is dead and only ppl who can afford donations(which are verry expensive for some countrys as value`s) can buy vip . And when u face in pvp a player ill giv for example Beasty(dont get mad naab) or CayTien as SM`s on the server that are useing Silverheart set. This set have doouble dmg rate and triple dmg rate and 9% ignore rate. Imagine how much those 10% dmg from the vip are multiplied buy those things without including anything else. so basicly vip gives more then 50% at some point which is totaly broken.
  20. stocker

    Empty Spheres

    well the topic is for empty spheres afterall. And all i suggested is to make like on original muonlie to be for zen in npc. u need alot of zen for difrent purposes in the game so if u go all in for spheres u will lack zen for something else and at my opinion some things on the server are rly hard and forceing ppl to leave which is not good so as Arturs Vesna allready agreed on my suggestion they will be for 45kk ~50kk zen in npc after next update.
  21. stocker

    Empty Spheres

    basicly socket system is abit easier then 380 lvl items bcoz there u rely on pure RNG factor u if are lucky to get the desired seeds fast and aswell u can chose what u need to put into the empty sockets : DD/REF/BRI/SPI etc its a plyer choice. 380 is harder bcoz u rely only on RNG and limited drop here coz its only from purple chaos box or crafting which both asks for alot effort even alot of pvp between players/guilds.
  22. I would like to start from PvP prospective. We are playing on reset server afterall and in the end all cames to pvp.Indeed balance should be achieved somehow.Server lost alot of players bcoz at the start i wasnt here but i heared that Grow Lancer was a monster and could solo 3x Buffed parties by him self.Then it got nerfed and after that nobody plays that class atleast i havent manage to sell a single good grow lancer item which means noone play this class probably it got nerfed way too much. Admin have to be aware how he nerf of buff classes so this doesnt happen to any other class. in Website/market things i am totaly agree that upgrade option have to be removed so evryone will have equal chance of makeing items+15 and Talismans will be more worthy.But here is the catch there is alot of players who allready upgraded verry good gear to 15 and the reset allways can say Hey this is not fair i just gathered enough bonuses for this thing...... From ingame things we are missing alot of items . 1. Rings and necklaces added in season 10 : Ring of Ultimatum , Necklace of Agony ,Solyd Symbol , Protection Ring , Prot Protection Ring , Ring of Block( not needed that much besides stuns that come from mobs and bosses). 2. Elemental Talisman of Chaos Assembly also called ECAT: this can be added in elemental capsules(all kinds)as a reward from Arca War event like a weekly buff for respective succesfull tower/zone defence or attack , From zen lottery but lower chance then talisman of chaos assembly. 3. Talisman of Luck and Elemental Talisman of Luck : especialy ToL is needed right now bcoz alot of ppl are kinda pissed of watching how goblin burn their items or burn their talismans so 10% increase in rates is not a bad idea for evrything coz u can use it in same time with TCA during items plusing. 4.Lemurias Orb , Bloodstring Lyra and etc tier pentagrams are not in to the game. 5. I sow someone mention above for Fenrirs more then Blue and Black. I disagree personaly in official server for MU the only way to obtain Golden Fenrir is by spending ur real money to buy wcoins or once per Year verry low chance from Christmas event. I dont like the idea of Golden Fenrir or some custom version of it we allready have enoug pvp problems with some classes so no need of more boost in dmg department until perfect balance is achieved. 6. Gens Wars so the gens not only needed to enter a guild with respective gens choice and the rewards from gens rankings are not bad atall. 7. Adding a few more Golden mobs for bok+4 and bok+5 like in Kanturu Relics Golden TwinTails , and Kanturu 1 2 Golden Satyroses so that will open some space for new players for the lower tier sets and weapons so they can fit in to the server pvp somehow. Example right now is allmost a verry impossible task to collect a good Great Dragon or Black Dragon set only 1 or 2 players in the server have it and half of items are DD only, and this force alot of players to still farm the bok+2 and bok+1 besides that tier 1 and 2 sets right now are useless after set bonus future nobody buys them but u have to collect them bcoz the other options are super hard.
  23. stocker

    Empty Spheres

    The hardest things in the game supose to be 380 pvp sets for evry respective class for example opitons+L+HP+DD+REF craft system is quite fuked now. i sow the last crafted items all absolute crap beside 2 items.I personaly got lucky from blue chokolate boxes to obtain some purple boxes but still all items crap. Makeing a Silverheart set is not easy too bcoz the anvils and stuff needed for upgrades are expensive. So my conclusion of those 2 choices is that before the person who play class X for example canot afford to play with Ruud set bcoz he will be too squishy he have to make his socket set until u reach 380 set with verry good opt that is acctualy worth plusing in chaos machine or in website for bonuses. its the same for classes that can make Ruud sets work for them. Afterall socket system got invented by webzen back in season 3 episode 2 right after they introduce for 1st time 3lvl wings. and then they transition into the modern seasons with this Mastery ruud sets. So the conclusion is that sockets sets doesnt supose to be that hard as others. Atleast the empty spheres can cost like 50kk zen in npc. and for a socket set u need actualy more Ruud then for mastery set so it needs to have a cheap element of entire thing which are the spheres. Afterall we are playing season 15 and the old things from previous season doesnt need to be that hard like they are not.Right now we playing some sort of custom upgraded version of season 3 episode xxxxxxxxxx
  24. stocker

    Empty Spheres

    One more thing Beasty . Elemental Runes was allways more expensive then empty spheres. Players that played on non customized servers before and came here are used to this. So if u start loseing population drasticly u have to make changes and get rid of some customs that are makeing ppl change the server. Elemental Runes supose to be hard afterall Elemental System for pvp is more endgame then ur fuking Ruud Sets. if u played mostly on ultra custom servers is ur problem if u lazy to farm zen donate>buy it from market for bonuses.
  25. stocker

    Empty Spheres

    i dont think so that sockets are easy since 1st u need to craft a ton of seed to get the main 15 once u need to upgrade not to mention zen cost for each enchance ruud cost for sphere runes upgrades. its more costly in zen then u think. pls beasty dont cry the entire server allready know that u cryed to most for the mastery sets to have joh. i can say the same ruud is easy on the server bcoz its rly is for one day i manage to make 45k ruud without pressure but that ammount will go for sphere upgrade runes and there never was a server that spheres cost ruud it allways was about zen for spheres. look at the server numbers this days from 500 to 100 for 2 days and before from 500 to 350 just bcoz of the stupid set bonus update. MUX Legend is not that popular anymore and makeing things verry hard doesnt bring ppl here. atleast u dont cry that u cash cash cash all of ur upgrades and items. makeing spheres high cost no matter ruud or zen will make ppl leave imediatly bcoz they canot keep up the pace with ppl like u cash cash cash. so dont cry pls.
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