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Everything posted by leboo95

  1. Hey There, I've got some questions about the Class Change System: - If we have almost every skill for DL class, and we would love to change to DK, than we will have the same variety of skills, like the ruud ones or, we should buy and farm everything from scratch? - Master And Majestic levels, Will they be thrown back to zero? - If our character is in a guild, Should we leave, or we can stay in there during class change? - Let's take a case where the player is sleepy and he/she want's to change class, but didn't took off his/her characters items, What will happen to them? Would it bug on them and the fist blazer would roam in summoner items? At first these were my first few questions about it 🙂 Thank you for the answers.
  2. leboo95

    Level 400 Sets

    Thank you very much for the infos
  3. leboo95

    Level 400 Sets

    Hey There, Is there any infos about the level 400 sets like Lazy Wind for Dragon Knights? Where should we farm these? Thanks for the infos.
  4. Indo / Medea 3-15 20-25 8-17
  5. Indo / Medea 1 - H 2 - T 3 - H 4 - H 5 - T 6 - T 7 - HExtra - H
  6. leboo95

    Donate Problems

    Thank you very much.
  7. leboo95

    Donate Problems

    Hope it will be sorted out soon
  8. leboo95

    Donate Problems

    Hey there, Purchased 200 Bonuses, transaction succeded, but did not recieved the bons, Nickname: leboo95, time the purchase been made on the server: 22:58. Medea Server Thanks for your help.
  9. Would be great to have a bigger arena, with double the spots to be enough for everyone
  10. leboo95

    Claw of Beast

    Wanna buy more stacks of Claw of Beast. You want to sell it you tell the price, like in a real market. PM me in game or here: Leboo
  11. leboo95

    DMG problems

    Max STR and ENE, 41 k dmg, still makes me curious about this.
  12. leboo95

    DMG problems

    Hey there, Is this damage amount normal on a 215 reset character? basic damage got 8k, with excellent damage 181k. Gonna post the image below.
  13. Halika, Ha kockás a szöveg a játékban és nem tudod olvasni a dolgokat akkor ez a teendő! A letöltött fájlok, ahonnan telepítetted a játékot, ott van egy mappa "Install this Font" névvel, abban van egy szöveg fájl, azt telepítsd fel. Pacsi Leboo
  14. leboo95

    Noob Q&A #1

    You enter the vip arena, and at the beginning of the map there is an NPC
  15. Simple ring of ice with DD % Vicious ring and the pendant from shop, And ofcourse the Beginner Pentagram, so we are at the basic skill level, but it is strange what happens with both of our characters
  16. Hey There, Me and my cousin wondered if we can hit down each other with almost the same stats and resets. We have tried different methods and different spells. Here comes the strange thing. For my character, the Death Stab was the Winner, but for him the Death Stab did so small amount of damage that we were in a shock. After we tried the Death Stab, we have moved on to the Twisting Slash. Now the wheels have changed. His character almost dominates me with this spell, but mine got almost nothing at all . We gonna manage to do some videos of it. But if you could check on it, it would be great. P.S.: Both of our charachters got the same Master Skill points added. Character Names: Leboo and Cega
  17. Leboo 1-24 5-14 6-23 8-17 11-3 18-31 20-27 21-34 29-36 27-13
  18. Hey There, I have just started collecting some Hyon items, and noticed that I do have to obtain 4 set items to recieve the whole set options. On previous seasons it have had to be only 3 items to benefit from the complete set options. When did it changed to 4?
  19. Hi there, I am looking for a Vicious Dragon armor and a Vicious Dragon pants. In game you van find me. Name: Leboo
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