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Everything posted by carfavre

  1. Justification for not buff for LW: With the two +15 full option weapons you can just fight someone xD. So I must be the best LW on the server to fight a bk or sm noob. I don't see that they have balanced anything for the LW, they add a little bit of speed (insignificant) and take away damage = more nerfed. The server will continue to be full of BK SM ELF and nothing for LW as always.
  2. "This class is very demanding on having two good weapons, the book gives a serious increase in damage." LOL have you really tested the damage of LW vs another class? The book doesn't help at all, even the SM with shield is better than the LW with book and staff. I don't understand anything, there is almost no LW in the server, doesn't that tell you something?
  3. @Arturs What's up with this? They really don't realize that there is no LW in the whole server because it is literally useless? Do they care about player feedback or don't they care? LOL A little more effort please, this enormous difference has been evident for years.
  4. @Arturs really in this server the white magic is very unbalanced, won't the admins do anything to balance it for pvp? By the way, the mux book still has the strength requirement bug.
  5. lol really in this server the white magic is very unbalanced, won't the admins do anything to balance it for pvp?
  6. Thessarian | Dragon 1R - 2R - 3L - 4L - 5R - 6R - 7L - 8R - 9L - 10R
  7. Thessarian | Dragon H - H - T - H - T
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