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Everything posted by TonyMattoni

  1. Good effort OpineL, but you wont get Bunny u want so much, forget it : )))))) Mattoni
  2. Yes, Imp should be some kind of trick in sleeve(Bankai), u put it on, kill 1 vs 1 a person, and imp dies. Not like u put it on go to Medusa, and u just change it after 5-10 mins of fight This will increase the value of Demons and Spirit angels ,and people will make more effort in crafting them trough Ashy aida Event. For sure reduction of imp durability is a right move Regards Mattoni
  3. Good day Admins, Wanted to ask why the Red icarus top tier map do not have any hot spot for better ML level up? We still use the swamp of darkness double spot, because the mob density is much higher, with full pt and seal u can get up to 6kkk EXP per second But on red icarus even on highest mobs u get only about 3.7-4 As i understand this map is strictly for achievement and farming stones? But would be cool if it had hot spot, what do you think? Regards Mattoni
  4. Alright lets hope for the best then :)) I do have dragon on +15 at the moment, by the way when ashy aida event will be opened on Sega server? Kind regards Mattoni
  5. Who will sell the seal, if someone gets Lion seal he will gie his guildmate or friend at this point of game Main concern is seal, it depends on event, which u might never score 2nd) why not make Lion seal droppable even with 0.000001 % chance from Elite Drakan or Asteroth and how u afk farm stones?
  6. Dear Admins, I Wanted to raise topic regarding the Top Mounts: Lion seal only is obtainable via Ashy aida event, Gold Fenrir can be crafted without any special items only via GRINDING and applying 5 fenrirs and at the end of the day the are EQUAL in terms of power. but golden fenrir is much easier to do + u don't need any magical items. They should be equal, either seal should be obtainable another way as well, or Gold fenny craft should also depend on ashy aida event What if a person don't get 2nd place on Ashy aida event? He never evolve dragon? Fenny farmers will just afk and grind it till last drop and make golden fenny, while pet owners have to tear themselves hunting the stones, and camping elite bosses , and somehow get 2nd place in Ashy aida , It is not Fair IF there is such Difficulty difference between Lion and Gold Fenny, then there should be POWER difference as well, at this moment if we conclude all above mentioned: Gold Fenny easier to craft, No need any special items, can be done mostly in afk .Same power level with Lion Lion: More difficult to craft, Need Seal obtainable only from Event, Cant obtain resources in AFK. Same power with fenny)? Correct me if I am wrong
  7. Mattoni /Sega1st round: 1, 2, 6, 1, 82nd round: 2, 63rd round: 4
  8. Dear Admins, Any update or future plans on this regard?
  9. Guys can some1 explain I have 2 ancestral earrings +13 from Lottery, if i upgrade them via website , they become honor earrings remain FO, but +0 I mean what will be better 2x ancestral +13 ,, or 2x Honor but on +0 ?
  10. Mattoni / Sega A1 - B2 - C1 - C2 - C3 - C4 - C5 - D5 - E5 - E6 - F6 Monsters: B1-D3
  11. I think they should stay non tradable but, u should not get dupes of MUUN, or if u get u can stack them and increase their power by 3-5% )
  12. Just a small note i forgot to mention, On X5000 I have BK named Mattoni On next server I also had BK named Mattoni After merge, the BK from 2nd server became unaccesable , it name is shown as random digits and letters, and i cant log in into it, So make sure before merge change names so they are not same )))
  13. It should affect both PVE and PVP, Right now demon is not valuable addition. u can just fill ur invertory with 10 imps, and change them every 10 minute during pvp fight and every 40 mins on the spot where u are hit per 3k from mob Not fair)
  14. Good day Arthur, Yes that is also a solution, Reduce the durability of imp even with maxed ML. Other vise it is just unfair, that a person either got it as jack pot, or crafted and wasted so much time , in the end person with imp from yeti has more benefits ))?
  15. Mattoni / Sega1 - T2 - D3 - T4 - T5 - D6 - T7 - DExtra - D
  16. I hope when all comedian inserts are finished, Arthur will share his mind regarding this topic
  17. Brother, please read what i wrote before making comedian inserts. I said 10-20 min PVP early game which is right now in Sega and in prime in late game vs ruud sets it was 1-2 per duel!!
  18. I will have to disagree with you , 40 point u drop to ML are worth of 15% instant dmg boost, test yourself it lasts about 10-20 mins at early game. On prime x5000 even at late game i used imps, and used like 1-2 in 1 duel versus top sms with ruud set. If not nerfing imp then at least make demon 20-25 % ,because it is just hilarious that you got rare pet that is weaker than standard one dropped from Yeti XD
  19. On current Game state it is, I was using 1-2 Imps during Asteroth fight. Maybe later with more dmg and ruud sets implemented time will decrease. But for now there is no meaning of demon ,only for good afk overnight XD Has it been upgradable on previous servers?
  20. Want to see Arthurs thought on that account as well : )
  21. Hello , I wanted to raise a topic of buffing the lottery demon, As I recall from x5000 demon was only available from Xshop for quite high price and was giving 40% dmg increase= pure pay to win. But now it can be crafted and obtained via lottery, but it only gives 15% dmg. To be honest I find this quite unfair, if u maximize your ML for Item durability line, your imp can easily survive 10-20 minutes of pure pvp time, and give u much more advantage over a demon. Demon is just convenient that u don't have to change it on regular basis that's it, Therefore i would like to suggest to buff it a bit at least to 25% if not 30% or to nerf Imp's % .Because right now it offers nothing than just convenience, and the way to craft it is very hard same as you will need to be very lucky to get it from Loto Best Regards Mattoni
  22. Anyway hope they restore your stuff Lemu, if no don't worry, I will make u another w3 Lemu XD
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