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Everything posted by Much

  1. Much

    Lottery coin

    in your virtual valut, than take out rom virtual valut to your regular valut. (I have no idea how I know this 🙄)
  2. is this true or there are different numbers on lvl 6 seeds? because you all the time say on lvl6 is 9%dd, but here it says 10% can you put correct numbers for all serds and all options 🤔
  3. Much

    Set bonus

    where do you get exc BA items??? is it like a bug or something?
  4. You need to clear that space in event inventory. Put all event items on one side.
  5. Top tier should be socket set lvl400 with the highest buff by regarding that socket items ain't that good(weapons) and you need them to get best options out of socket set. Mastery sets could give same buff as pvp excellent items. At the moment socket sets are the hardest to make only because of seeds which you put in. If you want that your socket set would stay close with def to excellent sets. Mastery sets are not needed for all clases especially for close range classes. And they are not that hard to get, ruud collecting is easy especially when you can trade ruud chest
  6. Or add how many statues break in bc 7 for ranking, not Attendings
  7. That is Hero Reset and he can't lvl up that fas that site won't update, but usually whit DL summon you can get in some maps earlier than through M. Same as you would run to that map.
  8. can you add harmony option to socket items?
  9. What does drop from Blue Ribbon Box? I hade one right clicked on it and didn't get anything, Mby because I was in Gaion event?
  10. Much

    30 May 2020 events

    So it makes it a bit harder and more competition. Much So xShop buffs include demon too? And who will be checking if anyone uses them?
  11. Much

    [15.05.2020] - Update #4

    Burst don't work. And could them cooldowns from buffs be removed, it's very anoying especially in duel ,when you can buff in every 3rd or 4th round only. Because after you die buff cooldown dosen't restart.
  12. Much

    [15.05.2020] - Update #4

    for Rune Wizard Haste is working in cc before time, but Burst is not working
  13. Can you put list of what kind of shields can Rune Wizard wear, haven't seen any shield for rune wizard higher than tier 2
  14. Is it possible to make for Rune Wizard to reset Buff (Burst, Haste) cooldown after you die. Like when you just buff yourself and than die, you still have to wait on buff cooldown. And I don't know if it is for all clases, but Rune Wizard buffs don't work in CC and BC, in them first 5 mins before it starts. Can't add luck option in web to 3rd wings for Rune Wizard. I don't knof if it is supposed to be like that or if it's a bug.
  15. Hello! Is it posible to see all character formulas of attack, like min and max attack and buffs for each class. And combos, and if there are combos for all classes can someone make tutorial for combo of all new classes. I have only played Mu in Bless, eGames, and MuxGlobal, so all thease new seasons are new to me. 🙂 If there are alredy topics about thease things in forum can someone link them.
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