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About 1987dbs

  • Rank
    Yeti from Devias

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  1. I bought 1 piece of equipment for Slayer on the item market But the page has a durability error and I can't repair it Please help me restore it Đến
  2. image.png.3b30cda7ec27e6c772b52950b941d8a2.pngHelp me !!

    Defective items cannot be repaired


    Help me fix it
    Dragon server
    TDLove character
  3. What does GM think about adding the ability to change items according to characters? Of course it costs money
  4. Contribute to game development with GM The x50 and x100 servers are mostly max reset so I hope the GM will increase the number of rs to 200 and have an event where the remaining points can be exchanged for items. In addition, there is the issue of rewards in BC DV . events Now when I go to the event, there are only 1-2 people participating, sometimes no one attends Small suggestions that I hope GM will pay attention to
  5. Versace | Sega 1) A1 - D2 2) B2 - D1 3) A3 - D3
  6. 1987dbs

    my item

    @Arturs help me
  7. 1987dbs

    my item

    In my character's inventory, 5 toca and 200 bon web are ready
  8. Name : SinhBN
    Account : sinh1995
    Server : Sega
    Date and time : 12:00 to 12:40. 07/08/2023.
    I had Justicar's Lance the but I forgot to put the toca in the Chaos Machine so I lost it. please help me get that item back.

    Item : Justicar's Lanc

  9. 1987dbs

    my item

    @arturs help me
  10. 1987dbs

    my item

    Name : SinhBNAccount : sinh1995Server : SegaDate and time : 12:00 to 12:40. 07/08/2023.I had Justicar's Lance the but I forgot to put the toca in the Chaos Machine so I lost it. please help me get that item back.Item : Justicar's Lance
  11. 1987dbs

    Buy item

    Buy a lance for GL with toca Sv x100
  12. 1987dbs

    Buy class

    Buy x100 character with outfit and weapon = web bon Do not buy DL DK
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