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Everything posted by vuduyvinh

  1. I also have the same situation as you. We need to fix it @
  2. HarleyQuin/ Sega A1 - A2 C1 - C2 B2 - B3
  3. I've seen it, but the difference in points is quite large. up to 705. I want to fix the way to balance it. But there cannot be such a special person
  4. Hello Artus, I have edited the topic. and you can check that difference again. We all max quest 301 on the above accounts + buy 2k more points. So I wonder about that difference.
  5. So why his account up to 72645 link char https://muxlegend.com/vn/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=BeMe&serv=server2
  6. 1k bonus buys you 2000 points. I also spent 1k bonus but still lost 705 points to you. According to you, do you feel satisfied or not?
  7. what are you talking about. Yours with matoni is 300 index. But to me you are over 600, not 300 705 to be exact point
  8. like Beme's is 300 points better than you. I'm helping you too xD
  9. I want to be a little fair, although the number is not large but not small either. because I spent 1k server bons to buy 2k more points. But now I have a difference of up to 600 points xD
  10. in master 3 when + max is 33767. but I still see it as 32767 so they are not related to each other
  11. 1. my nick name: HarleyQuin 2. Link char my : https://muxlegend.com/vn/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=HarleyQuin&serv=server2 3 link char matoni :https://muxlegend.com/vn/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Mattoni&serv=server2 3. link char Beme https://muxlegend.com/vn/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=BeMe&serv=server2 Why is the maximum RR with an additional 2k points but the difference between me and others increases to more than 600 to 705 points?
  12. yesterday i was a user but had no attitude about rule 1.1 which was banned I need a picture or chat related to rule 1.1. I can't get my account banned for no reason ?
  13. yesterday i was a user but had no attitude about rule 1.1 which was banned
  14. @Skedi@Devil@Ivan Nebraska @-TheEnd- please give me back acc. why ban for no reason?? . i see acc (Kikas) has been released what about me???
  15. this is my buff acc. I don't understand why it's banned? i need an answer?
  16. vuduyvinh


    Because he was angry, he spoke in his own language. you are a foreigner, how can you understand and translate it like that ๐Ÿ˜„ almost all of him are abbreviations.! so I can't report him ๐Ÿ˜„
  17. My nick name : DuyVinhX sever : x100 sega nickname of offender : Finixx link char https://muxlegend.com/vn/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Finixx&serv=server2 link video:https://clips.twitch.tv/PuzzledMiniatureWoodpeckerPraiseIt-qb-4oW8GZw-bId86 1 Char DK without buff can Kill 3 char full buff (Ef + DK + DW) .while he's BK dame not BK tank + shield ! While 1 finger holds Ctrl + heal, how can he use more combos of BK (he can't have that many fingers) surely that char a is too strong to need to be nefted or he can use some software Or if he's too strong, he'll have to nerf to balance the class We agree to check and verify from the management! Thank You !
  18. You fight him by having him turn off his health automatically. It's like taking a selfie in your face
  19. With that said, it is impossible to say vip buff or not vip because while you are not having a buff. If your character has a buff, who will play with you? i need to check if you are doing well or what software you are using we try not to beat you. if your char is too strong then i need to reduce nerf to balance. Or you use some other software that we can't beat you So need to authenticate from the Admin!
  20. If you say no to hack, it means that your char is too strong, so you need to reduce the power to balance with the class more
  21. look at the fact he got killed i'm the weakest and kill 17k to 19k dame. The other 2 have much higher damage than me. weapons are all +15 at the same time he suffers from 70k to 80k damage while he has 200k HP there is no way he can recover in time without also using more SD Don't make excuses for him that aren't realistic!!!
  22. It's also a full set of 380 4dd +13 +14 stars but the difference is too big :D
  23. Good day admin ! i need to check char Finixx i don't know what he used or how he made it so powerful that it doesn't need the buff of DW's Ef + MNS which can withstand 3 people fighting at the same time and can kill all 3 to die. while all 3 accs are max RR? 100 + Master 3 +4 max + full Buff ef + mns + DK Buff If it's like this, it's not fair to the other class,Or does he use cheat software or auto or something I hope Admin takes care of this. Video link below, Thank You! https://clips.twitch.tv/PuzzledMiniatureWoodpeckerPraiseIt-qb-4oW8GZw-bId86
  24. chaos soul lottery ! sever x100
  25. chaos soul lottery ! sever x100 hope the helping! Thank you !
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