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Posts posted by ative777

  1. 2. communication process on forum.
    2.2. players humiliation without using curse words.
    penalty: read only for a period of one to 3 days.
    2.3. players humiliation using curse words.
    penalty: read only for a period of 3 days to one week.
    2.5. insulting attitude to a player's family and close ones.
    penalty: read only for a period of 2 weeks to a permanent forum account block.

    @Devil @Shade Your hands are dirty just trying blame me and Demons for everything, that"s it. 

    Ask friend @saladin, why he told us to kill you. After all mess, when you sold DeViL. He even offered me to buy -Much- for real money, so you can't buy it! Need screenshot? 🤭

  2. The screenshots prove what the Demons said, don't you two have better things to do in friday evning?
    All I see here is the abuse, harassment and humiliation from a member of the Senate and his friend to me right now. How could you bring baby into topic? How sick can you possibly be. Freely break rules even here and get away with it? I could puke in your face 🤮

  3. "Bailout" breaking rules 😀

    5 hours ago, kenttran1 said:

    Yes Anthony my guil just play 1day in here ,and why u guys all kill newbie ???and you guys repot him aswell kill newbie and then repot him affter 2nd day he play in sever ???

    Lie more!


    2 hours ago, quocdai92 said:

    Next time let capture screen with time kids. It's very old image and I don't see any violation here. :))

    Show any proof before speak here! 

    Old and new players with old account with full of characters ? Lie more..  

    Next time don't use multi account to speak strong words, anyone can to that!

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  4. 5 hours ago, kenttran1 said:

    because he is newbie and just play 1 day only and you guys all kill him that why it happen?so now repot him ??

    Look at the acc, 1 day... Stop lie!
    4.11. Crafting fake screenshots or misleading server administration in any way is forbidden.

    5 hours ago, mrsun1 said:

    why does your guild kill their new member?
    what a hypocritical guild


    I got abuse from them every day, when started...  :) 

  5. 32 minutes ago, kenttran1 said:

    Demons guy is the worst guy I’ve ever seen on this server, he spammed every day and now want to report other. So ridiculous  

    Lies and lies ? Why? What's the point of this? 💔

    No one ever reported ! 


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  6. 26 minutes ago, mokus said:

    Stop lying!
    Everyone who plays on the server can see tons of toxic communication every day for a long time.
    Every day the post is littered with toxic spam.
    Now false accusations against the Demons player have been added to this.
    Demons has never deceived anyone, there are a lot of players he helps every day.
    I am quite an active player and I know very well what is happening on the server every day.
    I am ready to answer for every word I have said.


    34 minutes ago, reevis said:

    For this player(ScoopyDoo)and gang(not sure those were his alts or players). For almost 2months of playing on this server, all we could see is bullying newbies, trash-talking daily repeatly(I could even memorized his speech), monopolized valuable maps and certain mobs/bosses, stopping newbies from completing quests. Abusive on certain character bugged skills on killing. 

    To be frank, this is just a game. we're all just trying to chill and enjoy. we have no harm from leaving this server and play other games. we stayed 'cause of some friends here to spend time together with. Maybe the admin could set some restrictions or penalty on it. -Example: Killing certain person over certain time u could only /pkclear by bons or something. certain event or map could be only entered after certain period. or something else you could think of. 

    As what we saw on forums/discord, majority sounds has been made. 

    To make the game great again, some punishments or warning should be made. Toxic players shall be punished. (there were a saying in chinese "A piece of rat shit could spoil a bowl of porridge")

    As a new player I'm just giving my opinion. I'm not sure about what are the rules on the server/game on this. (Do support me if I'm right/Ignore me if I'm wrong)

    Kthxbye, have a nice day ahead and don't let the toxics spoiled your day guys 🙂

    I completely agree! 

    @Arturs @Ivan Nebraska

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