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About borgir

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    Larva from Dungeon

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  1. borgir

    Moss bugged

    Today 2 of march moss got bugged on my lottery try.
  2. more or less same on Prime - disconnect before you get chance to select server - client closing down without any error. However i noticed that if you continously click LMB on loading screen you get Moss chance (about 10% success rate) to win login screen .
  3. borgir

    BUG or not a BUG

    @Arturs thanks for reply and informations. Hope to see s17 soon 😛
  4. borgir

    BUG or not a BUG

    @Arturs if I pass you account login and pass can you please check it ? I doubt it's a visual bug coz my char is 1 hit kill for almost everybody above 20th reset - if this is visual bug that means there's no sense to play this char anymore or even play on this server.
  5. borgir

    BUG or not a BUG

    @Arturs do you have any news regarding my question please ?
  6. you meant 150 Prime = 250 Dune right ? or else this is just a very lame joke.
  7. borgir

    BUG or not a BUG

    Antonia's Sword +9 with 2 errtels in - i seriously doubt Penta has anything to do with strict stats mate.
  8. borgir

    BUG or not a BUG

    dmitrych - i appreciate your quick answer but: take a look at your stats (that are no near mine) and then check if it's all ok. I bet other Soul Wizard screenshot would visualize the problem of mine. Cheers mate.
  9. Hi Arturs - can you advice on the screenshot attached? reset 101 lvl 400 finishing quests however i'm slightly worried of this PvP ATK rate shown in screen. Can you tell me if this is some error on any of the skill tree or it's kinda bug that caught me ? Happy New Year.
  10. borgir


    I would add from myslef that all that announcements about invasions that are rare should be deleted from game screen (golden announcements in the mid of screen) and also from website. For example Elbeland golden derkon invasion should have no announcement and it's time and place of respawn should be randomized so every player have chance to go and hunt it. The same for all quest bosses - sometimes it's impossible for normal player to hunt Core Magriffy coz there's set of players keeping an eye on it - so if Core magriffy spawns not every 24 hours but for example 23 hours and 37 minutes or 21 hours and 19 minutes - that would be better maths for "strong but dumb" to count it correctly every time. Hell even for good maths head that could be a challenge. Arturs : can you consider and eventually try to bring this kind of change to server life? Randomize spawn times + places and removing announcements of invasions for those which are essential for questers - that would equalize server pros and noobs a bit in terms of farming / quests. Cheers.
  11. Fair enough. I'll just point out that thanks to one egoist player i was hunting Golden Golem for a very long time - even i was first to find it - player just took advantage of his super - duper EQ, PK me while having less than 20% to finish and had to start waiting for that mob all over again. I know all players are equal, all of the players can hunt whatever monsters they want, but there are few players who deliberatly destroy that fun to others. Pop in the game and you will see. Cheers. Great work of Yours and all the team.
  12. Arturs - the quest system that runs on this server is a very good idea however: it is extremely hard to finish quests - especially those with a monster that appears every 24 hours - when rest of the players are killing those monsters as well. My point is not to put key times of appearing those bosses that are "a must be killed" to complete the quests. Players shouldn't have any clue on what invasion is going to be in a manner of time. If they AFK they lose opportunity to hunt gold dragons or bloody orc or any other monster (that is crucial) needed to finish quest. Can you consider removing announcements regarding those ? Also i know that some strong players are not even in the game until their alarm clock goes off coz of Asteroth, Bloody Orc or some other events. I think removing those pop up announcements (ingame) and those from website would be okay. Leaving just information on when next BC, CC or CS is going to be would be sound. OFC.: i might be wrong but look at this from perspective of many players who have got no chance to get to Great Gold Dragon or any other monster that is crucial to finish quests. Other idea is to remove prizes like TOCA or MUX Legend box from drop - this is not the best idea, but must be some way to leave possibility to continue with quests on the server where there is a lot of mean players - who will kill everything around not to let others get close to their levels.
  13. Oh ...if it's a existing character there is no problem. Just seen something like "unusall" that's all. If that char exist there's no problem at all. Just noticed some numbers winning toca and thought "that's unusuall". If everything is ok i'm fine with that. just thought some awarness is ok, but if not i don't give a shit to anything else weird going on here 🙂
  14. Hi - this happend just minutes ago - not sure if it's normal or a server malfunction or maybe some hacking ont oserver but i'll post screenshot to visualize it. I do not reckon any char named : 875675 ... anyone does know him ?
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