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Everything posted by model777

  1. Hi, i have a question. I have 2x 1h staff who gives me 98% wiz dmg. I dom't know this is stack, and give me 196^ wiz dmg, or i need to equip 2 different staffs to get bonus% from both of them? I hope u understand my question cause im not so good in english. I hope someone will explain me that. If this help, its MG/Dual Master based on energy. Thanks and i hope u will help me.
  2. model777

    New year avatars

    Medeax100, ModziuMG
  3. Modziula / Medea 1 - T 2 - T 3 - T 4 - H 5 - T 6 - T 7 - HExtra - T
  4. Guild 1337 - Eternity Nick - Slaymik This guy stay oa the spaw and kill all people who try to go exp on spots. There are more of that kind of people earlier. Can u do something with that?
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