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Posts posted by DoomDay

  1. 1. Login of your account: tieulac91, chucongtub, chucongtu (3 account)
    2. Describe the problem: Might have lost bonuses and zen after merge with Prime server (I might have not, just making sure I didn't because I didn't play for few weeks and don't really know if I had bonuses there or not).

  2. 2 hours ago, arturs said:

    1. zen will be always in value, because of toca, elemental system e.t.c. big prices of pk clear will be just a bigger problem to other players.
    about limit. well, i think, the limit time can be decreased, since there no problems with senseless pk. but about this need to think. 

    2. i added it just like test feature to the new map. it's just one of the steps, to prevent players to erase all maps without any reason. 

    3. no. this can be worked in the gens system, but i don't have any idea, how this system can be balanced. 

    that part of the game was killing monsters to erase your murders. /pkclear command is an additional plugin. 😉

    so, if you're bored, you just going and killing everyone? that's why we need this limit. 

    nothing to do? seems like you complete all quests, you have tier8 set+3-4 options, your weapons are from muxlegend box, and all items are already +15, and your guild are castle owners?

    lol pk is always a part of every sever MUX Legend, if you don't want to get pk, just spend your time, your money to get stronger and fight back, and i wonder why this sever when start have so much fun and now the player online just a half, how many pro rune wizard here? how many pro elf here? what about rage fighter player? just check ranking and we all know that.

    yeah, ofcourse i do, because no more active player with this sever ( 1player can play 5acc, 10acc with fake sever system), so if you see 600 player online, just like 1xx player on sever, and just afk for zen.

    no i just finish full quest in old quest, and i'm ok with my full set tier 7 2-3 op+15, why i need muxlengend weapon when i have be sh+15 fo, this weapon give me x10 dame? i dont think so :d, and yeah, my guild are castle owers so many time, and this is so nomarl, nothing big for talk here

  3. This is part of the game, just change it back from old version like no more cd of command pkclear are much more fun, and like i said, this game is so boring now, nothing to do lol.

  4. 1) Server: Media
    2) Nick: StingChanh
    3) Quest number: 250
    4) After sever maintenance, i finish quest 250 kill boss core form Nars map and comeback to give quest masters, but the quest notify i have no more quest, please check this, tks you


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  5. Hello i have problem when pvp in this sever, i can't click right mouse cursor to body enemy for pk, just move mouse cursor to the head of character ( like DL character ) and it's work,  so hard for it when you are not range character in pvp, just not see head of enemy for click and dead already, can you fix this? @Arturs (sorry for my bad english)

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