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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Sabishi / madea x100 Happy New Year!
  2. 1 point
    J0KER / Medea x 100 MC & HNY Guys !
  3. 1 point
    Making this server any harder that it is already is not an option (well it is if you want to close it down faster), they only way to keep it alive longer at this moment is to close the gap between people, some of them abused xp bug, some of them bought a lot of accounts and what about people that did none of that, they are left behind with zero chance to be competitive, most of those geared people are from one guild and it is not fun for them because no one can put up a decent fight nor is it fun for the other side. You are too hung up on the idea of a hard server, for the last two month i have had zero gear progression nor do i see myself gearing anymore in months to come because it is too hard or costs too much. Most of the players have jobs and can't be online 24/7 like some, so speaking for those that have daily jobs, bosses are so not worth the time. The only boss that was worth the time hunting it was Acheron debenter ones for errtel radiances. Add talismans of luck to bosses drop, seed, chaos assemblies, make gearing process easier because at this point you are just making it harder for the average person and keeping it boring for the person that donates and keeps the server alive. Hunting bosses with your guild is supposed to be fun, why would you make it so useless so people don't even bother going for them.
  4. 0 points
    hahaha, you begin your kid story again. Same sounds as GMs, you guys purchasing all top chars, bla bla thats why the server die. It's ridiculous, this does not hide your mistakes, yours faults in testing and creating the server. You are failed to recruit top players into your trash guild Storm because you are lacking of education I believe. That leads to your bad behaviors in any conversation between you, MU Helper :)), and players (everybody can check old conversations in discord). I still remember when I first played the game, couple stupid chars: Fitch, Respect in Eternity guild told me this: "Pt me or ill kill you", they killed me every single time when I tried to go hunt in Elbeland, box 4-5 even though the rewards are all trash. Now there is a guy called MU Helper saying that AVENGERS killing MUXlegend server and its players. Oh my goodness, what is in the world? I won't reply to any message from you by now because in an argument a stupid man would try to win by his experience. Haha, I am laughing because MUXlegend have a MU helper like this LMAO.
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