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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    For once i will agree with molten πŸ˜‰ I embrace the idea of removeing dmg and absorb component from the vip status purchase and replace it with something like 2~3% increase drop of jewels all kind something relying on pve. Example why is imbalanced now: if some changes are applyed and server acctualy recieve a 2nd shot of life and some new players came they wont have bonuses to purchase anything from market if they dont donate. Market is dead and only ppl who can afford donations(which are verry expensive for some countrys as value`s) can buy vip . And when u face in pvp a player ill giv for example Beasty(dont get mad naab) or CayTien as SM`s on the server that are useing Silverheart set. This set have doouble dmg rate and triple dmg rate and 9% ignore rate. Imagine how much those 10% dmg from the vip are multiplied buy those things without including anything else. so basicly vip gives more then 50% at some point which is totaly broken.
  2. 1 point
    1. I'm not sure if this applies, but I see that the VIP service offers an additional 10% in both damage and defense. Benefits of a VIP account should not include anything PVP related. All this does is further imbalance the system. IF this feature is to stand, it would be wise to only offer that advantage in PVE only. 2. Can we lower the stun rate for ice walkers? They can stun lock so hard.
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