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Everything posted by davud132

  1. And most important, remove stats cap,classes like bk need all 4 stats to reveal they true potential, bk has 2 builds now full ded= u r just tanky meat no dmg, 40% ref set,' Or pseudo dmg set u get dmg but lower than ur foes, and u dont have def and enough hp
  2. 1st- change golden mobs drop,' people hunt only tantalos and golem, rest is useless 2-pvp balance, especially bk , no dmg ,no stats ,just reflect dummy 3-remove ddi from silver heart , if a person want huuuge dmg, he cant have defense as well, +ruud sets are useless on blade knights, u dont have enough dmg to one shot any1, and with 48% dd BK will melt like sand, and u wont have reflect which is our savier atm 4-golden fenrir is good idea but not to obtain it from 8x fenrirs,' crywolf again will be full of alts, there should be another way of obtaining it 5- make a way to earn bons, server is fkin pooor, i have mg 4th wings for sale, and no one has 2.5k bons to buy them)) what's the point of making w4 if u can't sell it to any1 6-in my opinion on CS, if the gm leaves the throne room , the seconds of registering should be reset, because any guild can register 55 secs,' then warp, wait till end an reg at last minute,no time to get back thats idiotic) Regards Maddoni
  3. Happy ur buffed as hell and u play elf?? U need to play RF))
  4. Hey Hey, Nick name:Mattoni πŸ™‚
  5. Yexiu u sell fenrir for bons?
  6. davud132


    Buying fenrir any colour blue/black Looking for Dark angel or higher lance
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