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Everything posted by ksyninja

  1. Vampira | Dragon A1 - A2 - A3 - A4 - A5 - A6 - B6 - C6 - D6 - E6 - F6 Monsters B2- E5
  2. Vampira | Dragon A2 - B3 - C1 - D2 - E4
  3. Vampira / Dragon Cards: Q - K - K - Q - Q Suits: H - S - H - S - S
  4. Vampira | Dragon A1 - C3 C2 - B1 A3 - B2
  5. I appreciate your input, but it seems there might be a misunderstanding or oversight in our exchange. Your response doesn't align with my perspective, and the tone comes across as somewhat hostile. I believe addressing this with a more open and respectful dialogue would be beneficial. Additionally, good luck in your search for Zaikan. If needed, you might consider utilizing Gpost for location services, but keep in mind it typically involves payment rather than relying on others to perform tasks for free. Good luck :)
  6. Actually i totally disagree with you, as a dedicated player, I have found that Loch's Feather and Tier 2 wings have become more readily available, which, in turn, might diminish their significance and importance in the game economy. Additionally, encounters with Zaikan seem to be more frequent, leading to an abundance of feathers and a potential oversaturation in the market. Daily u can farm up to 16 feathers total and this is not counting the event where he daily appears, for me this is more than enough feathers in the game. I would actually ask admins the opposite and to actually reduce zaikans respawn write to 8 hours or even 12 hours and this is just a constructive feedback from a player who deeply appreciates the intricacies of the game. I believe that maintaining a delicate balance in item availability and pricing contributes significantly to the overall enjoyment and longevity of the gaming experience.
  7. Zaikan does appear in Tarkan2 and Lorencia. Based on my observations, it seems that he reliably spawns every 6 hours in these locations. However, I understand that locating him can be challenging once missed. Despite this, I find the quest to find him enjoyable, and I believe there is a sufficient supply of feathers available without the need to adjust his respawn rate.
  8. Vampira/Dragon A7 - A8 - A9 - C3 - C4 - D8 - E5 - E6 - G2 - G1 - H2 - H3
  9. Vampira | Dragon 1) C2 - D3 2) A4 - B1 3) A1 - C3
  10. The idea of increasing prices on the GPost appears to further restrict communication and accessibility, favouring those who are already at the top, such as yourself, Goku. This reinforces the observation that a specific group dominates communication using a language not widely understood by the majority of the server. This group's substantial influence permeates throughout the entire game, creating a disadvantage for others in various aspects and significantly shaping the overall gaming experience for all players. Experiencing challenges in engaging in commerce due to language or cultural barriers can indeed be disheartening. Your efforts to communicate and participate in trade shouldn't be met with exclusion, and it's understandable to question the fairness of such practices. I've encountered situations where I felt ignored by these players when attempting to engage in commerce, almost as if they exclusively prefer trading with individuals who share their language. While it's understood that players have the right to choose their trade partners, it might be worthwhile to consider measures to prevent the excessive use of a specific language on the GPost solely for the purpose of trading with a select group. This could help maintain a fair and balanced platform for all players. In fostering a more inclusive gaming environment, it's crucial to address these issues collaboratively. Encouraging open communication and perhaps suggesting the use of a more universally understood language on the GPost could help create a more equitable space for all players. It's essential to promote a community that embraces diversity and avoids exclusionary practices, ensuring that everyone feels respected and included in the gaming experience. Best regards
  11. Dear [Community/Administrative Team], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my appreciation for the vibrant and diverse community we have in Mu x500 Dragon, and I commend the efforts put forth to maintain a positive and inclusive environment. Lately, I have observed an increase in conversational posts in various languages on the Global platform. While I fully support fostering global connections and exchanges, I've noticed instances where these conversations can be perceived as spam and may detract from the primary purpose of the Global post – facilitating commerce and meaningful interactions. I have discussed this concern with members of my guild, and I'm pleased to report that they share a similar sentiment. We collectively find it somewhat challenging to engage in commerce or absorb important information when the Global feed is flooded with conversations in languages that not everyone understands. Understanding the value of diverse languages, I propose that we consider establishing guidelines or rules regarding Global posts. Perhaps we could limit general conversations or restrict posts in languages other than English to prevent unnecessary spam. I want to clarify that this suggestion stems from a desire to enhance communication, not restrict it. English, being the universal language, could serve as a common ground for all users. I acknowledge that English is not everyone's first language, including mine, but embracing it on a global platform fosters a sense of unity and ensures that information is accessible to a broader audience. I believe implementing such measures would contribute to a more streamlined and enjoyable experience for all users. I appreciate your time and consideration of this matter. I am confident that by working together, we can continue to build a thriving and inclusive community. Thank you for your attention to this request. Warm regards,
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