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Everything posted by peterski

  1. @Positive @Devil Thank you for your message. I understand that you are concerned about maintaining the rarity and value of TOCA in the game, and agree that making it too easy to obtain could lead to a less enjoyable game experience. It could be made available for purchase in the in-game store using WCoins like is possible with Jewels. This would allow players to obtain TOCA without making it too common, as they would still need to spend real money or earn Bonus points through trade. It may be necessary to adjust its price to ensure that it doesn't become too powerful or disrupt the game's balance. I think this is a good idea, and it's just a matter of execution. Before implementing this change, it may be a good idea to gather feedback from other players on the server to see what they think about the proposal. I am confident that many players would support this idea, as it would provide a way for them to obtain TOCA without making it too easy to obtain through gameplay. Therefore, I suggest conducting a survey or opening a discussion forum to gather opinions from other players on the server. This could be done through an in-game announcement, forum post, or social media group. By collecting feedback from the community, the developers can ensure that the change aligns with the needs and preferences of the player base. This will help to create a more engaging and enjoyable game experience for everyone involved.
  2. I am interested in purchasing a Wings of Dimension for my Summoner. If you have a wings that you are willing to sell, please reach out to me with your asking price on my mail in game. I am under nick Pet3rski in the game. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from any interested sellers. 👊
  3. Thank you for the information, Devil. However, my post was not specifically about how to obtain the Talisman of Chaos Assembly, but rather about the benefits of unlocking access to it. The Talisman of Chaos Assembly is a powerful tool for upgrading items, and by making it more accessible to players, the game experience can be improved. With easier access to the Talisman, players will be more likely to upgrade their items, which can have a positive impact on the in-game economy. That being said, your information about the Chaos Lottery and the monsters that drop Chaos Souls is appreciated and may be helpful for players seeking to obtain the Talisman.
  4. Are you tired of constantly failing to upgrade your items in MU Online?🧐 Do you find yourself avoiding the upgrade process altogether due to the fear of losing valuable resources? Look no further than the Talisman of Chaos Assembly! By granting players access to the Talisman of Chaos Assembly, they will no longer have to fear upgrading their items. This will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the in-game market, as more players will be willing to upgrade their items, leading to increased demand for resources and potentially driving up prices. Furthermore, the success rate for using Jewel of Life to upgrade items beyond +16 is notoriously low and considered almost impossible. With access to the Talisman of Chaos Assembly, players will have a better chance of successfully upgrading their items, making it a worthwhile investment. In conclusion, unlocking access to the Talisman of Chaos Assembly will improve the game experience for all MU Online players, providing a more enjoyable and rewarding experience for those seeking to upgrade their items.
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