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Everything posted by Positive

  1. Can we expect zen coins before merge ? And whenever you add it to game , please make extra website service to buy coins from website zen storage also. If I have for example 100kkk zen on web I want to use it mostly in game (moss lotto for example) and relog each 2 min + waiting delay on web transfer is annoying a bit
  2. Just look info about new harmony system here on forum ….
  3. You are a bit outdated. X500 characters are a bit weaker then x100 and x5k have most geared players)) but anyways the best strategy would be merging all servers in one now for now. Long story short. Dragon players wants to join Prime. And that was known before Dragon launching that it will go to Prime in the end. But I really don’t understand why some people from Sega voted “no” for merging with Prime too… Like there is literally 15-20 people playing, mostly maxed, why do they want to stay in completely dead server with dead market ? What’s the point ? If all three servers now merge into one and launch this month new low rate it would be best solution. Even for newcomers seeing at the website Prime with online 500-600 would be better then now ~200 which btw need to divide by 3 to see real online. Anyone who voted from Sega “no” are hopeless noobs ! #mergeallservers
  4. It is actually on all server now. Bat flock have enormous damage now.
  5. These options long time ago gone and. Or working. In season 16 came new system
  6. 1. Known issue. You will always see 0 but actually will get 2 per each item. 2. it’s not a bug. 100% upgrade is only until +6, all next upgrades can fail.
  7. Crafting by old way gives old rates , yes
  8. Hello everyone! This guide will be about wings creation after new season 19 update. Condor flame can obtain in Chaos castle, Varka and Ashy lottery. Garuda flame can find in drop from God of Darkness and Maze boxes. Now whole process splits into two parts - Wing Relic creation & Wing creation from Relic item. Look at videos down below 3rd Wings crafting: 4th Wings crafting: You can still craft by old recipes if you have left Garuda and Condor feathers. Simply pick same option from chaos goblin to craft desired wings and put feather first. Hope you enjoyed the videos. Good luck with crafting!
  9. Positive

    Is Sega dying?

    make sure there is 3 options. yes/no/no merge
  10. W4 gives you option to change ML & MJ trees. That makes big difference, believe me
  11. For each new server to be launched I’m suggesting some changes about lottery system: 1. Run Moss at least one week after server launch instead of 24h. 2. Completely remove jewels stacks from lottery to prevent donators advantage over non-donating players on early game stage. 3. Increase price of lottery coins. About first I think the best option is to keep moss closed until first CS but I know that this is impossible for Admin so 1 week could be kinda golden middle. Second point is about jewel stacks. Removing them will be good for everyone. Getting enormous amounts of jewels in first days totally makes lottery spinners to be way ahead regular people. And last thing about increasing coins price will decrease FO items in server, rise up their value.
  12. will be possible to get new configs for that in the future? its so stupid i mean from one side its easier to make +9+16add insted of +11+16add but second one usually gave more stones (5-6)
  13. how webzen can change that if mechanichs of making "aftermarket" server files like IGCN and others is by taking Webzen original game client and adjusting server side where you can do literally everyrthing?
  14. Visual bug. Item need to be +9+16add at least, you will see in goblin window zero but it will craft some of them sure.
  15. This is Wing craft from Relic item. Making W4 similar, but for relic you will need W3+13 now. Relic craft itself I forgot to record , sorry
  16. btw YES! previously i had dmg from penta about 30-50k and now its:
  17. but i dont understand .... in offlevel system should not allow use this list for pick up items. always was like on offlevel helper allows to pick up zen and jewels only
  18. please check offlevel settings. my chars obtain this trash items only on offlevel and i dont have nothing even close written in my helper settings
  19. keep adding stats as usual, its visual bug. client dont show lvl up points more then 65535
  20. Gonna grab popcorn before launching
  21. yes, i hope DL will get some power boost
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