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Posts posted by ma4o0

  1. How its work before then?All prime happy .all prime good)

    If punish PvP is great for slayer then need delete 2 slot for weapon and put shield )).Or delete sd ratio option from slayer.1.

    We can test if you can move from Bk dmg +when paralyzed i ll kill yourself in toilet at work and write letter (killed by Devil) 2

    Yeah Vip need back again to 10 %.5 % its so low.10-15 %.or make 20 % for 1 k bon.or 50 % for 4-5 k bon its great))

    Paralyze before with 20+sec works great.or need make paralyze +20 only for CS.because imposibble kill dl and bk.you know my DL  can protect switch well with buff.




  2. 1 час назад, Arturs сказал:

    Leave Prime with old settings was non-sense. I understand that risks, that whole 100% won't be happy about all of these changes, but it's okay. 

    Today/tomorrow will be realized a few changes in the PvP. If you like this server, it better share full details about PvP issues (nicknames, what is wrong, when we need to check) than write emotional texts. 

    Nickname -DANGER-.Soul wizard.My opinion or my offer for only make Sm better than now.If we must play with new settings.My offer activate punish PvP.add more Hp for sm.or  delete CD from SD/change paralyze sec from 6 to 15-20 sec.make VIP again +10 % min.Sm cant fight BK now.despite of big DMG if attack to Bk with socket set big ref enought to take all hp from SM.this is unreal run/or use teleport etc when fight with bk.bk nickname-KILLER-.i test more with full gear sets.Ok  Play with BK for me easy now.but i need SM only.

    Please an Just answer yourself.other workers dont have to answer.

  3. 51 минуту назад, Arturs сказал:

    Selling in x-shop 4th wings +15+all, like almost all servers?
    Guardian pet+15+all & demon with 40% damage from the start in x-shop? 
    VIP buff with 40% damage and exp?


    Its great idea nedd put to x shop more.exe sets +15 + all too.for example

  4. 2 часа назад, rumble22 сказал:

    Добрый день , Админ . Просьба рассмотреть персонажа Gun Crusher так , как он на этом сервере очень слаб по отношению к остальным персонажам , в прошлый раз когда я создавал подобную тему вы сказали докачать персонажа и одеть , вот сейчас у меня уже фулл Энерджи и максимальный атак спид (при 7000 агилити) , сет 6 тиер+13 3 вещи и+15 2 вещи , все +ДД+4%сд ратио , 3 винги+9+лак+игнор+ретурн дамаг , MUx веапон+13+фулл, сильвер веапон+11+фулл ,имею баф от 100 достижений , вип , 217 квестов , но я проигрываю всем  персонажам с таким же количеством статов, но в вещах гораздо хуже моих , и при таком дмг не могу многих слить даже со спота , так же одевал Фенрира и ситуация не менялась вообще 😃 никнейм персонажа Nemoi , зайдите и убедитесь сами , что персонаж не годен для игры на этом сервере , у него даже сет 6 тиер даёт дефенса меньше чем 5 тиер на него 😃 моё личное мнение , что ему не хватает немного максимального атак спида , абсорта  и дмг  , для того , чтоб хоть как-то можно было пытаться конкурировать с другими персонажами , максимальный атак спид достигнут уже на 7000 агилити , так , как у него его всего-то 275 , а скилл при такой скорости акати бьёт медленней чем у СМа при такой же скорости атаки или у ДЛа того же ,  огромная просьба зайти и сделать тест , для того , чтоб убедиться лично . Спасибо за понимание .

    гун не для слабонервных.годен только слить когото афк.у меня тоже гун с брил сетом.сделали бы дапк плазму мошным былобы другое дело

  5. 1 час назад, Positive сказал:

    6 sec para is more then enough. Idk why you make such a huge problem here. 

    Make top sm and we talk in game.you will see enought or not.

    And not only 1 vs 1.test 1 vs 2-3 too.3 vs 3 too.what happens then?if you want kill ,one of them got paralyzed.ylu cant kill others attack you.i mean cs time i mean when we fight for aisha queen.5 vs 5.enemy party dont wait you to kill 1 member then 2 member then 3 th member.)they attack to you too.you cant fight with 2-3 enemys sametime.before 30 sec enought.before im paralyze enemy member.when he run im start attack to other member.

    I need classic SM..dont need make from sm shit.if need any new better make new class with low speed low dmg .etc




  6. 1 час назад, Arturs сказал:

    SD cooldown it's obvious. If you have more SD potions - you win. Starting from Sega SD cooldown was added and it's obviously increasing PvP level.
    The same with SD restore in the skill tree. Just remove another "lottery". Character strength must be from his buffs, items, and knowledge. Not from random master skill tree luck or SD potions count. 

    About Pentagram options - yes, that one i've forgotten to add to list. Reason: too high values. Like if the opponent receives their 30 seconds paralyze - it's over. Just run away and wait for half minute somewhere else. These changes also were added since Sega server, and after these months, players used in and don't have a problem.

    Nerf speed - just another step of the balance changes. 

    1. About skill tree, please try to reset it via game with gray oblivion. With the new settings, i hope, this problem will be much rarelly. 

    2. I don't understand this one.

    3. HP restore works


    " No reason to play". That is wrong. I don't wanna that whole server plays only with "good classes", like before on Prime. All classes should be good enough, this is the goal of balance. 

    More detailed information you will share about balance issues, more accurately we can test it. Currently, no one shares even his character link, and any link of his opponent. 

    Try test classes not 1 vs1 .1 vs 3-4 too.

    And 6 sec paralyze not enought to kill.

    You tested only 1 vs 1.try test with buffers try  test with party 5 vs 5.and you can see how is bad balance.im not say about paper guncrusher.mg.rf.if update for good balance.why mg still paper.how kill someone 1 vs 1?its for example.im interested for SM only.you guys need test with real players like me .not 1-2 newmembers

    For last i want to say.sm without buffs.sd pots.vip status.paralyz.speed.dmg so weak.before weak too.but im use other clas buffs for fight.but now.other buffs not help if i dont have speed.dmg.vip.sd and low paralyz.


  7. 1 минуту назад, ma4o0 сказал:

    I tested SM.sm really shit now.

    I have top SM prime.Before  last 3-4 updates play with sm its not easy.i dont wear Exe set because dmg is low.im wear brill for good dmg.but with brill defense is very low.i put tons of time(not only me.top sm chars too)   and bons for making max elf , max bk  and max dl for  best buffs+sd elite pots+vip for play with sm.who play with sm all understand me great.without buffs sm weak before.think about how sm is weak now.without buffs sm is shit.how you test 1 vs 1?idk

    Now after last updates changed price of donate,changed price of sd elite pots.agree with that ok infilation)

    Then changed not use meteor when teleport with sm agree with that too

    But wtf put sd cooldown.bk.dl gl not use sd pots only sm and slayer.how can i kill bk??

    Wtf changed paralyze time ?

    Wtf nerf speed?

    Wtf nerf dmg?

    Wtf nerf delete sdrestore from tree?

    About skill tree and afk  i have some to say

    1.Skill tree fix working but i must everyday use this skillfix tree.because i lost 20-30 points everyday.this shit not working well.

    2.make elf buffs for afk too.its not working afk time why?reason?who made this balance ?

    3.sd restore ,hp restore,not working afk time why?who made that?

    Sm not stronger char without party for buffs.but now sm weak with buffs.not Reason to play sm.i have bk .def is big tank like dl but why me if i cant kill someone.

    Think about it Arturs.



    + Vip down from 10%to 5.why me buy vip?

    I put monthly 50-100$ to here.but now 0$.


  8. I tested SM.sm really shit now.

    I have top SM prime.Before  last 3-4 updates play with sm its not easy.i dont wear Exe set because dmg is low.im wear brill for good dmg.but with brill defense is very low.i put tons of time(not only me.top sm chars too)   and bons for making max elf , max bk  and max dl for  best buffs+sd elite pots+vip for play with sm.who play with sm all understand me great.without buffs sm weak before.think about how sm is weak now.without buffs sm is shit.how you test 1 vs 1?idk

    Now after last updates changed price of donate,changed price of sd elite pots.agree with that ok infilation)

    Then changed not use meteor when teleport with sm agree with that too

    But wtf put sd cooldown.bk.dl gl not use sd pots only sm and slayer.how can i kill bk??

    Wtf changed paralyze time ?

    Wtf nerf speed?

    Wtf nerf dmg?

    Wtf nerf delete sdrestore from tree?

    About skill tree and afk  i have some to say

    1.Skill tree fix working but i must everyday use this skillfix tree.because i lost 20-30 points everyday.this shit not working well.

    2.make elf buffs for afk too.its not working afk time why?reason?who made this balance ?

    3.sd restore ,hp restore,not working afk time why?who made that?

    Sm not stronger char without party for buffs.but now sm weak with buffs.not Reason to play sm.i have bk .def is big tank like dl but why me if i cant kill someone.

    Think about it Arturs.



  9. 1 час назад, ative777 сказал:

    2. communication process on forum.
    2.2. players humiliation without using curse words.
    penalty: read only for a period of one to 3 days.
    2.3. players humiliation using curse words.
    penalty: read only for a period of 3 days to one week.
    2.5. insulting attitude to a player's family and close ones.
    penalty: read only for a period of 2 weeks to a permanent forum account block.

    @Devil @Shade Your hands are dirty just trying blame me and Demons for everything, that"s it. 

    Ask friend @saladin, why he told us to kill you. After all mess, when you sold DeViL. He even offered me to buy -Much- for real money, so you can't buy it! Need screenshot? 🤭


  10. 8 часов назад, ative777 сказал:

    The screenshots prove what the Demons said, don't you two have better things to do in friday evning?
    All I see here is the abuse, harassment and humiliation from a member of the Senate and his friend to me right now. How could you bring baby into topic? How sick can you possibly be. Freely break rules even here and get away with it? I could puke in your face 🤮


  11. 2 часа назад, kenttran1 сказал:

    Im happy if me seen Demons got banned pernament, that Kid always crying and toxic very bad player and very big mounth


    7 часов назад, Demons сказал:

    Yeah, like you did not provoke me ? All toxic texts PM and discord. Write in post to my members leave my guild, killing everyone in Royals etc. I did same and that was my mistake, as i see you prepared good, made a lof of screnshots, some of them are old, no date and time also. Congrulations of destroying two guilds. Mission successful.
    But whatever, maybe life will teach you in hard way, at the end its only a game.

    Mission successful ?agent 007?james bond?

  12. 1) Server - Prime
    2) Your nick - Ma4o0
    3) What exactly are you buying/selling - i buy char with all items on it (pentagram 5 slot with paralyzing radiance will be trade in game,wings of Eternal+15,SH DW Silverheart set,exe staff of kanade+15,Exe Spectral barrier+15,exe ring of magic an potion with options,horn of fenrir+illusion,earrings+13+options)https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=marketchars&id=5006&serv=server1&sort=&class=all&p=1
    4) What exactly are you getting from the other party (if you're the second party, then what you get from the first party) - 1800 web bon clear
    5) Nick of the second party (if you're the second party - your nick) - 2Avocado
    6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree) - i send 1800 web bon first , then  i take pass for char 2Avocado 
    7) Confirmation that you have fully read the rules of contractual transactions and are aware of all risks. The second person may not fulfill his part of the deal and you will lose what you transferred to him. - confirm

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