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Everything posted by Deleted

  1. 1. Borg 2. Sega 3. 4.2 + 4.18 4. VnFear - guild Eternals https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=VnFear&serv=server2 https://files.fm/u/g7jp9fabm This player permanently provoke me verbal (4.2 ) and in playing style, he purposely and regularly provoke me to violate rules of the server, and then create reports about me in prison, in order to ban me = (4.18). As we already know, this player spread lies about me. And trashtalker with his whole guild. Let see facts. He said that I stole from him, but the facts that I gave you proved that he was lying. That I did not steal anything from him. He manipulatively did not show part of the msgs from my talk with him in discord in the screenshots, I showed. And he did all this with one goal to ban me. (4.18 You purposely and regularly provoke other players to violate rules of the server, and then create reports about them in prison, in order to ban them. ) He tald that "funded his character very heavily" but the facts that I gave proved that he was lying, with one goal to ban me. He and his polish friends from guild posted 4 times reports, with one goal to ban me. ( 4.18 You purposely and regularly provoke other players to violate rules of the server, and then create reports about them in prison, in order to ban them.) Provoke ?! let see screen. I just stay afk in noria, after i comeback to pc what i see ..... 4.2 ( 4.18 You purposely and regularly provoke other players ... ) The pursuit. They are pursui me. And not vice versa. Let each other know where Ive been seen. This is very difficult to prove, because I cant get into their guild chat or personal chat. But managed to fix this fact, look at the screen. I play alone, so how i can pursue whole guild?! They pursue me. I come canyon - they come 2 and kill me many times (screeen 2) this is a reference that I'm chasing someone there. He aleady reported many times other ppl. That all looks like he come here not to play game but report and ban ppl who kill him and make them leave server. So and because of such his actions people leave server - no more very strong guild Westars, just a few players from guild remain on server. 4.18 Its the same story as with theft. If you look at the facts, but do not believe his words, and the screens that are convenient for him, bc he not show u all, then the situation turns out to be different. The truth that he did all this just because I killed him on afk and few times in battle. He donate 1000+ so his inflamed Ego fell ill, wtf .... So he decided to ban me at any cost , its his styly to ban players who killed him. He remembered the swords and began to lie, adding to this everything he knows and can with one goal to ban me. Once again... it's disgusting to poke around in this shit, but I have to show the facts after lie about me and get banned.
  2. 1. Borg 2. Sega 3. 4.2 4. Gracek - Guild Eternals https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Gracek&serv=server2 https://files.fm/f/9z8y33u8g
  3. 1. Borg 2. Sega 3. 4.2 4. Alethi , guild Eternals - https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Alethi&serv=server2 Polish lang: Chuj ci na ryj - take a dick .... smieciu - trash\garbage chuj ci w dupe - dick in your ass
  4. именно о 4.18 И все таки давайте внесем ясность в определения, пропишем это в правилах а потом будем действовать из того что заявленно, а не то кто что думает. Потому что всегда будут разное понимание ситуации внутри игры особенно когда играют нытики. 1) Кем, Чем определяется кто враг а кто нет, и как следствие его можно убивать, преследовать и тд..... а соответсвенно не врагов нельзя Конкретный пример, у меня враг Demolus - значит мне можно его убивать преследовать и делать скрины-жаловатся на него? 2) Если убивать Всех нельзя ... это как минимум странно на пвп сервере но идем дальше, Это можно\нужно сформулировать и прописать в правиле. Есть пвп и нон пвп карты. Если кому-то не нравится что его убивают на пвп картах , он может туда не ходить, кто-то может создать больше нон-пвп. Иначе всегда можно сказать что - "МЕНЯ преследуют и убивают. " Если я хочу стоять в эш аиде, это пвп карта, я выхожу в коридор а меня убивают - это преследование? со мной такое было 10тки, 100тни раз. И не только со мной, и на разных картах такое происходит, со всеми. Только некоторые форумные черви и писатели жалоб по любому поводу, а многие на форум или редко или вообще не ходят, а темболее жалобы люди не пишут. Они просто обматерят, если доведут, и на этом вопрос закрыт для них. "мешает жить серверу" - ддосит? или просто играет, и создает активность, пвп, и как следствие стимуляцию - задонатить и побеждать, и как следствие прибыль известно кого. Ну а для обьективности обо мне, можно спросить ВСЕХ игроков сервера, действительно ли я всех Преследую, "мешаю серверу жить", или вдруг окажется что есть огромный % тех кто так не считает, или даже не сталкивался со мной. А есть только группа связаных лиц.... Тут опять, как с воровством, кто-то лжет, в своих интересах, не предоставляя фактов, а кто-то верит.
  5. 1. Borg 2. Sega 3. 4.6 4. Xpower - https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Xpower&serv=server2
  6. This topic not for discussions who was most killed and other shit. This topic with facts of rules violation by player and awaiting for administration. If u want to discuss something - start other topic. And what wrong with screenshots? I cut out only the chat, and only from a few I have, in order not to take up much space. but I have full screenshots of the entire screen, if necessary I can show them, but what does it change ?! What is the point?! nothing change.
  7. i can confirm, much also killed me many many times. but i cant report him for this or said or show trashtalk to me from him, as eternals do and spread lies about me. Only 1 thing not clear - killing someone in pvp game=to be toxic?! but spread lies and trashtalk to other players like do half of players on server = ok! nice!
  8. Even top20 bots from loren for guild quest less killed. again eternals manipulation... guild of liars
  9. 1. Borg 2. Sega 3. 4.2 + 4.6 4. MegaVolt - https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=MegaVolt&serv=server2 He use romanian lang first screen: sa iti dau la muie = I give you in mouth esti un labagiu infect = you are infected ...labagiu... (labagiu - I even dont know same word in english. its a noun, definition, jargon, slang) ma pis pe singele mati = I peed on your mother blood ....... second screen : sa imi s usugi pula (sa imi sugi pula) = suck my dick
  10. 1. Borg 2. Sega 3. 4.2 4. Gracek - https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Gracek&serv=server2
  11. 1. Borg 2. Sega 3. 4.6 4. Xpower - https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Xpower&serv=server2
  12. 1. Borg 2. Sega 3. 4.2 + 4.18 4. VnFear https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=VnFear&serv=server2 This player permanently provoke me verbal (4.2 ) and in playing style, he purposely and regularly provoke me to violate rules of the server, and then create reports about me in prison, in order to ban me = (4.18). He also told to his guild players and his guild alliance players to provoke me, they kill me everywhere and hard trashtalk to me many times trying to provoke me to violate rules for ban me. ill report/show some hard provocations, trash talkers. I assumed that it could come to such a situation that I would be forced to show what they write to me, so I took screenshots but did not publish it. As I said, I do not want, did not want to complain to anyone. But recent events and actions of certain people are forcing me to deal with this abomination. lets see how your rules work for everyone
  13. Навеяно тем что происходит, и обьяснениями за что мне бан. Проясните ваши правила игры на сервере. А именно: 1) Разрешается ли убивать? (отдельно пункты так как допускаю что могут быть разные исключения.) кого угодно где угодно сколько угодно раз. невсех , не везде, не много раз. Дайти подробную инструкцию ваших условия если этот пункт действует. 2) Вытекает из первого. Является ли убийство другого персонажа провакацией? а) да. после этого допускаются оскорбления того кто убил. б) нет. и оскорбления не допускаются. да. это провокация. Вопрос : - Провакация к чему?
  14. like If I gift a car to a friend, and after we no more friends, I will say that he stole it from me.))) it seems that you are really so stupid that you do not understand what you are writing. Lie all the time. Every day u spreads lies about me in game and poisoning people's game with lies, and wasting administration's time with constant false complaints. In the real world for libel, slander are punished, according to the Civil code.
  15. oh yes... I didn't notice at the beginning of a couple of screenshots from him.... Once I described to him the situation that I had on the previous server and even showed him screenshots so that he could draw his own conclusion, because I trusted him and considered him a normal person. it was my mistake to trust low known person and show him screen without asking cwc allow. But he does not even understand that there is such personal information that cannot be shown or told. And he takes and lays out the screenshots. In addition, in the game, I encountered the fact that he tells other players my personal, private information. What he once found out about me thanks to my trust in him. But he does not just tell, but distorts in such a way as to humiliate me. And all this he does just because I kill him and his guild in the game. The man is completely mad lair, full with anger. One more.( ppl sorry for this whole story, but this liar can't stop) Why did I leave the guild?! Because the guild is dead. afk all players . No events, no bosses, was nothing. Moreover, I asked the players to be active?! - I asked! I warned in advance, a month, and then a week before that I will leave the guild if there is no players activity.... and nothing has changed - a dead guild, and therefore I left. -I warned! So about Who was the most active, most fighter, strongest, and everywhere, from the guild? - I. I ran alone wherever I could run alone and fight. As a result: - who shared more than others valuable items in the guild bank?! - I. I remember only 2 players who from time to time helped me with some kind of resources - Emcore and massacre. and some1 give me 1etoca, and it is not surprising that these 2people are still worthy. Demolus - stop lying, calm down, take a break from the game and forum. get some air and real life. Stop being a sneaky liar. just because you got killed in a game you are ready for anything just to get a person banned. It's scary to imagine what kind of person you are in life.
  16. An idiot. I ask him to find me , to write me, because i want to return him items, bc i dont use it and maybe he give it to his guildplayers - he call me thief. Lair demolus why u not show all talk?! let ppl see what u said me.... And now just bc i kill u and your guilmembers you started to lie, call me thief, setting people against me, spreading lies, trying to ban me?! what kind of creature are you?! a u man or ....
  17. Hello players. Let me show u real 4.2 and 4.6 looks like some players use their native lang to insult others.
  18. имел такое. загляни еще в папку игры, не проявляются ли там краш файлы.
  19. 1. My nickname: Borg2. Game server: Sega x1003. Which rule clause was violated: Humiliation of players and the use of obscene language.4. Nickname of offender: NrOne https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=NrOne&serv=server2
  20. 1. My nickname: Borg2. Game server: Sega x1003. Which rule clause was violated: Humiliation of players and the use of obscene language.4. Nickname of offender: Blacked https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Blacked&serv=server2
  21. Deleted

    Sega / Blax / 4.2

    1. My nickname: Borg2. Game server: Sega x1003. Which rule clause was violated: Humiliation of players and the use of obscene language.4. Nickname of offender: Blax https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Blax&serv=server2
  22. 1. My nickname: Borg2. Game server: Sega x1003. Which rule clause was violated: Humiliation of players and the use of obscene language.4. Nickname of offender: Onizuka https://muxlegend.com/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Onizuka&serv=server2
  23. я вижу у вас тут стали, наконец-то, банить за оскорбления, унижения... Значит ли это что теперь я могу открыть папку с сотнями своих скриншотов где меня лично не то что обзывали\оскорбляли все из гильдии HeroesVN(без исключения), но и рассказывали что делают с моей мамой, которая умерла на моих руках и я похоронил год назад. Будь я щас в нормальной стране, я бы вас засудил, за позволение такого, на приличные деньги. Но это всего лиш вопрос времени, а как показывает сегодняшний день некоторые вопросы не имею срока давности. Покажу один
  24. This topic's language only English. Use google translate
  25. at 7:00 srvr time ? do u really have most players online at this time?
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