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About slivata

  • Rank
    Lich from Lorencia

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  1. Fantasy / Sega 2 - 8 10 - 15 21 - 22
  2. Fantasy / Sega 1st round: 9, 5, 0, 4, 12nd round: 1, 53rd round: 2
  3. I have found the main problem is my connection I keep getting disconnected sometimes and It cancels my personal store, thanks for quick respond tho πŸ™‚
  4. Fantasy / Sega A1 - B1 - C2 - C2 - D2 - D3 - D4 - D5 - E5 - F5 - F6 Monsters: C1 E6
  5. Is my Personal Store supposed to close after someone buy something, It's weird I haven't seen that before?
  6. Fantasy / Sega1 - T2 - T3 - D4 - D5 - T6 - T7 - DExtra - T
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